King's Business - 1954-09


I Y O U N G PEOPLE continued Scriptures that indicate the restlessness of men in this world, and how we can bring to them the peace of God. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Be sure that you read the Daily Bible Readings. The Scriptures set the stage, as it were, for the Sunday dis­ cussions. Do you not see- in Psalm 46 a symbolic picture of the chaos and trouble and confusion of these days? (Psa. 46:1-3.) Are we not reminded of our Lord’s prophecy of these days in Luke 21:25-28? 2. What is to be the Christian’s atti­ tude in the midst of such a condition? (cp. Psalm 46:4-11; Luke 21:28.) 3. Do you see a symbol of life in Luke 8:22? Is not this life simply a pas­ sage from one shore to another? Some are journeying toward the shore of de­ struction (Matt. 7:13, 14); others are trav­ eling toward glory (Phil. 3:13,14.) To which shore is the ship of your life sail­ ing? 4. What happened to the disciples as they sailed across the sea? (v. 23.) Why do you think our Lord slept? 5. Thinking of life as a sea, what storms often hit us as mariners? Dis­ cuss what happens in many lives when sorrow comes, or suffering, or disappoint­ ment, or failure. .What should be the believer’s attitude in all these things? (cp. Prov. 3:5 ,6 ; Psalm 37:3,4; Isa. 26:3; Phil. 4:6, 7, etc.) 6. What did the Saviour do in answer to the fearful statement of His disciples? (v. 24.) What does this action teach about Christ? Is it a thing to be doubted I that the Creator should be able to gov- | ern His creation? (cp. Gen. 1:1; John 1:3; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:3, etc.) 7. What question did Jesus ask of His disciples? (v. 25.) What did He mean by this question? Are we guilty of doubt­ ing Christ sometimes in the midst of life’s storms? 8. Why do you think the Saviour de­ parted from the Pharisees and Sadducees? (Matt. 15:21.) Let us remember that our Lord will not cast His pearls to the swine. If a man will not have Him, He cannot I save him. 9. Note that Jesus turned from the Jews to the Gentiles (v. 22.) See Acts 13:44-52; John 1:11, 12. 10. What was the woman’s great prob­ lem? (v. 22.) 11. How did He answer the woman? (v. 23,24,26.) Why do you think He answered her thus? 12. The disciples did not yet under­ stand that the gospel was designed ulti­ mately for the whole world, thus their statement of v. 23. They realized the universal character of the gospel later. Could it be said of any of us that we, too, are narrow and restricted in our view of the world’s need and their right to the gospel of Christ? 13. How is the woman’s humility seen in v. 27? Is humility necessary if a man is to be saved? 14. What was it about this woman that touched the heart of Christ? (v. 28.) Does this same thing please Him if found in us? (cp. Heb. 11:6.) 15. How can the believer express his I faith today? END.

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