King's Business - 1936-07

The Mission of the Flag R ighteousness exa lteth a natioi but;.sin is a reproach to any people. As the flag we love is floating O’er America today, May it call our nation Godward, Urge forgetful hearts to pray. God has given peace and freedom. We have sinned, despised His , grace; Come, Old Glory, teach us ever, We must seek God’s face!

© H. Armstrong Roberts

N orman B. H arrison

J. H . H utchins

H arlin J. R oper

L ouis T . T albot

S E C O N D A N N U A L SUMMER BIBLE CONFERENCE o f t h e Bible Ins t i tu te o f Los A n g e l e s Pacific Palisades A ssembly G round s (n e a r S an ta M onica, C a lif.), A ug . 24 to Sept. 7 ,1 9 3 6

Encouraged by the fine attendance and interest of last year, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has an­ nounced its second annual summer conference to be held at beautiful Pacific Palisades. T he conference will begin on Monday, August 24, and continue through Labor Day, September 7. THE SPEAKERS Only a partial list of speakers can be announced at this time. The following men have accepted invita­ tions to be present and to take part in the program, and it is expected that others will be added to the list later. Norman B. Harrison, pastor of the Oliver Pres­ byterian Church, Minneapolis, Minn., popular Bible teacher, and author of many books. J. H . Hutchins, pastor of the Lake Avenue Con­ gregational Church, Pasadena, Calif. Paul W . Rood, President, Bible Institute of Los Angeles. H arlin J. Roper, pastor of Scofield Memorial Church, Dallas, Texas. Louis T . Talbot, pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, and Vice-President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles.

THE PROGRAM Monday, August 24, will be Premillennial Day. The Premillennial Association of Southern California will have charge of the meetings in the afternoon and evening. Mr. Roper will address the morning gathering. Tuesday to Saturday, August 25 to 29: Morning messages—Mr. Roper. Studies in Romans. Evening m e s s a g e s D r . Harrison. Studies in Ephesians. Sunday, August 30: Morning—Mr. Roper. Afternoon—Mr. Hutchins. Evening—Dr. Talbot. Monday, August 31, to Saturday, September 5: Morning messages—Dr. Harrison. Afternoon messages—Mr. Hutchins. Evening messages—Mr. Roper. Sunday, September 6: Morning—Dr. Harrison. Afternoon—Dr. Talbot. Evening—Mr. Roper. Labor Day, September 7: Morning—Mr. Roper. Afternoon—Dr. Rood. SPECIAL FEATURES A Daily Vacation Bible School will be conducted by the well-known children’s workers, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Hooker, and their assistants. The daily Missionary Hour will be in charge of George Jackson, home director of the Orinoco River Mission. The Young People’s evening hour will be conducted by Elmer Olson and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. m itweU . r e c r e a t i o n Ocean bathing—within a mile and a half of the conference grounds. Fishing—by line from the beach, or from the barges anchored off the coast. Motoring—Riding—Boating—Golf. LOCAT ION The Pacific Palisades Assembly Grounds is twenty- one miles from Los Angeles. It is one of the beauty spots of Southern California. Accommodations are most reasonable. For a family of two, a ten-day vacation in one of the floored tents, including light, water, gas, blankets, linen, and housekeeping equip­ ment, means an outlay of only ¿111.50.

W illiam G. N yman Program Committee Chairman

M artha S. H ooker Children’s Work

w r i t e f o r f u l l i n f o r m a t i o n Address:

TheBibleInstituteofLosAngeles, Inc. 558 South H ope Street

Los Angeles, California

July, 1936


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

PAUL W. ROOD, Editor M ildred M. C ook , Managing Editor H . S. R isley , Circulation Manage ♦

Published Monthly by and Representing The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated.

They that didtheKing’s business HELPED THE JEWS!

ïïiit B ib le fa m ily O l i a t i n e Motto: " Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” —R ev . 1 :5.

“A n d all th e prin ces of th e p ro v ­ inces, an d th e satrap s, an d th e gov­ ernors, a n d th ey th a t did th e king's business, helped th e Jew s!“— E sth er 9:3 (R . V .) if ever in th eir histo ry th e Jew s needed y o u r help, th ey need it now. A H itle r in G erm any, a S talin in Russia, p e r s e c u t i o n in Poland, bloodshed in R oum ania— th e age- old cry of the Jew pierces th e h e a rt of every tru e child of God— W ohin sol Ich gehen? W h ere shall 1 go? C an you afford, a s a bo rn -ag ain follow er of th e L ord Jesus C hrist, to sh u t u p y o u r bow els of m ercy to th a t h au n tin g w ail? T h e old tim e h eath en of H a in an 's day, in the h o u r of Israel's distress, helped th e Jew s! C an y o u do less th a n those Godless h e ath en did? A n d do you know a tru ly b e tte r w ay to help th e Jew s now th an to p o in t them to the only c u re fo r th eir troubles, the L ord Jesus C hrist? T h in k it over; th en w rite us. Som e day y o u 'll be glad y o u did. T h e prom ise of God is still valid, “ 1 will bless them th at bless thee.** Gen. 12:3. O u r w orld-w ide testim ony to Israel is w o rth y of y o u r faithful p ra y e rs an d sym pathy. Y our help is alw ays needed an d ap p reciated . “TH E CHOSEN PEOPLE,** beloved by Bible stu d en ts fo r its helpful in ­ form ation on p ro p h ecy a n d th e Jews, is sen t to all con trib u to rs. M ay we h e a r from you? AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO TH E JEW S, INC. 31 T hroop A venue B rooklyn, N. Y. I do w ant to help th e Jew s. H ere is $-------------------- § U se it as God d irects, to m ake know n th e sav in g pow er of the L ord Jesu s C hrist to Israel.

