King's Business - 1954-09

Sunday School

I t is altogether fitting that a nation so blessed of God through the Sunday school should set aside a week each year to look back (in order) and to think again of the purpose of the Sunday school. An institution as old as the Sunday school J is always in danger of being taken for ( granted. For this reason the National Sun- .- day School Association sponsors annually National Sunday School Week between the . last Sunday of September and the first Sun- 1 day of October. This year National Sunday School Week is September 26-October 3. The first Sunday is designated as National Sun­ day School Day. Sunday schools and churches and even Sunday school associations will cooperate to make the community and the nation conscious of the Sunday school. The National Sunday School Association together with a number of denominational leaders and various publishers has prepared a new list of materials and suggested ideas for observing the week. The theme “ Train Today” is beautifully illustrated on the posters and church bulle­ tin covers. The posters are free, the bulle­ tin covers $1.25 per hundred. Address: Na­ tional Sunday School Association, 542 South Dearborn, Chicago 5, 111.

National Sunday School Week



A Sure Bulwark

B y F rank Carlson Un ited S ta tes Sena tor from Kansas exploration of the meaning of Chris­ tianity in everyday life. Over and above this, it can and does reach out and attract hundreds of thou­ sands of boys and girls and young people from the other kind of home, where parents are indifferent to re­ ligion or derelict in their duty. Our nation sorely needs citizens and public servants of integrity, whose yea is yea and nay is nay. It needs citizens who accept respon­ sibility; who assume they have an obligation to serve. These qualities are the full-flowering of a Christian faith. Over and beyond this, the world today is in the throes of a gigantic conflict for men’s loyalties. We of

M y own experience in public life, first in Kansas and now in our Nation, leads me to rate the work of the Sunday school teacher as one of the half-dozen greatest assets to our beloved country. Here in the Sunday school as in the Christian home, our children and youth find the inspired leadership that develops and matures their Christian faith. Here our churches find the seed corn of their member­ ship of tomorrow. Of course, the Sunday school can never take and should never take the place of a home where Christ dwells; but it can supplement such a home by sys­ tematic Bible study, by training in simple worship, by discussion and

the free world know how near even some of our own people are at times to surrendering their birthright of freedom through fear- or for the promise of security. At the heart of freedom, its greatest and strongest foundation, is the belief which many of us learned first in Sunday school, that you and I and each and every human being that ever lived may be­ come a child of the Living God— too sacred to be coerced, exploited, terrorized. On this rock we build our country, and we would build the Church of God among free men everywhere. To this end, our Sunday schools are dedicated. To this end, may their teachers ever labor. God give them His power!



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