PhilanthroCorp A Biblical Solution for Estate Planning Do you have peace of mind about your estate documents? Many people find that their documents don’t agree with how they thought they planned their estate. Sometimes, this results from not checking beneficiaries on insur- ance policies and retirement accounts. Other times, the way assets are titled creates confusion. Word of Life Foundation offers to review your documents with complete confidentiality and absolutely no cost to you. If you do not have estate documents in place, you can join hundreds of other friends of the ministry by using Word of Life’s estate planning service. Word or Life partners with PhilanthroCorp to help you get your documents in order. They can help you set up your charitable giving, refer you to a Christian attorney, and simplify each step of the process – all from a biblical perspective.
Contact Bob Brown,at Word of Life Foundation, and he will set the process in motion to help you as you steward the blessings God has entrusted to you. / 518.494.6205
“We are so thankful that Word of Life introduced us to PhilanthroCorp. Thanks to our parents, we have had the opportunity to experience firsthand how important estate planning is and especially the medical power of attorney documents. Our age and experience in caring for our parents’ health needs and estate settlement encourage us to do the same for our children. The hardest part of the process was making the first initial call to begin the process. We didn’t even know what questions to ask. Our first conversation with Dave Keesling, PhilanthroCorp’s Executive Vice President, encouraged us and helped to begin the thought process of putting a plan into action.
Estate planning is an act of love!”
– Gary and Lola Hixon
If you would like to learn more, scan the QR code and fill out a contact form.
17 The Experience
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