Volume XXVI

July, 1936

Number 7

TABLE OF CONTENTS Biola’s Prayer Circle Girdles the World......................... .................250 Around the King’s Table—Paul W. Rood....................... ...................252 God and the Constitution—Dan Gilbert......................... ...................254 Why the Son of God Became the Son of Man —William L. Pettingill............................................. ...................256 KThe Reappearance of the Empire on the Fateful Hills , of Rome—Louis S. Bauman....... .257 World’s Christian Fundamentals Association................. ................... 261 International Lesson Commentary................................... . .................. 262 Junior King’s Business—Martha S. Hooker................... ................. 273 Notes on Christian EndeavorfeJ-Mary G. Goodner......... ............. 275 Daily Devotional Readings............................................... ................ 279 Girls’ Query Corner—Myrtle E. Scott............................. ....... ......... 284 Our Literature Table......................................................... ................ 285 Bible Institute Family Circle............................................. ............. 286

I N F O R M A T I O N F O R S U B S C R I B E R S TERMS: Single Copies....... ....................................... 15c Annual Subscription...................................................$1.50 Two-year subscription ortwo annual subscriptions. 2.50 Five annual subscriptios...............................................5.00 Eleven annual subscriptions............................... 10.00 Subscriptions in countries outside of U. S. require 25c extra. ADVERTISING: For information with reference to advertising in THE KING'S BUSINESS, address the ADVERTISING MANAGER, 558 SOUTH HOPE STREET, LOS ANGELES, CALIF.-, or our eastern representattive. Religious Press Association, 325 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, Pa., or 333 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.

Entered as Second Class Matter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage pro­ vided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918. MANUSCRIPTS: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration.

REMITTANCE: Should be made by Bank Draft, Ex­ press of P. O. Money Order, payable to "The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated." Receipts will not be sent for regular subscription, but date of expi­ ration will show plainly each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Please send both old and new address at least one month previous to date de­ sired change.

Name. :U....................

POLICY AS DEFINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To stand for the infallible Word of God and its great fundamental truths, (b To strengthen the faith of all believers, (c) To stir young men aand women to fit themselves for and engage in definite Christian work, (d) To make the Bible Institute of Los Angeles known, (e) To magnify God our Father and the person, work and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; and to teach the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our present practical life, (f) To emphasize in strong, constructive messages the great foundations of Christian faith. TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED 5 5 8 S o u th H ope S tre e t Lo* A ngeles, C alifornia

A ddress...— ..._............................................... .

C ity____¿....1........................ S ta te ...........v.........


D ear Friend o f B iola: God willing, th e re shall n o t be a m inute d u rin g th e ap p ro ac h in g m onths w hen a plea fo r th e c o n tin u an ce of this In stitu te shall n o t be rising to God from som e devoted h eart. T h e In stitu te 's p ra y in g friends a re rallying w ith new enthusiasm to th e call to p ra y er, a n d a lread y scores of m en a n d w om en have pledged them selves to h o u rs of intercession. T h e friends of Biola reside in all p a rts of th e w orld, a n d it is confidently believed th a t very soon, from every co n tin en t p ra y e r h elp ers will be enrolled. It is blessedly tru e th a t Biola has alw ays b een su p p o rted by p ra y e r. Its m ore th a n two th o u san d g ra d u ates have b een assem bled, trained, a n d sent fo rth as a result of th e c o n stan t p ra y e rs of believing C hristians in all p a rts of th e w orld. Its th irteen -sto ry buildings in Los A ngeles a n d its spacious p la n t in C hina, th e H u n a n Bible Institute, are m onum ents to th e faithfulness of God an d th e obedience of H is p eople w ho have p ray ed

