King's Business - 1930-07

July 1930

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


hundred years, but He takes only two months to make a squash.”— Christian Register.

we find Paul asking and answering eigh­ teen questions qn the subject o f apostolic liberty. He showed that he was under no obligation to any man. He had a right to expect remuneration for his services but he forfeited that right and became REVIVAL GEMSNo. 3— 10c A superior new song book for meetings, bunday Schools, and general use. Best of the old and new hymns. Priced low. $10 per 100, not prepaid; single copy, 15c^postpaid. Send us 25c and we will mail you two books. Revival Gems Nos. 2 and 3. (Round or sh ap e n o te s .) SAMUEL W . BEAZLEY & SON 3807 Armitage Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. RICHARD R. SMITH, Inc. NEWYORK SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in Africa, China, India, by Native Evangelists and Bible Women who are being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. Write Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Green Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for free literature. 8 Valuable Boobs on Bible Study By the late Prof. E. S. Young, Cloth bound—Originally $12.00 M n w Entire Set of 8 Volumes - (Single Volumes, $1.00 each, postpaid) » B POST PAID I N taking over the Young Bible Corres­ pondence Courses, the Correspondence School of the Bible Institute of Los That Flame of Living Fire By Clarence True Wilson A study in the work of the Holy Spirit. $1.50 At your Bookstore

The educated man has greater ability to grasp new truth and facts. The un­ educated man is more likely to be un­ balanced by new schemes and isms. The educated man has a broader mind and is more open to the opinion o f others. What special •advantage does the col­ lege-trained man gain over the self-made man, so-called? The educated man has the advantage o f being able to think more systematically. He has at his control a mass of facts, and he is trained to see the fallacy in false schemes.— D. L. Moody. A table prepared by the Massachusetts State Board o f “Education shows the weekly earnings o f children who left school at fourteen, in contrast with the earnings o f those who attended high school. It was found that those who left school at fourteen began to work at a sal­ ary of $4 a week. At the age o f twenty- five they were receiving $12.75 a week. On the other hand, those who attended high school began at $10 a week, and at twenty-five they were receiving $32 a week. The total earnings o f an elementary school boy in eight years were $5,722.50, while those o f a high school boy during the same period were $7,377.50.— Educa­ tional Review. About two per cent o f American boys go to college. From this number come twenty-seven per cent of the nation’s lead-' ers in all walks o f life. Education forms the man.— Gay. The alphabet is conquering the world.— G. W. Curtis. Love is the greatest o f educators.— Mrs. Osgood. Hew the block off, and get out the man. — Pope. Teach the children! It is painting in fresco.— Emerson. Education is the cheap defense o f na­ tions.— Burke. Education is the apprenticeship o f life. — Emerson. — o— August 31, 1930 Why are Industrial Missions Worth While? 1 Cor. 9:19-23 S uggestive O rder of S ervice Opening songs. Prayer. Scripture reading: Memorized verses. Song. Announcements and offering. Special number. Leader’s remarks. Sentence prayers (especially for city missions). Closing song. Benediction. * * * T houghts on the T opic In the twenty-seven verses o f 1 Cor. 9, from which our Scripture lesson is taken,

Angeles secured a limited number of the League’s helpful studies in the original cloth bound edition. The entire collection is available in single volumes or sets (as long as it lasts) at less than half the original pub­ lication price -7 -sewing $7.00 on every 8 vol­ ume set.

The Original Text Books o f Bible Students’ League Endorsed by Leading Bible Teachers Including the following eight important works: BIBLE OUTLINE

NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY This study contains fou r parts as fo llow s: I. Preparation fo r Christ’s Com ­ in g (containin g helpful study on the 400 silent years.) II. The Books o f the New Testament. III. The M inistry o f Christ. IV. The Church o f the New Testament. This book does fo r the New T es­ tament what the previous book does fo r the Old.

An Introductory study to the Bible, givin g one a good general kn ow ledge o f the hooks o f the B i­ ble, Periods o f Old and New T esta­ ment H istory, Institutions o f the Bible, etc. BIBLE GEOGRAPHY Just the book fo r the busy person. Contains Old and New Testament geography, show in g th e-jou rn eys of the Patriarchs, the Israelites, Jesus and the Apostles. Several splendid outline maps in the book. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY G ives the h is to r y . o f the Early P eople; the Saved P eople; the Chosen F am ily; the Chosen Nation; the Chosen K ingdom and the Scat­ tered Nation. Contains outlines, maps and illustrations, m aking the material m ost plain. An Exceptional FREE;

CHURCH EPISTLES IN 4 VOLUMES Romans, 2 volum es; Ephesians, 1 volum e; Thessalonians, 1 volume. In these books w e find the in ­ struction necessary fo r the harm on­ ious Christian life, in the home, in public affairs and in the church. Definite literature fo r this age o f grace. Offer—Early orders urged as supply is LIMITED . Prospectus of all the Correspondence Courses o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles gladly mailed on request. Correspondence School OFB los ^ ngeles

536 South Hope Street,


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