King's Business - 1936-07

THE WOR LD OFFICIAL CHART Select Your Station EXPLANATION You are requested to select the day and hour that suits you best and circle it on the chart below. - Then detach the “ Prayer Volunteers’ Enrollment Form” printed below and sign and send it to the Bible Institute, keeping the chart as a reminder of your prayer hour. We suggest that you cut it out and keep it between the pages of your Bible. As soon as your application reaches Los Angeles, a gold star will be placed upon our official chart and a number assigned to you, of which you will be immediately notified. All names will be kept in absolute confidence, and will be known only to the few officials of the Institute in charge of the chart and Prayer Volunteers’ enrollments. Your official number and the hour of your vigil will be printed, however, on every chart we issue; Remember, your enlistment is “ for the war,” that is, your prayer service is to continue until you are notified that a sum has been paid or pledged that is sufficient to pay all the operating expenses for the summer and for the school year. The fall semester opens on September 8, 1936, and closes January 27, 1937. Let us strive together earnestly in prayer that God may mercifully see fit to grant the needed sum quickly, so that our prayer circle and our friends everywhere may rejoice. The estimated sum needed for the maintenance of the work of Biola through the twenty weeks of the fall semester of training the 400 students (the number anti­ cipated) is placed at $175.00 per student, or £30,000.00. N o student^ pays tuition, but it costs the Institute approximately £75.00 a semester to train each one. We believe God will provide the amount urgently required, through the donations of H is stewards or in a way that H e may otherwise designate. O ur eyes are unto H im ; we have no other hope, no visible means of continuance. "PRAY WITHOUT C E A S I MG ' DAY WEEK


How to Pray for Biola

I. PRAY FOR STUDENTS: 1. T h a t those w ho have been g ra d u ated m ay use th eir train in g w isely and effectively in th e hom e or foreign field, an d m ay be th e in stru ­ m ents in leading m any souls to C hrist. 2. T h at th o se w ho have only p a r­ tially com pleted th e ir courses m ay be blessed of God an d m ay “ grow in grace, and in the know ledge of o u r L ord and S aviour Jesus C h rist“ (2 Pet. 3 :3 8 ). 3. T h a t those p lan n in g to com e to th e school nex t term m ay be chosen of th e H oly Spirit, th a t only those so selected m ay apply, and th a t the dedication of them selves to God m ay b e com plete. • • • II. PRAY FO R TH E PRESIDENT O F TH E BIBLE INSTITUTE AND FO R O F F I C E R S AND D IRECTORS: T h a t divine w isdom m ay guide them in all th eir decisions, a n d th at th ey m ay co n d u ct th e . Institute wisely. • # • III. PRAY FOR THE FACULTY : T h a t g re at grace be given them in teaching th e “u n search ab le riches of C h rist“ (E ph. 3 :8 ). IV . PRAY FO R ALL TH E D E PA R T ­ MENTS O F INSTITUTE A C ­ TIV ITY : 1. F o r th e A dm inistration, Field, an d Financial D epartm ents. 2. F o r th e C o r r e s p o n d e n c e School, w hich .offers seventeen courses by m ail; p ra y also for th e students of this d ep artm en t— eag er search ers of th e W ord, m en a n d w om en w ho in m any cases a re rem ote from schools. 3. F o r th e Jew ish D ep artm en t w ith its c o n stan t w itness to Israel. 4. F o r the KING’S BUSINESS and its arm y of m ore th an 30 ,0 0 0 su b ­ scribers. 5. F o r th e Shop D ep artm en t w ith its m inistry to th e m en in th e fa cto r­ ies and shops in a n d n e a r Los A n ­ geles. 6. F o r th e Institu te Bible W om en an d for th e scores of Bible classes w hich th ey tea ch each w eek am ong adults a n d schoolgirls. 7. F o r th e E vening School whose courses have been g re atly enlarged. T h a t th e C hina Division of th e Bi­ ble In stitu te of Los A ngeles m ay co n ­ tin u e its noble w o rk of train in g y oung C hinese to live th e gospel and to p re ac h it to th eir own people. • • • V I. PRAY FO R A SPIR IT O F PER ­ PETUAL REV IVAL A T BIOLA. • • • V II. PRAY FO R BLESSING UPON TH E INSTITUTE'S EVANGEL­ ISTIC EFFORTS: 1. W ork am ong boys a n d girls, em phasizing child evangelism . 2. Bible C onferences. V . PRAY FO R TH E HUNAN BIBLE INSTITUTE:



I hereby volunteer to act as a “BIOLA WATCHMAN ” and will pray ONE HOUR EACH WEEK, until the sum needed at the present time (£30,000.00) for carrying forward the work of Biola is received.

Name__ Address.

A.M . ..o’clock, P.M. each.. CROSS O U T ONE

H our selected..


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