a n d lab o red an d striv en th a t in this age of apostasy th e re should b e these tw o g re a t C h ristian train in g schools w h ere w o rk ers m ight receive tra in in g w hich w ould en ab le them to go fo rth p roclaim ing th e gospel of G od's grace. T h ro u g h o u t tw enty-six y e ars of history, th e Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles has b een sustained b y p ray er. B ut by th is “ call to p ra y e r” I m ean som ething m o re universal th a n h a s h ereto fo re b een k now n a t Biola— p ra y e r th a t is im p o rtu n ate, continuous, specific. T h e need is g re a te r to d ay th a n it ev er has been. T h e re ­ fore, p ra y e r an d effo rt fo r th e su stain in g of th e w o rk of th e In stitu te m ust b e m ore earn est, m ore u n in te r­ ru p ted , th a n ev er before. It should be explained th a t th e a n n u al donations fo r th e w o rk of th e Bible Institu te have not, of th em ­ selves, b een sufficient for th e m ain ten an ce of th e In stitu te's w o rk since th e depression paraly zed th e business of the nation. E ach y e a r th e d o nation incom e— received from p ra y in g C hristians w ho have given sacrifici- ally— has had to be supplem ented from th e reserves accum ulated by th e In stitu te in a m o re p ro sp e ro u s period. T oday th e la st reserv e is exhausted. H enceforth, th e In stitu te is d e p en d e n t wholly u p o n th e L o rd 's stew ards, u p o n w hose h e arts H e m ust lay the b u rd en fo r th e su p p o rt of this w ork. Shall th e foe, D iscouragem ent, co n q u er us? N ever! “W hen th e enem y shall com e in like a flood, the S p irit of th e L ord shall lift up a sta n d a rd ag ain st him*' (Is a .'5 9 :1 9 ). A n d we believe th a t in th e lifting up of o u r “ standard** today— th e sta n d ard of P revailing P ra y e r— th e S pirit of God is leading to victory. R ecently a le tte r has been sen t to th e friends of Biola a sk in g th em to jo in in a day of p ra y e r. I am asking now fo r som ething m ore. I am ask in g th ese d e a r friends a n d all w ho re ad this m essage, to organize th em ­ selves in a b attalio n of prayer-—a course of w atch ers who will fill every m om ent of th e day a n d n ig h t from now u n til th e last do llar needed to co n tinue th e w o rk of this In stitu te fo r a n o th e r y e a r has been p aid o r pledged. O n th e accom panying page is rep ro d u ced a p ra y e r c h art. T h e sm all c en tral circle is m ark ed “Bible Institute of Los Angeles.*' W e a re to pledge ourselves to spend th e h o u rs ap p o in ted in definite, earn est p ra y e r fo r th e w o rk of this Institute th a t has sen t fo rth hun d red s of C h ristian w o rk ers to p roclaim salvation th ro u g h faith in C hrist. T h e larg e circle is divided into seven segm ents, each nam ed fo r a day of th e week. A nd each segm ent has tw o dials ( o r clock faces) divided into th e h o u rs of day an d night. W e a sk o u r v olunteers to select a n y h o u r th ey m ay w ish— w h e th er d u rin g th e day o r n ight— and to spend th a t h o u r ONCE EA CH WEEK, in e arn e st intercession fo r th e Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles. T h ere a re 168 h o u rs in each week, offering 168 p ra y e r statio n s to b e filled. W e ask y o u to c u t o u t th e P ra y e r V o lu n teers' E nrollm ent F orm , p rin te d below th e c h art, a n d send it to us w ith y o u r nam e an d address. You m ay keep th e u p p e r p o rtio n of th e c h a rt in y o u r Bible, to serve as a rem in d er of th e h o u r th a t you will w atch and p ra y fo r Biola. W hen y o u have enrolled, please w rite m e perso n ally a b o u t an y w ord from th e L o rd co n cern in g Biola th a t m ay be laid u p o n y o u r h e a rt d u rin g th e h o u rs sp en t in p ra y e r for this place. In re tu rn , I shall w rite y o u freq u en tly a b o u t th e p ro g ress th a t w e a re w itnessing here. In the case of every do llar given to Biola, w e shall try to le a rn th e h o u r of th e day o r nig h t th e resolve to give th a t am o u n t cam e into th e h e a rt of th e donor, a n d we shall pass on th e glad w ord to th e gro u p of w atch ers w ho w ere in te r­ ceding a t th a t h o u r. T hus each friend w ho p ra y s m ay have th e joy of know ing th a t in th e unseen fellowship of believers, God h as given in stan t an sw er to his o r h e r p ra y e r th ro u g h a n o th e r of H is stew ards, who m ay be living tho u san d s of m iles aw ay. T his know ledge will b e th e real rew ard of those w ho p ray , th e a ssu ran ce th at

G od is using th em in th e accom plishm ent of H is ow n plans. We want our friends to be very definite in their intercessions . Our immediate need is for f 30,000.00 . “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” We want you to know intimately all of our needs . We are counting on you to become an alert “Watchman” for Biola. Yours through grace,

illum e

S p i n . ■ ‘H i


AM ttt/y Book

THE WOR LD OFFICIAL CHART Select Your Station EXPLANATION You are requested to select the day and hour that suits you best and circle it on the chart below. - Then detach the “ Prayer Volunteers’ Enrollment Form” printed below and sign and send it to the Bible Institute, keeping the chart as a reminder of your prayer hour. We suggest that you cut it out and keep it between the pages of your Bible. As soon as your application reaches Los Angeles, a gold star will be placed upon our official chart and a number assigned to you, of which you will be immediately notified. All names will be kept in absolute confidence, and will be known only to the few officials of the Institute in charge of the chart and Prayer Volunteers’ enrollments. Your official number and the hour of your vigil will be printed, however, on every chart we issue; Remember, your enlistment is “ for the war,” that is, your prayer service is to continue until you are notified that a sum has been paid or pledged that is sufficient to pay all the operating expenses for the summer and for the school year. The fall semester opens on September 8, 1936, and closes January 27, 1937. Let us strive together earnestly in prayer that God may mercifully see fit to grant the needed sum quickly, so that our prayer circle and our friends everywhere may rejoice. The estimated sum needed for the maintenance of the work of Biola through the twenty weeks of the fall semester of training the 400 students (the number anti­ cipated) is placed at $175.00 per student, or £30,000.00. N o student^ pays tuition, but it costs the Institute approximately £75.00 a semester to train each one. We believe God will provide the amount urgently required, through the donations of H is stewards or in a way that H e may otherwise designate. O ur eyes are unto H im ; we have no other hope, no visible means of continuance. "PRAY WITHOUT C E A S I MG ' DAY WEEK


