King's Business - 1930-07


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

July 1930

^£ w\ The Roman Empire of the Future and the Dominating Papacy

B y H. A. I ronside ( Chicago, Illinois)


souls outwardly allied with the papacy who yet in their hearts have trusted not in the formularies of the church or its sacraments for salvation but in the precious atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Soon, however, these will all be gone, for when our Lord returns to call His own to be with Himself in the air, every member of His mystical body, whether Catholic or Protestant, will be caught up to be forever with the Lord. Then the. remnant

CORRESPONDENT from Italy* has sent in a copy of the interesting picture which accom­ panies this article. Though produced a number of years ago, purchased, in fact, in Paris in j 1902, it very aptly illustrates what the Scrip­ tures indicate is yet in the future. It represents the various rulers of Europe, and it will be noticed that President Roosevelt was included as repre­

of t h e Protestant systems will doubt­ less go back to the a r m s of the old mother church and the long-dreamed-of reunion of Christen­ dom will take place, but itwill be a Christ- less Christendom, a mere e m p t y shell, after all that is real has b e e n removed. Toward this end con­ ditions a r e rapidly working. May it be ours to walk apart from it all in devoted attachment .t o t h e Lord Jesus Christ

senting A m e r i c a , gathered together in a peace conference, and in the center, rising above all the rest, is the head of the Roman Catholic C h u r c h with the g o l d e n cup in his hand from which he would have all the nations drink. This shows clearly what was in the minds of many at that time. Though the g r e a t majority of the rul­ ers pictured h e r e have passed off the scene since this card

until He calls us to Himself. is?

was put forth, it is significant that at the present time the nations are lining up for the last great league and the pap­ acy is rapidly coming to the front. The Lateran Treaty has given the papal church a place of authority and recog­ nition in Italy such as she has not had since the days of Garibaldi and Pius IX of unhappy memory. Looking on into the future it seems clear from a care­ ful study of Revelation 17 that when the Roman Empire is finally revived by satanic agency and ten dominions are 'reunited into one great confederacy, the papal church as represented by Babylon the Great will be recognized as the state religious system which all will for a time obey. This is the bride of the Antichrist, the false harlot system that masquerades as the wife of the Lamb. O f course, this condition will never be brought about as long as there is one real Christian left in the Church of Rome, and no sober-minded Protestant would deny that God still has His remnant in that great apostate system. The letter to Thyatira in Revelation 2 seems to give a prophetic forecast of Romanism throughout the present Church period and charges them with permitting Jezebel to take the place of a teacher ; which is, of course, the paganistic principles of Rome dominating the consciences of professed Christians. Still the Lord says, “ Unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira which have not this doc­ trine, which have not known the depths o f Satan, as they speak, I Will put upon you none other burden, but that which ye have already, hold fast till I come." All down through the centuries there have been devoted Christian ♦N ote —M r. Harry Figg, an old friend of T he K ing ’ s B usiness and a keen student of prophecy.

The Biola Honor Roll T HE Biola Honor Roll which was announced a few months ago has about 2,000 members. This is far from the objective of 20,000 members, but the progress has, after all, been very encouraging. Every State in the Union and several foreign countries are represented. Nearly one-half are new friends of the Institute. Natur­ ally, California leads. The States next in order are Penn­ sylvania, New York, Washington, Oregon, and Michigan. The plan of the Honor Roll is here restated: P urpose : T o help prepare men and women to spread and teach the Gospel of Christ. C onditions : First: To pray daily for God’s blessing upon the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Second: To give One Dollar each month for one year toward the support of the work. Third: To secure another Honor Roll member, if pos­ sible. E nrollment : Firmly believing in the importance of training Christian workers, I hereby request that my name be placed upon the Biola Honor Roll, and I express my willingness to cheerfully and faithfully -meet.the condi­ tions of membership. Name ...... .....,.............. :....................................................... Street Nc$, ......... -.....,.....-............................. City .... . ............................. . Amount enclosed ...................,................................................ Date...... .....................................

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