King's Business - 1936-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July, 1936

The Bible Institute is conducting a Summer Bible School for children this summer at the Summer Institute. The school opened on June 22 and Plans will continue through Friday, July 17. William Harllee Bordeaux, a member of the Institute faculty, is the superintendent of this school. He is assisted by our students who have been trained for this type of work. The school is strictly Bible-centered. Our annual Summer Bible Conference will be held at Pacific Palisades Assembly Grounds (near Santa Monica) from August 24 to September 7, and it gives promise of being a rich spiritual feast. The convenient location of the conference grounds, twenty-one miles from Los Angeles, the reasonable accommodations, and the strong program should attract a large number of friends. The Evening School of the Bible Institute Evening is conducted for those who are employed during Bible the day, or who, for other reasons, cannot School attend the day sessions of the Institute. In every church, there are Sunday-school teachers and other persons who realize their need of a better prepa­ ration for Christian service. The curriculum of the Eve­ ning School is planned to meet the need of those who desire a working knowledge of the English Bible and who wish to become efficient laborers in the Lord’s vineyard. Next fall we are enlarging the scope of this department by offering two courses instead of the one that has been given during the. past few years. The Christian Education course which leads to the diploma of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association will be continued. The new course which will be offered next fall is the Comprehensive Bible Course. Credits from both of these courses may be applied toward an eventual diploma from Biola. Sessions will be held on Tuesday and Thursday eve­ nings from 6:30 to 9:30. During the first semester, of 1936-37, Conducting, Prophecy, and Child Evangelism will be taught on Tuesday evening, and Missions, Doctrine, and Departmental Specialization on Thursday evening. Those who find it impossible to attend both evenings may register for a course requiring only one evening each week. Our

Courses in Child Evangelism will be offered in both the day and the evening schools/ and thereby Biola will lead the way to a new era in the winning of boys and girls. Doctrinally, we are Fundamentalists with a capital “F” ; evangelistically and spiritually, we stand with Jona­ than Edwards, Charles Finney, D. L. Moody, and R. A. Torrey. We recognize the need of adequate preparation and training of those who are to be future pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and Bible teachers. We are determined to make it possible for young people to receive that prepara­ tion in a school characterized by faithfulness to the “faith once delivered unto the saints,” and by New Testament standards of Christian living, and by apostolic practices in soul-winning. In the words of the immortal Luther, “Here we stand. We can not do otherwise. God help us. Amen.” The success of a school is to a large extent determined by the attitude of the'alumni. If the graduates are loyal to the school that trained them and are enthusiastic supporters of it, the institution prospers. One of the encouraging features of the work at Biola is the determination of the Alumni Asso­ ciation to do its best for our beloved school. Whilerasten- ing to the messages and sensing the atmosphere at the alumni banquet held during Commencement week, we thanked God and took courage. The following resolution was adopted at the annual meeting : W hereas , although the Bible Institute of Los An­ geles has been passing through a time of testing and diffi­ culty, the work has been maintained without deviation from the fundamental purposes for which this Institute was founded, therefore be it Resolved, That the Biola Alumni Association place itself on record as heartily commending and supporting the program of the Instituté under the present adminisglffi tration and its continued uncompromising stand for the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, and be it further Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to earnest and faithful prayer in behalf of the/;Institute and its future usefulness in the Lord’slservice. //' C urtis G lenn E lliott , ’24 D avid S chmidt , ’22 I van C heever E llis , ’26 /’ Biola Alumni

The Faculty and Graduating Class of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1936.

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