How to Pray for Biola

I. PRAY FOR STUDENTS: 1. T h a t those w ho have been g ra d u ated m ay use th eir train in g w isely and effectively in th e hom e or foreign field, an d m ay be th e in stru ­ m ents in leading m any souls to C hrist. 2. T h at th o se w ho have only p a r­ tially com pleted th e ir courses m ay be blessed of God an d m ay “ grow in grace, and in the know ledge of o u r L ord and S aviour Jesus C h rist“ (2 Pet. 3 :3 8 ). 3. T h a t those p lan n in g to com e to th e school nex t term m ay be chosen of th e H oly Spirit, th a t only those so selected m ay apply, and th a t the dedication of them selves to God m ay b e com plete. • • • II. PRAY FO R TH E PRESIDENT O F TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE AND FO R O F F I C E R S AND D IRECTORS: T h a t divine w isdom m ay guide them in all th eir decisions, a n d th at th ey m ay co n d u ct th e . Institute wisely. • # • III. PRAY FOR THE FACULTY : T h a t g re at grace be given them in teaching th e “u n search ab le riches of C h rist“ (E ph. 3 :8 ). IV . PRAY FO R ALL TH E D E PA R T ­ MENTS O F INSTITUTE A C ­ TIV ITY : 1. F o r th e A dm inistration, Field, an d Financial D epartm ents. 2. F o r th e C o r r e s p o n d e n c e School, w hich .offers seventeen courses by m ail; p ra y also for th e students of this d ep artm en t— eag er search ers of th e W ord, m en a n d w om en w ho in m any cases a re rem ote from schools. 3. F o r th e Jew ish D ep artm en t w ith its c o n stan t w itness to Israel. 4. F o r the KING’S BUSINESS and its arm y of m ore th an 30 ,0 0 0 su b ­ scribers. 5. F o r th e Shop D ep artm en t w ith its m inistry to th e m en in th e fa cto r­ ies and shops in a n d n e a r Los A n ­ geles. 6. F o r th e Institu te Bible W om en an d for th e scores of Bible classes w hich th ey tea ch each w eek am ong adults a n d schoolgirls. 7. F o r th e E vening School whose courses have been g re atly enlarged. T h a t th e C hina Division of th e Bi­ ble In stitu te of Los A ngeles m ay co n ­ tin u e its noble w o rk of train in g y oung C hinese to live th e gospel and to p re ac h it to th eir own people. • • • V I. PRAY FO R A SPIR IT O F PER ­ PETUAL REV IVAL A T BIOLA. • • • V II. PRAY FO R BLESSING UPON TH E INSTITUTE'S EVANGEL­ ISTIC EFFORTS: 1. W ork am ong boys a n d girls, em phasizing child evangelism . 2. Bible C onferences. V . PRAY FO R TH E HUNAN BIBLE INSTITUTE:



I hereby volunteer to act as a “BIOLA WATCHMAN ” and will pray ONE HOUR EACH WEEK, until the sum needed at the present time (£30,000.00) for carrying forward the work of Biola is received.

Name__ Address.

A.M . ..o’clock, P.M. each.. CROSS O U T ONE

H our selected..



July, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

c Around the King’s Tableu B y P a u l W. R ood

There are two diametrically opposed Citizenship views as to the Christian’s relationship to his government. There are those who believe that the program of the church is to preach a social gospel which will bring in a new social order. The modernistic church is not concerned with the regeneration of the indi­ vidual but with the regeneration of society. This attempt to reform the world is a failure. In spite of disarmament propaganda, the nations are this year spending twice as much for armaments as was spent in the year prior to the outbreak of the World War. There will be no permanent peace in this world until the Prince of Peace comes. There is no Scriptural warrant for the belief that the world is going to be regenerated through the ministry of the church. The only solution of world problems is to be found in the return of our Lord. Some very devoted Christians maintain that a believer, being a stranger and a pilgrim in this world, should refrain from all participation in civic affairs. The apparent failure of reform movements into which Christians have poured time, energy, and money seems to vindicate this position. Both of these diametrically opposed views, however, are extreme and unscriptural. While it is true that “our citi­ zenship is in heaven,” it is also true that our citizenship is in the country of our birth or choice. Our primary ministry is to live and work as witnesses for Christ and win souls for Him. We must not become entangled with the affairs of this life so as to lose our testimony and neutralize our influ­ ence. God’s messengers must protest against unrighteous­ ness in the individual and in the nation as did the prophets of old. The Christian should exercise his franchise and allow a Scripturally instructed conscience to control him as he casts his vote in the ballot box. Our children are growing up in the community and country in which we live, and certainly we should take our stand and make our influence felt when moral issues are involved. We must have a Sense of proportion and let first things be first, and this will lead us to “render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s ; and unto God the things that are God’s.” The fact that we are admonished to pray for those who are in authority and that it is definitely stated that “this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour” (1 Tim. 2: 1-3) certainly means that we are to be interested in the affairs of State. The fact that we are born again should make us better citizens of the country to which we belong. A part of our duty as citizens is to vote and to use our influence against everything that is wrong and for everything that is right in the sight of God. If there ever was a time when the Christians of the United States needed to function as citizens it is now. Subversive influences are at work that would destroy con­ stitutional government. We need to be informed in order that we may pray and act intelligently. Communism is a threatening menace, and certainly no Scripturally instructed Christian will promote the purposes of communists by willful ignorance, cowardly silence, or criminal neglect in a time of national crisis when the very foundations of national wellbeing are being undermined.

Our hearts are filled with gratitude Commencement to God as we think of the Commence- At Biola ment week of 1936. The alumni dinner, on the evening of June 8, was more like a consecration service than a banquet. Loyalty to Christ and Biola and a determination to prayerfully and enthusi­ astically support their alma mater seemed to animate every alumnus present. The attendance exceeded all expectations and the program was deeply spiritual. Former students and friends, some of whom had been away in distant fields for many years, rejoiced in the fellowship which the occa­ sion afforded. The class day exercises attracted a large number of friends. A program of unusual spiritual depth and power was given by the graduates. The three speakers delivered messages that brought conviction and blessing. We know of at least one soul that was definitely won for the Lord through this service. This news was indeed an encourage­ ment to the class and especially to those who had prayer­ fully prepared themselves and had partaken in the pro­ gram. The climax of Commencement activities was reached on Thursday night, June 11, when one hundred and three students were graduated. The granting of a diploma by the Bible Institute means that the recipient has completed the prescribed course ■ of study, has passed examinations satisfactorily, has shown commendable zeal in Christian work, and has lived a consistent Christian life. The gradu­ ates had completed one or more of the following courses : Bible Collegiate,' Christian Education, General, Jewish Missions, Missionary, and Music. Twelve students had completed the course of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association, offered by the Institute in the day and evening schools. These young people received the teacher’s diploma of the Association. Possibly the outstanding event of the evening was the conferring of the degree of Bachelor of Theology upon six young men. This ceremony marked the passing of a new milestone in the history of Biola. It meant that the Insti­ tute is now a school with collegiate standing. The following statement was made by the President in connection with the conferring of degrees: The Bible Institute has recently taken a forward step in the field of Christian education. We have applied for and received State authorization for the conferring of certain degrees. At the present time, courses are offered which lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Theology and Bachelor of Christian Education. Recently, a four-year music course has been planned and authorized, and this course will lead to the degree of Bachelor of Sacred Music. This forward step does not mean any departure from the theological and spiritual standards of this institution. We adhere rigidly to our statement of faith in every detail, and at the opening of the next school year, every member of the faculty and every member of the Board of Trustees will be required to sign the statement of faith in the presence of the entire student body and assembled friends. Next year we will have a full-time leader serving as Director of Practical Work and teacher of Personal Evangelism, which means that an even stronger emphasis than ever will be placed on the subject of evangelism.


