It was on this night that Mark encountered the gospel for the very first time. “I heard about how Jesus loved me; I heard that He wanted a relationship with me, and that He wanted to forgive me. It was very different than anything I’d heard before.” When the speaker invited students to trust Christ, Mark prayed to receive Jesus as His Savior. “While there was an emotional feeling, it was also an intellectual commitment. I didn’t have a biblical foundation at the time, but I knew that Jesus had just come into my life.” That night at Reverb was the launching point of Mark’s relationship with Jesus. “I took off like a rocket over the next few months. I began learning more about my Bible, and I started attending church on Sunday mornings and evenings.” Mark’s youth leaders got him involved in a discipleship group, and they continued to mentor him through the ups and downs of his high school years. “I gravitated toward these strong role models that I was lacking at home; the fact that they were godly role models meant that they were able to speak truth into my life.” Upon graduating high school, Mark spent two years as a Word of Life Bible Institute student. Not only did Mark build a biblical foundation for life, but he also gained experience in professional leadership skills. “By my second year, I was serving as a resident assistant and the student head of the bakery department. God was giving me those early experiences to help me grow into a life of discipline, both in my spiritual growth and in the practical day-to-day.”
Mark Morse, 2022
High school photo of Mark Morse, 1996
Mark’s freshman year at the Bible Institute, 1997
Today, Mark is the owner and operator of a Chick-fil-A restau- rant. He sees his business as a stewardship from the Lord, and he is passionate about reaching his community with the gospel. His story begs the question: What if God uses countless small moments – whether in the middle of an all-night youth event or over a chicken sand- wich lunch – to impact lives for eternity?
Reverb 2022 13,509 Gospel Presentations 428 Salvation Decisions
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