King's Business - 1932-11

November 1932

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


printed in Hebrew with the words, “The Crown o f the Law,” join in the procession and the singing o f their elders. As the procession moves about the audi­ torium, the women throw nuts and raisins (representing the sweetness and strength man finds in the Law) down from the gal­ leries on the men and boys marching be­ low. This festival ends with a banquet of rejoicing in the evening.—J. A. V axjs . Search the Scriptures This is Thanksgiving time, and I hope that all o f our Junior readers are remem­ bering to thank God for His many, many blessings. Read the following verses and make a list of ALL that God says in His Word we should thank Him for—and WHEN : 2 Cor. 9:15; 1 Thess. 5:18; Eph. 5:20; Psa. 103:2 ; Phil. 4 :6, 7; Col. 4 :2 ; Acts 27: 35; Psa. 95 :2 ; Psa. 100:4 ; Psa. 136 :l-3, 26. K. Y. B. Club Mrs. Mabel Vermilya, of Pierre, So. Dak., has organized a_K.Y. B. Club which plans to meet once a month to read to­ gether the Junior K ing ’ s B usiness page. Mrs. Vermilya has already sent in a num­ ber of names o f those who wish to become members of the K. Y. B. Club. The following have read through _the Gospel according to John and have received the K. Y. B. C. pin: Loren Zook, Santa Ana, Calif.; Glenys Vermilya and Martha Dunagan, Pierre, So. Dak.; Jasper and Irene Sawatzky, Hillsboro, Kan. To become a member o f the Know Your Bible Club, first write for a Gospel of John. When this has been read through and a statement sent to this effect signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be sent. Address Junior K ing ’ s B usiness , 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Memory Work for November John 14:27 John 15:7 John 15 :5 John 15:12 Gospel of John Read the third chapter of the Gospel ac­ cording to John and mark with a colored pencil all of the words “must.” Then read aloud each o f the verses containing these words. Name Acrostic Write your entire name in your note­ book ; then choose a Bible verse beginning with each letter. I have taken part of the name of one o f our K. Y. B. C. members, Dora Jane Ellis, and arranged it so that you will know just how to do it: D —raw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Jas. 4:8. O —pen thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. Psa. 119:18. R —ejoice evermore. 1 Thess. 5:16. A —sk, and it shall be given you. Matt. 7 :7. E —nter into his gates with thanksgiving. Psa. 100 :4. L —ook unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends o f the earth. Isa. 45:22. L —et your light so shine before men. Matt. 5:16. I —will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. Psa. 32:8. S— earch the scriptures. John 5 :39.

The Lord Jesus read the heart of the one who returned. We can never hide any­ thing from Him, you know, whether good or bad., And in the heart of this stranger, the Lord Jesus found the faith which saves. This one believed on the Lord Jesus as his own Saviour, and so went away with the most precious of all gifts, the gift of “life everlasting.” How glad he must have been that he remembered and re­ turned to give thanks! Dear boys and girls, has the Lord Jesus done great things in your life? Have you been cleansed from all sin, and have you re­ ceived God’s precious gift of Jesus as your Saviour? If so, your heart should be sing­ ing a real hymn of praise and thanks­ giving. Have you remembered to return to Jesus to thank Him, or have you been like the nine cleansed lepers who failed to re­ turn with praise and thanksgiving? “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand o f the enemy” (Psa. 107:2).

The One Who Remembered to be Thankful

It was in the days when the Lord Jesus was here upon earth. He went about teach­ ing and doing many wonderful things, all of which told the people the more clearly that He was very God. One day as He journeyed toward the beautiful city o f Jerusalem, He passed through the country of the Samaritans. These were Gentile people and strangers to the promises of God. As He drew near to a little village, He was met by ten men standing “afar off.” They did not draw near, for they were suffering from a dread­ ful disease called leprosy. There were many who suffered from this terrible disease in the days when the Lord Jesus walked upon the earth. These poor suffering people banded themselves to­ gether and went about in groups. They wore no covering on their heads, their clothes were torn, and as they went about, they cried, “Unclean, unclean.” What a sad sight these poor lepers must have been! They were separated, too, from their friends and loved ones, for they had to live alone, outside the city. They are a picture, too, of all the people who do not know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and who, because of sin, are “unclean” in the sight o f God, and separated from all the blessings o f those who are Christians. Now on this particular day, the Lord Jesus met a band of ten lepers. No doubt they had heard about Him, o f the wonder­ ful things He had been doing, and that He had healed even those who were suffer­ ing, like themselves, from leprosy. So they dared to cry out when they recognized Him, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” He heard, as He always does, no matter who calls. “Go show yourselves unto the priest,” Jesus said—and how well they knew what those gracious words meant, for in those days, according to the Old Testament law, when a leper went to show himself to the priest, he went to receive a certificate of health, and, you know, the Lord Jesus came, not to destroy the law, but to ful­ fill it. These ten lepers, having heard the words of the Lord Jesus, believed and obeyed, and as they went, a wonderful thing happened —the dreadful leprosy left them and they were “cleansed.” Surely their hearts would overflow with praise and thanksgiving to the One who had done so much for them! Would they not all return to thank Him who had set them free from the bonds of so terrible a disease? But no—it is sad to realize—only one returned, and he was a Samaritan, a Gentile and a stranger. When he saw that he was cleansed, he turned back and glorified God by shouting out his praise and thanksgiving;. When he came to the Lord Jesus, he fell on his face at His feet, pouring out his thanks. What a blessed sight! Then the Lord Jesus asked, “Were not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?” The nine did not come back! But to this one who remembered to return and render his thanksgiving, the Lord Jesus gave a gift more precious and wonderful than any that the ten had already received. He said to the one who knelt there at His feet, “Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.”

A Jewish Thanksgiving Festival The Jewish people observe a holiday which we might call a Jewish Thanksgiving ceremony, but which they call in the Jewish language Sitnchas Torah, which means “ Rejoicing in the Law.” Jewish people read through the first five books o f the Bible in their synagogues once every year; and when they finish the last chapter o f Deuteronomy, they hold a fes­ tival of rejoicing and thanksgiving for the Law o f God. On this day, the people are permitted the honor o f carrying the sacred scrolls (which are the books of the Bible in roll form) in a procession around the syna­ gogue auditorium. Special hymns and joy­ ous folk-songs about the Law are sung as they march around, and the children, with lighted lanterns and carrying paper flags

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