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July, 1936

The Bible Institute is conducting a Summer Bible School for children this summer at the Summer Institute. The school opened on June 22 and Plans will continue through Friday, July 17. William Harllee Bordeaux, a member of the Institute faculty, is the superintendent of this school. He is assisted by our students who have been trained for this type of work. The school is strictly Bible-centered. Our annual Summer Bible Conference will be held at Pacific Palisades Assembly Grounds (near Santa Monica) from August 24 to September 7, and it gives promise of being a rich spiritual feast. The convenient location of the conference grounds, twenty-one miles from Los Angeles, the reasonable accommodations, and the strong program should attract a large number of friends. The Evening School of the Bible Institute Evening is conducted for those who are employed during Bible the day, or who, for other reasons, cannot School attend the day sessions of the Institute. In every church, there are Sunday-school teachers and other persons who realize their need of a better prepa­ ration for Christian service. The curriculum of the Eve­ ning School is planned to meet the need of those who desire a working knowledge of the English Bible and who wish to become efficient laborers in the Lord’s vineyard. Next fall we are enlarging the scope of this department by offering two courses instead of the one that has been given during the. past few years. The Christian Education course which leads to the diploma of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association will be continued. The new course which will be offered next fall is the Comprehensive Bible Course. Credits from both of these courses may be applied toward an eventual diploma from Biola. Sessions will be held on Tuesday and Thursday eve­ nings from 6:30 to 9:30. During the first semester, of 1936-37, Conducting, Prophecy, and Child Evangelism will be taught on Tuesday evening, and Missions, Doctrine, and Departmental Specialization on Thursday evening. Those who find it impossible to attend both evenings may register for a course requiring only one evening each week. Our

Courses in Child Evangelism will be offered in both the day and the evening schools/ and thereby Biola will lead the way to a new era in the winning of boys and girls. Doctrinally, we are Fundamentalists with a capital “F” ; evangelistically and spiritually, we stand with Jona­ than Edwards, Charles Finney, D. L. Moody, and R. A. Torrey. We recognize the need of adequate preparation and training of those who are to be future pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and Bible teachers. We are determined to make it possible for young people to receive that prepara­ tion in a school characterized by faithfulness to the “faith once delivered unto the saints,” and by New Testament standards of Christian living, and by apostolic practices in soul-winning. In the words of the immortal Luther, “Here we stand. We can not do otherwise. God help us. Amen.” The success of a school is to a large extent determined by the attitude of the'alumni. If the graduates are loyal to the school that trained them and are enthusiastic supporters of it, the institution prospers. One of the encouraging features of the work at Biola is the determination of the Alumni Asso­ ciation to do its best for our beloved school. Whilerasten- ing to the messages and sensing the atmosphere at the alumni banquet held during Commencement week, we thanked God and took courage. The following resolution was adopted at the annual meeting : W hereas , although the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles has been passing through a time of testing and diffi­ culty, the work has been maintained without deviation from the fundamental purposes for which this Institute was founded, therefore be it Resolved, That the Biola Alumni Association place itself on record as heartily commending and supporting the program of the Instituté under the present adminisglffi tration and its continued uncompromising stand for the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, and be it further Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to earnest and faithful prayer in behalf of the/;Institute and its future usefulness in the Lord’slservice. //' C urtis G lenn E lliott , ’24 D avid S chmidt , ’22 I van C heever E llis , ’26 /’ Biola Alumni

The Faculty and Graduating Class of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1936.


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July, 1936


4 U ,S , Hi S TO j t V .

Li D an G ilbert


U , S . C O f O S T i T U T l Q l O

San Diego, California

E verett D ean M a r t in , the well- known and ‘r .holarly apostle of “liberalism,” has always been most grudging and niggardly in conceding to Christianity the great contributions which it has made to civilization. In the conflict between religion and “science falsely so-called,” Mr. Martin invari­ ably sides with pseudo science. It is highly significant, then, to find in Mar­ tin’s study of Liberty the frank admis­ sion that Christianity gave to the world the very foundation stone of freedom:

