Wadah PELANCAR Edisi Disember 2018

From your perspective, what will the future look like for co-operatives in the health sector? Three main sectors; food, housing and health are the most needed and required by our society. COOPUSMA chose to involve in the health sector as it was not fully led by any co-operative and it has corresponded well with our image. We took the initiative to lead the health field after taking into account of the capabilities of our members who are directly involved in the medical. We also feel it is our responsibility to set an example by proving co-operatives too, can contribute to the country’s health sector.

How far is the health sector of the cooperative seen to play a role and give benefit to the society? The purpose of a co-operative is not to gain profit only because our

utmost priority is the welfare of our members especially those from the B40 class. To improve the socioeconomic of the local community, co- operatives also play a crucial role by providing job opportunities. As for COOPUSMA, we prioritize on health services for our members. For example, the staff of COOPUSMA and those of COOPUSMA’s subsidiary have benefited from our panel clinic. We also ensure the asnaf* to receive free treatment and our ambulance service is fully utilized to help those who cannot go to the hospital due to physical disability. * Someone who does not have a property or revenues sufficient to meet the basic needs of themselves and their dependents to accommodate the needs of food and clothing, and shelter. (Source: Melaka Islamic Religion Council). What about the collaborative idea between cooperatives in regards to the health sector? Collaboration between co-operatives is an idea that is based on corporate and a symbol of strength for co-operatives in Malaysia. For example, the collaboration between COOPUSMA and the Kelantan Medical and Health Specialist Co-operative

has resulted to the opening of the first coop- owned hospital in the country. COOPUSMA also has collaborated with the Kedah Malay Teachers Co-operative in an effort to open another coop- owned hospital, which will have more than 100 bed capacity. So far, what are the views or comments received from customers on the medical services provided by COOPUSMA? So far, our customers are satisfied with the services offered at the Telipot Medical Centre thanks to affordable rates and the range of expertise provided. Also, the warm service and welcoming environment of our staff at the dialysis centre has made some patients regard it as their “first home”. Once in a week, COOPUSMA also give lectures and Quran lesson to patients as well as provide transportation to less fortunate patients.

56 PELANCAR December 2018

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