King's Business - 1936-07

T U K M A N X i d e a IS A f lO O ' SEND TO FOLKS WHO NEED M O N E Y I P S By P . H . G R A H A M

are willing to give his plan a fair trial. Til be surprised if you don’t make $25.00 to $35.00 in a week for your spare' time either in the day­ time or evenings. - If you decide to continue with the business you can devote full or spare time the year ’round and enjoy big weekly cash earnings. Your earnings will be in proportion to the time you can de­ vote. I know of other people who have made anywhere from $40.00 to $100.00 in a week.

This is a true story. I know this man personally.. 1 know of the folks he has' helped with his’ money-making . plans. I know of- .widows with chil­ dren to support who thank him for their w e ek ly ca sh earnings. I know of men who lost their jobs, but are now making more_ m o n e y than ever before. I can tell you of men and women who live bet­ te r because of the opportunity this man gives them to add to their incomes. Yes, I know of literally hundreds of folks to whom this man’s idea of do­ ing business has been a god­ send. D o You N e ed M oney? Perhaps you, too, are in urgent need of money to meet pressing bills. You may have some spare time you want to tu rn into cash. Then you will want te write this man at once'. There will be no obligation on your. part. . Co s t s 7 0 u nothing. He will write and tell you about a wonderful oppor­ tunity he has- for you and h o w o t h e r s - who were hard pressed have found relief with his common-sense plans. He is president of a large million - dollar manufacturing company. He does business in every section of the country-—- in y o u r v e r y locality. He started a few years ago with an idea. I t was th is : He said,

ALBERT MILLS “ I will operate my business in such a way tha t deserving people who are willing to run a light, pleasant business can profit from my w e a l t h of money - making i d e a s . ” He prospered. His b u s in e s s be­ came most tremendously suc­ cessful. And today it is still .growing. W o u ld $40 .00 a W eek H e lp You? Right now he needs 300:men arid women in all parts of the country. He wants ^someone in .your locality

Y o u r Earn ings C an S ta rt A t O nce

I sincerely ask you to fill out and mail the coupon. You don’t obli­ gate yourself or risk any money. You will receive complete details by mail. Then you can decide if you want to start right away and have the money you need coming in at once. It will certainly pay you to give this offer a trial. Better sit down and write your name and address on the coupon or on a penny postcard and mail to him at oncer Just address Albert Mills, 8602 Monmouth Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio, a n d s a y “Send me your free proposition.” E Z Z Z Z Z Z Z T 3 ALBERT MILLS, President 8602 Monmouth Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Yes, I want to make money. Without cost or obligation, send rile full details of the wonderful opportunity now open in my locality. Name..... ....................................... ............._______

to handle the business there. To everyone who a c c e p t s his offer he gua r ant e e s a fair, s q u a r e deal and an amazing opportunity, to make money in a pleas­ ant, dignified business. Everything you need is sent to you. You don’t risk a p e n n y of your money. He takes care of that. You don’t need experience. He ‘tells you the few things you need to do in simple, plain language. Just say you

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A d d re ss :■

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