King's Business - 1932-11


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

November 1932

K ING ’S BUSINESS . . . By M artha S. H ooker

u n io r

again—and not only you, Nicodemus, but everybody.” Children, we were all born once, that’s how we came to be in the world. But what the Lord Jesus says is that we must be born a second time if we want to go to heaven. How can we be born again or made over again? God tells us how we can have a second birthday. “As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God.” The moment you accept the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, from that moment you can date your second birthday. So the day that you felt you were a sinner and needed a Saviour and came to the Lord Jesus you were born the sec­ ond time, and God gave you a wonderful gift—the gift of everlasting life! You can look at the sun and moon and stars, and say to yourself, “ These are going to pass away, but I am going to live forever and ever—live with the Lord Jesus (He who is alive forevermore) and who lives to help me day by day, if I am H is!” Perhaps some o f you think, “How old must I be before I can have two birth­ days?” Well, I know a lady who was only two and a half years old when she had her second birthday. Then I know o f a little girl who was three years old. Did you know, dears, that the Lord wants you to have two birthdays when you are quite small? No one is too small to come to the Lord Jesus. Would you not like to come today, and so have two birthdays? [This and similar chats with boys and girls is taken from Sand or Rock by E dith G oreham , published by Thynne & Co., Ltd., London. The price is one shil ling.— E ditor .] Birthday Greetings

“Yes,” the visitor replied, “you are now a Christian.” At that moment, the boy’s mother spoke up and said, “Yes, but you are still a Jew.” “No,” the boy answered, “I’m a Chris­ tian.” The visitor said, “Now you are a Chris­ tian Jew.” • A large book of Bible stories that was given him has become his dearest treasure, and he loves to tell its stories to his little Jewish playmates. When the visitor left, Delmore put his arms about her neck, and pulling her head down, he kissed her and said, “Thank you for making me a Christian.” “But,” the visitor replied, “I did not make you a Christian; I just showed you the way.” “Well then,” he answered in the most serious manner, “ thank you for showing me the way." Thanksgiving Day Grace Our Father, fill our hearts, we pray, With gratitude Thanksgiving Day; For food and raiment Thou dost give, That we in comfort here may live. With bread of life our spirits feed And grant to us the grace we need, Guide Thou our feet lest they should stray From paths of righteousness away. True service may we render Thee In love and deep humility; Deliver us from ev’ry sin, In His dear name we ask. Amen. —L uther B. C ross . A Second Birthday Everybody has a birthday! That is a wonderful thing. There are so many things that other people have which I cannot have, and you cannot have, that it is good to know we all have a birthday. I expect you all look eagerly for yours, and count the days. Yes, it’s lovely to have a birth­ day. Do you know, I have two birthdays! Yes, I am quite serious. My first birthday is in October; my second birthday is in March; and there are sixteen years be­ tween them! What do I mean? Well, you know you will never get to heaven unless you have two birthdays. Don’t you re­ member how the Lord Jesus said to a very learned man once, “Ye must be born again” ? Do you know the story? Let’s get out our Bibles and read all about it. You notice that this man came to the Lord at night. How earnestly the Lord spoke to him! “Verily, verily”— which means “truly, truly, what I am tell­ ing you is true”—“Ye must be born again.” And then after a little while He repeated it, because He did not want Nicodemus to make any mistake about it. You know, Nicodemus was not a bad man, but what we should call an upright man, a kind man, yet the Lord Jesus said to him, “Nicode­ mus, what you want is to be made over

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_LlAC-Ot-Oll / (K-tos J A Jewish Boy’s Thanks B y J. A . V au s

Delmore, a very bright little Jewish boy of nine years, but wise beyond his years, was lying stretched out upon the floor with his heels in the air, his chin rest­ ing in both hands, and his elbows on the floor, while his eyes were earnestly fixed upon a Jewish-Christian visitor whom his mother was entertaining. “Little pitchers have big ears,” you know, and Delmore was listening very attentively to what was being said to his mother. The visitor was most earnestly seeking to im­ press upon the boy’s mother the proofs that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, and that she should believe in Him and become a Chris­ tian. Many a time during the years past had the mother been spoken to, until gradually her Jewish dislike of anything Christian had been overcome, and at this time, she was a secret believer in Christ. Suddenly, to the surprise o f both the mother and her visitor, Delmore cried out, “I want to be a Christian 1 What do you have to do to be a Christian, Mrs. V ........ ?” So serious and so determined was the little fellow, that the visitor turned to the mother and said, “I just must tell him what he wants to know.” The mother had no objection, and the visitor dropped down on the floor beside the lad. The story of the serpent in the wilderness was told, and the boy asked many questions, for he was determined to understand. From a New Testament that had been given them, the boy’s question, “What must one do to be a Christian ?” was answered. Finally, to make the way to heaven more easy for the boy to understand, the visitor told, of her marriage, and how the minister had asked her the question, “Will you have this man to be your lawful wedded hus­ band ?” and how she had answered, “I will.” “ Then,” she went on, “the minister pro­ nounced us man and wife. Now, becoming a Christian is something like that. When you say, T will’ to the .Lord, He pro­ nounces you a child o f God.” Then, putting out her hand, the visitor said, “Will you receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour ?” Without hesitation, Delmore put his hand in hers and said, “I will!” “Now,” he said, “I’m a Christian.”

All our Junior readers will want to join in sending birthday greetings to those who have had birthdays recently. These are some of them: Ida Mai Kilgore (Aug. 14), Martha Dunagan (Oct. 6),. and Tommy Kilgore (Oct. 9). Let us read together for these birthday children the lovely blessing of Numbers 6:24-26: “The Lord bless thee and keep thee, The Lord make his face to shine upon thee, And be gracious unto thee. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, And give thee peace.”

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