King's Business - 1954-09



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■ Los Angeles Airport LGflVC v,a Airlines Jan. 12, 1955

|I5 | Days of Christian fellowship and Bible|S tudvl combined with Rest and Recreation ini ' ; ■ . the Paradise of the Pacific. Your Hosts P « n w i £

in the luxurious Moana Hotel on Waikiki Beach

Some of America's outstand ing Bible scholars: • Dr. and Mrs. J. Lester Harnish, Temple Baptist Church, L.A. • Dr. and Mrs. J. Henry Hu tch ins, Lake Ave. Con­ gregational, Pasadena. I Dr. and Mrs. J. Vernon Me- Gee, Church of the Open Door, • Tour Conductors: Dr. and Mrs. James T . Martin. M w H u j l t f t g M * . . . Five Guided Tours of the Islands — Two Optional Inter-Island Air Excursions. Conference Sessions each evening — Visits to Mission Stations — Hawai­ ian "Luau." AV t . Days Aboard Palatial S.S. Lurline with finest food and sea travel. M § m m K t « .

M J S L.A.

Dr. J. Lester Harnish

Return by S.S. Lurline

to Los Angeles Harbor Jon. 27, 1955

MUSIC LEADERSHIP Under the direction of Rev. & Mrs. Paul R. Acker

Dr. J. Henry Hutchins


$373.25 (p lu e T a x $35) and up based on type of steamer cabin. All first does accommodations (only regular fares charged). All general expenses in clu d e d except tor meals in the Islands. Reservation Must be made soon! Option is held for a lim ited space until August 28. To assure the space you prefer, send coupon now.

To avoid cutting this cover you may use coupon on Page 36.

Dr. James T. Martin, Pastor Chevy Chase Baptist Church 1209 E. Garfield, Glendale 5, Calif. Please send complete details regarding the Hawaiian Bible Study Cruise. Name...............................................................................................

« n Vernon McGee

Dr. J.

Address. C ity......

Z on e ......... State....

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