wrong, is a pagan, antichristian theory. So also is the “modern” dogma that the crowd, the mob, the majority, can do no wrong-—the people as a whole, no more than the people individually, are above the moral law. It is true that governments, whether they embody and express the will of a dictator or the will of the people, us­ ually consider themselves a law unto themselves. Even under the English system of government, Parliament has the power to commit any moral outrage it wishes; and at various times during English history, Parliament has com­ mitted monstrous crimes against individuals in disfavor with capricious bureaucrats and officials. English lawyers say that even a law which violates “common right and rea­ son,” if duly passed by Parliament, would be “legal,” “con­ stitutional”—the supreme law of the land! Our Supreme Court, in one of its famous decisions, commented on this phase of the British system, and pointed out that our gov­ ernment is bound by certain moral principles; there are some patently unjust types of legislation which the elected representatives of the people cannot enact, under any cir­ cumstances. Hence, the Supreme Court said, our people have never been plagued with “bills of attainder, ex post facto laws, laws declaring forfeitures of estates, and other arbitrary acts of legislation which occur so frequently in English history.” The Constitution is in a very real sense the living con­ science of the people. It is the will of the people, a reflec­ tion of their moral standards. The men who adopted the Constitution believed it was wrong for them, individually, to commit murder or theft; therefore, they set up the Con­ stitutional standard that it is wrong and illegal for their government to take unjustly the life or property of any citizen. T h e R elation of L aw to L iberty It is true that there are men who are moral anarchists, who think they should be free to do anything they wish, without regard to moral considerations. In some nations, it seems that this type of man constitutes the majority; at least, this type of man has constituted himself the voice and will of the people. Hence, it has come to pass that, in the name of the people, governments have acted as veritable mass murderers and plunderers of certain groups of citi­ zens. It is, of course, within the power of the majority who constitute the government to adopt a policy of moral an­ archism and plunder defenseless minorities. But it is not right that they should. And because it is not right, it is also unconstitutional. The “modern” doctrine of the “divine right” of the majority is the basest form of paganism. The Constitutional fathers believed that the majority must and should be restrained by all the moral laws binding on the individual. No Christian can reasonably believe otherwise. Liberty under law is not tyranny. A democracy under Con­ stitutional law is not despotism. Without law there is no liberty. Without Constitutional limitations no people can be either free or democratic. Mob rule is not democracy. It is sometimes argued that Congress, and not the Supreme Court, should be the judge of whether the acts of Congress exceed Constitutional limitations. In reality, this

Dan Gilbert

the doctrine of the inviolability of the individual conscience, the doctrine that we have citizenship in heaven as well as on earth, and that when temporal powers obstruct the fulfill­ ment of our duties to deity we should, like Peter, “obey God rather than men.” Stated another way, this foundation principle of free­ dom means that there is a part of man beyond the power of the State to tamper with. Caesar—government—has no right to seize upon the things that are God’s. The Declara­ tion of Independence set forth this doctrine in immortal words. It stated that men are given by God “certain in­ alienable rights.” No government may take these rights from us. Rather, the primary purpose of government is to “secure” and protect these God-given rights of man. When any government fails to do this, when it tramples upon the divinely given rights of the citizen, it violates both natural and divine law. It forfeits its right to rule, and it becomes the right and duty of the citizenry to set up a new government which obey9 the laws of “nature’s God.” Hence, if we did not have a Constitution safeguarding in­ dividual rights, government violation of them would still be contrary to natural and divine law, contrary to the moral order and constitution of the universe—yes, “unconstitu­ tional” in the full meaning of the word ! T h e -P urpose of t h e C on stitution The Constitution does not “create” individual rights ; it simply safeguards those given to all men by God. The Con­ stitution does not create a standard of right and wrong, imposing it upon the government ; the Constitution merely affirms and enforces the moral law as it has been revealed to us. Before the War for Independence was even fought, the Colonial courts made a practice of declaring “uncon­ stitutional” all acts of the English Parliament which trans­ gressed the “laws of nature and of nature’s God.” James Otis, the great Revolutionary leader, said there are “bounds which by God and nature are fixed ; hitherto have they [government officials] a right to come, and no further . . . ” The Constitution is, primarily, a series of checks upon the government ; it operates to keep Caesar within his legiti­ mate sphere. Ours is a government of, by, and for the peo­ ple—the majority. But there are certain things which the majority cannot do without violating the Constitution ; and there are certain things which the majority cannot do with­ out violating the moral law of God. The doctrine of the “divine right” of kings, the idea that the king can do no


July, 1936



at the Constitutional Convention, and in the debates at the State Conventions which ratified the Constitution, it was stressed time after time that the Supreme Court should be absolutely independent—independent not only of politics, but also of the very will of the majority itself. Indeed, it was intended, and it has functioned, to thwart the people themselves in any endeavor their government might make to encroach upon the divinely given rights of man. It was intended to impose moral standards upon the government itself, to keep government from trampling upon the things belonging to God and from tampering with or taking away rights given to men by God. The Supreme Court has only a negative power; it can only watch the boundary line between right and wrong, justice and injustice, as set forth in the Constitution, and prevent government from transgressing it. As the great statesman, William Harper, said, “The Constitution has laid down the fundamental and immutable laws of justice for our Government.” And the Supreme Court simply enforces them; neither the Constitution or the Supreme Court do more than apply, and hold the government accountable to, these “funda­ mental and immutable laws of justice” ordained of and revealed by God. The system of restraining the State, and even the people, from taking from an individual what God has given him—the system of having an independent tribunal possessed of power to pro­ tect the individual conscience and the individual home against violation by the most powerful ma­ jority—has a firm basis in the moral order of the universe. It cannot be fundamentally nullified without doing violence to the laws of God as well as the laws of Constitutional democracy. But, needless to say, this does not mean that individ­ uals sitting on the Supreme Court may not make mistakes or even be derelict in their duty. The church is still of God, even though bad or blundering men may stand in its pulpits. And individual rights are still of God, even though they may be abused, misused, or misinterpreted. Underlying our Constitutional system are great divine moral truths. Our foundation is sound, even though men may not know, at times, how to build soundly upon it. M atters T h a t C annot B e A mended The Constitution is subject to—and, at times, requires—amendment. But it does contain certain divine principles which cannot be amended, which cannot be abridged, which cannot be altered. It is eternally right that man should have freedom to worship according to his own conscience, that he should be secure in his home, that property which he has honestly acquired should not be seized from him, that in the words of the Supreme Court he should have the right “coupled with the high duty” to bring up his children in the trust and fear of the Lord. All these things, and many more, are derived from the Author of the moral law of the universe, and they are enshrined in our Constitution. Constitutional amertdments might take them out of the latter, but the people themselves have no power to take them out of the former. The people would still be under God, even if they were foolish enough to destroy their [Continued on page 271]

