T h e
K i n g ’ s
B u s i n e s s
July 1930
Had He not turned us in His hand, and thrust Our high things low, and shook our hills as dust, We had not been this splendor, nor our wrong An everlasting music. — Euripides. — o— July 30 —" Then said his strife unto him, Dost thou still hold fast thine integrity? renounce God, and die” (Job 2:9). Among the severest tests of faith which are made to deeply spiritual men while under trial, are the thrusts o f those who are nearest to us. Mere natural love can never peer into divine designs, nor see the outcome o f a heated furnace. Had Job’s wife possessed his spiritual insight, this rash statement would have never been made.— M. L. Haney. July 31—■" Christ . . '. who is over all” (Rom. 9:5). “All things are yours . . . and ye are Christ’s ; and Christ is God’s” (1 Cor. 3:21, 23). When I think that into the hands of this God-man Mediator has been commit ted universal rule and sovereignty, that He directs all that befalls me, that it is He who sends prosperity, who gives the gourd and the sunshine, that it is He who appoints the blight and the shadow, that every trial is ordered by Him, and every tear permitted by Him—-J may feel sweet ly assured that all is well. He has renewed to me the pledges of His love and tenderness, so that this may well be a support and solace in every vicissitude—hallowing joy, consecrating sorrow, dispelling my fears, lightening my darkness, and at last smoothing my death-pillow —"I know that MY RE DEEMER LIVETH !”H-Dr. J. R. Miller. August 1—"A fter these things Jesus manifested himself again” (John 21:1). One impelling thing as we think of God’s dealings with His children and the world is the leisureliness of God. Here is what I mean: “A fter these things Jesus manifested himself.” Awful happenings had occurred; Christ had been crucified, buried, and had risen again. These had been days of expectancy with the disci ples. They were also days of doubts and questionings. All kinds o f rumors had been afloat. Jesus had appeared to some o f the disciples but had been tardy in ap pearing to the others. He had not re vealed Himself fully to these disciples, nor had He explained the mysteries and purposes that lay back-of His death and resurrection; but now, after these days, He is appearing to the disciples that He may lay before them their duties. Big questions, uncertain happenings, doubts and unbelief, searchings of soul—but with all these let us put down this sentence: “A fter these things Jesus." After all, here lies the biggest principle of life for you and me. Into your life and mine, questions, doubts, disbelief and even despair may come, just as it came to these disciples; but if we can write after these experiences the words, “A fter these things Jesus manifested himself," if we can do that, then, we have “ the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.”
However dark the “now” may be in your experience, the “afters” o f God are worth waiting for. Just to show that this is true, read God’s Word where He speaks to His people. The Psalmist cries out, “ O my God, make haste for my help.” Then, let us hear God’.s response to that cry. “For a small moment have I for saken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee" (Isa. 54:7). Then again, we have the sweet singer of Israel testifying out o f his own experience: “For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a life-time: weeping may tarry for the night, but joy cometh in the morning” (Psa. 30:5).— Expositor. —o— August 2 —“He hath . . . made me a polished shaft; in his quiver hath he hid me” (Isa. 49:2). The jeweler does not cut and polish a paving-stone; it is the precious stones that he cuts. It is a sign that the Lord counts us worth cutting, when He chas tens us. The dark brown mold’s upturned By the sharp pointed plow, And I’ve a lesson learned. My life is but a field Stretched out beneath God’s sky, Some harvest rich to yield. It may seem an easy thing to wait, but it is one of the postures which a Christian soldier learns not without years of teach ing. Marching and quick-marching are much easier to God’s warriors than stand ing still. There ane hours o f perplexity when the most willing spirit, anxiously desirous to serve the Lord, knows not what part to take. Then what shall it do? Vex itself by despair? Fly back in cowardice, turn to the right hand in fear, or rush forward in presumption? No, but simply wait. Wait in prayer, however. Call upon God and spread the case before Him; tell Him your difficulty, and plead His promise o f aid. Wait in faith. Ex press your unstaggering confidence in Him. Believe that if He keeps you tarry ing even until midnight, yet He will come at the right time; the vision shall come, and shall not tarry. Wait in quiet pa tience. Never murmur against the sec ond cause, as the children of Israel did against Moses. Accept the case as it. is, and put it as it stands, simply and with your whole heart, without any self-will, into the hand o f your covenant God, say ing, “ Now, Lord, not my will, but Thine be done. I know not what to d o ; I am brought to extremities; but I will wait until Thou shalt cleave the floods, or drive back my foes, I will wait, if Thou keep me many a day, for my heart is fixed upon Thee alone, O God, and my spirit waiteth for Thee in full conviction that Thou wilt yet be my joy and my salvation, my refuge and my strong tower .”—Morning by Morning. Where grows the golden grain? Where faith? where sympathy? In a furrow cut by pain. —Maltbie D. Babcock. ■—o— August 3 —“ Wait on the Lord” (Psa. 27:14).
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