King's Business - 1936-07


July, 1936


Lesson: Who can tell me how these matches are like people? “There are four colors, like the four races of people on the earth.” Yes, and there is another way—some are like Christians, and some are like un­ saved people. I will light these eight matches one at a time, blow out the light, and place them in this little box. They remind me of the Christians and unsaved people who have died and have been buried. These other matches are like people who will be living when Christ comes. I will put these two red ones in this little bed. The yellow ones I will put under these shrubs. The white ones will occupy the chair, and the black ones will stand by this little mill. This magnet reminds me of Christ’s coming for the Christians, dead and living. Paul said: “The dead in Christ shall' rise first.” The box, representing the grave, opens, and a yellow, a red, a black, and a white match jump to meet the magnet. It will be like this when Christ comes—some from every race will have accepted Him as Saviour and will be raised from the dead. Christ died for all races. Remember what the Lord Jesus said: “There shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.” As the magnet comes near the bed, one match jumps up to the magnet. Again, Jesus said: “Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” The magnet moves over the field, and one of the matches goes up. As the magnet passes over the chair, one is taken and the other left. Jesus said also: “Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left.” I will wrap these matches in this white cloth, which reminds me of the white robes of those who have been saved and are with Christ. The time will come when the unsaved dead will be raised and, witfi the unsaved living, will appear before what we speak of as “the great white throne judgment.” They later will be cast into outer darkness and into the lake of fire. We will wrap these in this black cloth, reminding us of the outer darkness. Be ready for ,the coming of Christ by accepting Him as Saviour, “for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.” But some of those who were driven from Jerusalem were Grecian Jews (v. 20). When these men came to Antioch; they preached the Lord Jesus to the Grecians there. The hand of the Lord was upon the messengers, and a great number be­ lieved and turned to the Lord (v. 21). The work at Antioch was one of the best evi­ dences that the Lord Jesus had risen from the dead and was making Himself known far and wide through His disciples. Thus the persecution, started by Satan in the hope of silencing the testimony con­ cerning Christ, resulted in the beginning of world missions and, humanly speaking, in the spreading of the gospel farther than it otherwise would have gone. Persecutions which arise because of Satan’s activity al­ ways result in the furtherance of the gospel (cf. Phil. 1:12, 13). It is still true that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.

the command came to Peter, he said, “Not so, Lord,” and he refused to eat that which a Jew would regard as “unclean.” Then the voice said, “What God hath cleansed, that call thou not common.” Three times this vision and the voice came to Peter. What could they mean? As Peter was puzzling about the matter, some one at the gate called, asking whether Peter was there. Some visitors from an­ other city had come to ask Peter the way to be saved. These visitors were not Jews. Peter thought for a minute. These men were not Jews, but was the gospel story for them, too? Had Jesus come to save them, too? Perhaps Peter remembered then something that Jesus had said when He was on earth, “Him that cometh to me I will no no wise cast out.” These men had come to learn about Jesus. Peter must tell them about Him. That was what the vision meant.

P rophetic B ooklets BY

Louis S. Bauman, D .D . Writer of Prophetic Articles in THE KING’S BUSINESS

SH IR T S A N D SH EET S, or, Anti- Semitism, A Present-Day Sign of the First M agnitude! “Behold, a Great Red Dragon! . . . He perse­ cuted the woman which brought forth the Man Child“ (Rev. 12:3, 13). This booklet deals with the most significant present- day sign of the closing of our age and the coming of the kingdom of God—Anti-Semitism! It reviews the entire story of the eternal conflict between "the seed of the woman" and "the seed of the serpent"— between the "great red dragon" and the earthly people of God,—culminating in the latest outburst— Hitlerism. No prophetic study is more timely or more important. Order your copy today. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c #1.25 per dozen postpaid God and Gog; or, T he Com ing Meet Between Judah’s Lion and Russia’s Bear (2nd edition, revised) A booklet of forty pages bearing on one of the most timely and interesting subjects in the whole realm of prophecy. Illustrated with striking car­ toons. Especially interesting to American Chris­ tians in view of our government's recognition of Russia. 'Now in second revised edition. Price, 15c, 2 for 25c #1.25 per dozen postpaid T H E W OR LD ’S H E A R T FA ILURE ( Our Lord's Own Crystalline Prophecy of the lmminency of His Return. Lk. 21:24-33). A booklet of 24 pages presenting a graphic picture of present world conditions as foretold by our Lord should exist prior to, His return. Contains two striking cartoons. Splendid for general distribution among both the saved who are not acquainted with the blessed Hope of Christ’s return and the unsaved who are showing anxiety because of present-day conditions. This booklet sets forth in a most clear and concise manner the spiritual significance of the N.R.A. in the light of the Prophetic Word. Every student of prophecy will welcome this sane Scriptural study on present-day events. The following testimony esti­ mates the value of this booklet: "This is a well- written article, forcefully hitting many sore spots in national as well as individual conditions, and deserves wide distribution." Price, 10c each #1.00 per dozen postpaid ALSO T H E M OD ERN TON G U E S MOVE- M EN T— in the Light of the Scripture and in the Light of Its Fruits (2nd edition, revised) The world-wide demand for this 40-page booklet has been so great that it is now in its second edition, revised. Scores of persons have been led out of this false movement and thousands of others saved from its erroneous teachings through the sane Scriptural exposure of this delusion. Recommended by Dr. Grant Stroh to members of his class in History of Doctrine at the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. Price of Revised Edition, 25 cents 5 copies for #1.00 postpaid PO STAG E STAM PS ACCEPTED Order From ALAN PEA RC E 1925 E. Fifth Street Long Beach, Calif. Price, 15c each, 2 for 25c #1.25 per dozen postpaid N .R .A .—T h e Sign and Its Spiritual Significance

Objects: Sixteen matches, a little jewel box, a cardboard bed, a spool, a toy chair, toy shrubs, a magnet, a piece of black cloth, and a piece of white cloth. (Color the matches with crayons—four yellow, four black, four red, and four white. Insert a pin in the end of two matches of each color. Separate the matches into two groups, each group having one of each color with a pin, and one of each color without a pin. Saw one end off the spool, and cut the remainder in two. Take the part with the end on, and drive a peg into the hole. Whittle the peg small enough so that the top part of the spool will revolve on it. Drive a small tack for a handle in the top of the upper half. This is like a Palestinian mill.) Lesson Text: Acts 11:19-21; 13:1-12. Golden Text: “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15). O utline an d E xposition I. B egan by P ersec u tio n of G od ’ s P eople (11:19-21). T h e f ir st Christians thought that the gospel was to be preached only to Jews (v. 19).- This conception was caused by the fact that the first Christians were all Jews, and they had, as yet, no under­ standing of what the church was, nor of the breaking down of the wall of partition between Jews and Gentiles (cf. Eph. 2:14 to 3 :6). Just as Christian Jews were slow to give the gospel to the Gentiles, so the Christian Gentiles—with no excuse such as the Jews had—are slow to give the gospel to the Jews today.

AUGUST 30, 1936 BEGINNING OF WORLD MISSIONS A cts 11:19-26; 13:1-12

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