is equivalent to saying that Congress should be almighty, above the Constitution; for if Congress is to judge the constitutionality of its own acts, it can make anything Constitutional which it wishes. This proposal is equivalent to making the prose­ cuting attorney both judge and ju ry ! Suppose, for instance, Congress passes a law which oppresses, persecutes, some class of citizens. The injured citizens challenge the constitutionality of the oppressive law. Under this proposal, Con­ gress would then judge whether the victim of its act of aggression had been hurt! No honest Congress would pass any law which it did not think was Constitutional, anyway! Obviously, it would be an impeachment of its own sincerity if Congress, acting in a judicial capacity, should declare unconstitutional its own acts, enacted presumably in good faith while it operated in a legislative capacity! F ounded on C h r is t ia n P r inc iples But, for Christians, there is a vastly more important aspect to this whole suggestion that Congress, by a two-thirds majority for instance, should be permitted to “validate” a law which deprives citizens of Constitutional rights. This system would make the preservation of God-given rights dependent upon the sufferance o f a two- thirds majority of the people— provided of course that representatives in Congress truly represented their constituencies rather than powerful minor­ ities. This innovation would tear away the Christian foundations of our government and substitute pagan principles. All pagan govern­ ments are founded on the principle that individ­ ual rights are the gift of the government to its citizens; and what the government gives, the government may take away. Our government is founded upon the Christian principle that indi­ vidual rights are the gift of God; and what God gives, government itself may not take away. Therefore, these God-given rights are inalienable. The majority—or a two-thirds majority, or a nine-tenths majority—has no right to infringe, for example, the God-given right of the individ­ ual to worship his Creator according to the dic­ tates of his own conscience. Congress is supposed to reflect the will of the people. If vested with judicial power, it would be the duty of Congress to “validate” a law deny­ ing religious liberty to certain groups, if this were the will of the majority of the people. And if any Congress. should refuse to do this, the people could elect a Congress which would. Thus, the God-given rights of the individual would be made subject to deprivation and destruction at the hands of the majority constituting the govern­ ment. All things, including that which is God’s, would belong to Caesar—to government. Now the Supreme Court, unlike elected repre­ sentatives, is not answerable to the majority; it is not supposed to reflect the will of any majority however powerful. If ninety-nine per cent of our people should favor denying religious liberty to some small group or single person, and if Con­ gress should enact the people’s will into a law, it would be the duty of the Supreme Court to defend and uphold the God-given rights of this small group or single person against the wishes of ninety-nine per cent of our people. In the debates

miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii II1IIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

July, 1936

o / god Son o f

Why the Son became the A/T a m Hü&ftftUfl-TiôO ' iV l / \ lN

7 H R I S T V A Jesus . . .

humbled himself, b e c om i n g o b e ­ dient e v e n unto d e a t h , yea , t h e death of the cross. Wherefore a l s o God h i g h l y ex­ alted him . . . ” (P h il. 2 :5 -1 1 )

B y WILLIAM L. PETTINGILL* Wilmington, Delaware W HEN Nathaniel greeted the Lord Jesus as the Son of God, the Lord’s reply was, “Hereafter ye shall see scending upon the Son of man” (John 1 :47-51). This statement is our Lord’s own exposition of Jacob’s ladder dream of Genesis 28. He Himself is the ladder, the way into heaven and the only way; no one cometh to the Father but by Him (John 14:6). He is the door, and the only door. By Him if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture (John 10:9). He who would climb up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber (John 10:1). F rom E arth to H eaven In his dream at Bethel, Jacob saw the ladder set up on the earth with its top reaching to heaven. It was not built in heaven, but on earth. And in both the dream of Jacob and our Lord’s interpretation of the dream, the angels ascended before they descended; they first went up from earth to heaven, rather than descending first from heaven to earth. The ladder had first to be built and set up on the earth before communication between earth and heaven could be possible. The Son of God as such could never have accomplished this communication. In order that the way to God might be opened unto man, the Son of God must become the Son of man. If the ladder was to be built upon the earth, the Son of God must lay aside the glory that was His before the world was (John 17:5), take upon Himself the likeness of sinful flesh, and become an offering for sin, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us (Rom. 8:3, 4), and the way into God’s presence opened unto us. Job in his day longed for a mediator, through whom he might approach unto God. “For,’V]he complained’, “he is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him, and we should come, together ip judgment. Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both” (Job 9:32, 33), A G lim pse of th e D aysman In his terrible trials Job was true to God, saying, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him” (Job 13 :15) ; but he could not find Him. He wanted to write something, that God and man might see it. He cried ou t: “Oh that my, words were now written! oh that they were printed in a

heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and de­

book ! That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock for ever!” And then suddenly he got a glimpse of the Daysman, though it was only a glimpse by faith. “I know,” he said, “that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be Consumed within me” (Job 19:23-27). This was a wonderful revelation, but Job was not satis­ fied. It should be remembered that Job had no Bible, for he lived before there was a Bible. He longed for further and fuller revelation. “Oh that one would hear m e!” he cried out in his anguish. “Behold, my desire is, that t.he Almighty would answer me, and that mine adversary had written a book.” He thought of the Almighty as his enemy, his adversary; but he desired to know more about Him and wished He had written a book. Then he tells what he would do with God’s book if he had it. “Surely I would take it upon my shoulder, and bind it as a crown to me” (Job 31:35,36). • Is it not wonderful to reflect that Job himself was al­ ready being used of God to write the book he so greatly desired? There > no doubt that the book of Job was the first part of the Bible to be written. And is it not'still more wonderful to consider that the Daysman he so greatly desired was already,i|n God’s reckoning, his Redeemer, “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8) ? How t h e G u l f was S panned In the wonderful passage of Philippians 2:5-11, the whole story is told in graphic language, showing the steps by which the Son of God became the Son of man, and how He then, as Son of man, took His seat at the right hand of God. We quote, translating literally: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form [the place, the grade, the position, the rank] of God, counted not the being on an equality [Continued on page 259]

* Author, Bible teacher, and conference speaker.

