King's Business - 1932-11

November 1932

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s “Now,” said Dr. Bonar, “let everything you do bear the name o f your King, the Lord Jesus Christ.” A woman came to the doctor some little time afterward and said, “These bricks of Babylon! these bricks of Babylon 1” “Did you find them on the broom?” asked the doctor. “ No,” said she, “I found them on the feather bed. You remember you said that everything we did should bear the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Shortly after this, I got a feather bed to clean, and I said, ‘I will do this bed in the name of Jesus Christ.’ ” Lessons 1, 8, and 11 might be reviewed with the idea in mind o f the Christian’s devotional life. Lesson 1 speaks of the ne­ cessity of proper time being given to Bible study and prayer. This is the Christian’s own responsibility in the matter o f spiritual, growth. Lesson 8 speaks o f the need for Christian giving, as a help to spiritual growth. Giving is sometimes placed out­ side the category o f Christian graces. But it is one of the graces in which the Chris­ tian is exhorted to grow, just as he is to grow in any other grace. Lesson 11 speaks of the necessity of proper periods for rest and recuperation. Even the desert place is to be sought at proper seasons, for without these resting periods there will be a fever­ ishness about Christian service which will render it almost valueless and wholly unfit to be presented unto Him who was never distraught, nervous, or overwrought. Lessons 2, 3, and 4 might be reviewed with the thought in mind of the Christian’s relationship to the home. Lessoji 2 reveals that the person to please first o f all in the home is the Lord. He is pleased when not too much serving is rendered. His stay in the home can be valueless as far as any blessing to its occupants is concerned by overstrenuous efforts to provide for Him. He desires above all things to provide for others. Martha’s “much” serving should be avoided, while Mary’s attention to the Lord should be emulated. Lesson 3 shows the manner in which the life in the home should be lived. There should ever be con­ sideration o f the generation of little ones in the home. They belong to the Lord and are in the home in order that they may be trained for Him. It is an unmeasurable privilege and also an unmeasurable re­ sponsibility to have children in the home. Too much care cannot be exercised in pre­ senting to them both by word and by ex­ ample the advantages o f belonging to Christ from their earliest days. Lesson 4 BLACKBOARD LESSON of which has a bearing on Christian stan­ dards of life.

488 things for the players to have is what is called “good sportsmanship.” Jesus said this in another way. He said that, in what­ ever you are doing, “as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” Golden Text Illustration Dr. Bonar once brought home from the East a brick from Babylon. The doctor showed it to his congregation and told them that every brick in the temple from which it was (taken bore the name o f the king who was reigning at the time these bricks were made and laid. Lesson Text: Matt. 5:13-16, 38-48. Golden Text: “And he said unto them all, if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Lk. 9:23). The Holy City T oday we come to the last but one of our walks and talks in holy places for the year. The lesson is a review of the subject of Christian standards o f life. Since the subject includes all the life ac-' tivities of the Christian, social, political, economic, and religious, what is more ap­ the earth. It is the financial and business center of the land. All in all, it is the most variegated mixture of religious, social, eco­ nomic, and political heterogeneity to be found on earth. Let us take our stand in the open square beside the so-called Tower of David. David Street, the principal shop­ ping street o f the city, runs eastward from here, and its crowd of shoppers, tourists, and sight-seers is constantly pouring forth into this open space. The native laborers are much in evidence. They are dressed in white cotton gowns, below which pro­ trude the bottoms of pantaloons o f the same material, gathered closely about the ankle. Their swarthy faces are framed in the folds of the kaffieh, or cloth covering, which they wear upon their heads. Many of them are porters, and frequently we see one o f them with an enormous box upon his back, picking his way deftly among the throng upon the street. Here comes a camel caravan led by a fat old Arab riding upon a little donkey. As the great beasts, laden with their bulging packs, make their way up this narrow street, it is necessary for the pedestrians to flatten themselves against the walls of buildings to let them pass. An hour spent here is an education in international types, manners, and customs. Outline and Exposition The eleven lessons o f this quarter might be divided into four parts, or sections, each propriate than a walk in Jerusalem? It is the h o l y c i t y of the world’s three greatest religions. It is the po­ litical center of Pales­ tine. It is a cosmopol­ itan city whose poly­ glot population in­ cludes strangers from the four corners of

reveals the method of such living. The simple directions found in the sixth chap­ ter of Ephesians should be carefully re­ viewed so that there will be opportunity to enforce the lessons of obedience, rever­ ence, and submission to authority. Both the passage from Joshua and the one from Ephesians which form this lesson should be carefully read and reread before going before the class for review. Lessons 5 and 6 can be used with the thought in mind of the Christian’s rela­ tion to the civil powers. Lesson 5 teaches that subjection to the powers that be is sub­ jection to the Lord Himself. The civil power is the minister of God as truly as the man in the pulpit of the church; each has his own particular sphere, and each in his own sphere is to be reverenced and obeyed as being the representative of God. Lesson 6 reveals the p o s s i b i l i t y of peace being brought to this earth. . In Psalm 72, we have a fair picture of the coming kingdom o f peace which will be inaugurated when our Lord comes again to earth. He will set up this kingdom of peace, and then the noise o f war will be hushed, and the implements of warfare will be turned into the implements of agricul­ ture. In the meantime, the Christian must learn to live at peace with his neighbor, and especially those who are of the house­ hold o f faith, because Christ has broken down the middle wall o f partition and made in Himself of the twain, Jew and Gentile, one new man. The members of this “new man” ,have a duty to live in peace one with the other. Lessons 7, 9, and 10 might be reviewed with the thought o f the Christian’s rela­ tionship to service. Lesson 7 reminds the Christian that he is to be continually work­ ing with what the Lord gives to him. The talents that one has are gifts from the Lord and are given in order that they may be used to gain other talents, the word to the Christian while the Lord is absent be­ ing “occupy till I come.” The word “oc­ cupy” means to trade, to gain interest from the talents given. Lesson 9 reminds us that the Christian is to be engaged in the work ordered by the Lord and not at work of his own choice. Like Paul, the Christian is to be able to say at all times, “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.” Each Christian has a service to perform, a ser­ vice given him by the Lord, and only the performance of that service will bring the Master’s “well done” when He comes to reward His own. Faithfulness and unfaith­ fulness in service, and the consequence of each, are brought out in this lesson. Les­ son 10 shows that the Christian is to serve to bring about what the Lord Himself de­ sires. The example o f our Lord dealing with the woman o f Samaria should be kept in mind as well as Peter’s method o f work with Cornelius. Lesson Questions Two o f the statements in each group are false. Check the correct answer. Lesson 1. Matt. 6 :5-15; 2 Tim. 3 :14-17. (a) Hypocritical praying is not com­ mon today, (b ) Not all S c r i p t u r e , but the thought contained in Scrip­ ture, is inspired o f God. (c)- A forgiving spirit is necessary to true prayer. Lesson 2. Lk. 2 :40-52; 10:38-42. _(a) Jesus was not conscious o f His di­ vine nature until His first miracle was per­ formed. (b) Jesus did not leave His par­ ents—they left Him—and renewed fellow-


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