July, 1936

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The Reappearance o f the Empire on the Fateful H ills o f Rome, B y LOUIS S. BAUMAN* Long Beach, California

W e have ju s t dug out of our “barrel,” notes of a sermon delivered July 10, 1927. From them, we quote a few sentences: Among the shadows that are falling across the pathway of our generation, none is more menacing, more foreboding of ill, than that which falls from the person of the great Italian dictator, Mussolini. So far as we know, we were the first to suggest publicly that this man might prove to be thé Antichrist. Many1,.,' laughed the idea to scorn then, Fewer are laughing now. T h e R evelation of t J iè A n t ich r ist g o j T ake P lage F ollowing t h é T ranslation of t h e S a in ts And now, nine years later, as we write,, fewer, still are laughing that possibility to scorn. But before we write one sentence more, let us make one statement so clear that none can misunderstand. B efore t h e sa ints of god are “ caught u p . . . to m eet t h e lord in t h e a ir ”. ( 1 Thess. 4 :17), no . one w ill be able to po in t h e | fin g er at any M AN AND SAY W IT H ABSOLUTE C ER TA IN TY , “ T H E R E STANDS Tim man w ho is to be t h e a n t ic h r ist ” ! The inspired apostle wrote: “Brethren, touching the cHming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him . . . it will not be, except the falling away come first, and the mqm of '.in be revealed, the son of perdition, he that opposeth and exalteth himself against.all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in :the temple of God, setting himself forth as God . . . For the mystery of lawlessness doth already work : only there is one that re- straineth now, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall be revealed the lawless one, whom the Lord Jesus shall . . . bring to nought by the manifestation of his coming” (2 Thess. 2 :l-8, R.V.). “The lawless one,” that is, the Anti­ christ, will not be revealed to men in his real character until after “that which restraineth”—that is, the “salt of the earth”-=the true saints of God—the church—the ‘‘temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 6:19, R.V.Jf^Tbe taken out of the way.” Only after the translation of the church to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:13-18) will the Antichrist, in his activities fulfilling the Scriptures, be revealed to men. T h e P ossibility T h a t A n t ich r ist Now W alks t h e E arth However, if the Antichrist is to have his revelation immediately after the translation of the church, then he must dwell somewhere on the earth before that translation. If, as so many of the true saints believe, and multitudinous signs now indicate, the coming of Christ is imminent, then surely it is not fanaticism that leads the student of the pro­ phetic Word to weigh the words and actions, and to study the earmarks of men of power as to a tremendous possi­ bility. So far as the writer is concerned, he candidly admits that ever since the Fascist chief marched upon Rome in October, 1922, he has regarded Benito Mussolini as the world’s foremost candidate for the job of the Antichrist, should the church suddenly be wafted upward to the side of her Lord. And the fact that Mussolini has made some friendly gestures to Protestant Christianity does not blind

us to the true character of this pronounced atheist, as many of his other statements prove him to be. Back in 1904, Mussolini debated the. existence of God with Dji Edward Taglialatea, Professor of Theology at the Methodist Theo­ logical Seminary in Rome. We quote Mussolini verbatim from undisputable records: Later, over his own signature, he wrote: “The day is long past when thinking man conceived God as a person, having the form of' a human being'” If Mussolini has been converted since he uttered those words, no one has heard about it. And it will take more than a Bible and a cross on a postage stamp to deceive us. His gestures toward any Christian faith only qualify him the more for the task of becoming the most cunning de­ ceiver that Satan ever has or ever will pawn off on the world of men. T h e R esurrection of . thk R oman E m pire P redicted There will be a resurrection of the Roman Empire just as surely as Daniel spoke as he was “moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:21). The image in Nebuchadnezzar’s God-given dream was a prediction of the course of Gentile dominion from the time of the dream until the last sunset of Gentile power and glory. The “legs of iron” and the “feet part of iron and part of day”1formed the “fourth kingdom.” No one has ever contended that the “stone . . . cut out without hands, ■which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them to pieces,” was any other than “the stone of Israel” (Gen. 49:24) descending to grind Satan’s dominion to powder—all of which means that the Roman Empire must be in existence when the Stone falls. In the seventh chapter of Daniel, God again reveals the course of Gentile dominion. In the “fourth beast” of that chapter, we have a clear portrayal of the Roman Empire. The legs, feet, and toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image and the “fourth beast” of Daniel’s vision, are one and the same. This “fourth beast” possesses “ten horns,” as well as a “little horn” that comes up among them. All belong to the Roman Empire. The “little horn” unquestionably is the Antichrist (Dan. 7:23-27). “The ten horns . . . are ten kings” who shall be reigning within the territorial limits of the empire of the Caesars at the time of its revival. These “ten kings” will federate, making “the beast*r$Antichrist —their head. See Revelation 17:12,13. When this federa­ tion is consummated, you will have the Roman Empire in its final form. And if you wish a glorious vision of the Stone falling and grinding to powder this devil-inspired federation, meditate on the picture in Revelation 19:11-21. There can be no question about the matter—the Roman Empire must reappear! “ E mperor of S outheastern E urope !” In the March and April numbers of the Review of Reviews, the famous correspondent, Hiram Motherwell, writes on the subject: “What Does Mussolini Want?” Mr. God does not exist. Religion injtsjjience is an absurdity; in practice it is immorality; in men it is a disease.

■*Pastor, First Brethren Church, Long Beach, Calif.

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