King's Business - 1932-11

November 1932

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s not prophetic, (c ) If the people o f all na­ tions would regard themselves as “fellow citizens,” regardless of their acceptance or rejection of Jesus Christ, unity and har­ mony would result. Lesson 7. Amos 5:11-15; Lk. 19:16-23. (a) Economic difficulty was unknown in the centuries before Christ, (b ) Faithful­ ness, not success, is the standard by which God measures, (c ) The thought of re­ ceiving rewards at the hand o f the Lord should never enter into the Christian’s thinking. Lesson 8. Deut. 8:11-14, 18; 2 Cor. 9:6-15. (a) Whether one is poor or in comfort­ able circumstances (if he is a Christian) depends entirely on his own initiative and industry, not upon the Lord’s gift or with­ holding of “the power to get wealth.” (b) Christian giving is a heart matter, and the kind of giving manifests the kind of heart, (c ) The statements o f 1 Corin­ thians 9 :7 have no vital connection with the truth o f the following verse. Lesson 9. Mk. 1:16-20; Acts 26:12-19. (a) The fishermen disciples responded to Jesus’ call because He promised them a place in His coming kingdom, (b) Saul’s persecution o f Christians was on his own initiative; he had authority from nobody. (c ) The unfolding of God’s wonderful plan for Paul’s life was contingent upon his personal acknowledgment o f the lord- ship of Christ. Lesson 10. John 4:5-10; Acts 10:30-35. (a) In dealing with the Samaritan woman, Jesus proved that in order to have friendly relations among different races, each must accept the good in the other, and overlook everything else, (b) Jesus in­ variably made the experiences of everyday

489 life occasions for imparting spiritual truth, (c ) Peter was sent to help Corne­ lius in order that they both might recog­ nize that salvation was of the Jews. Lessoon 11. Neh. 8:10-17; Mk. 6:30-32. (a) The people misunderstood the Word that was read to them, and began to be joyful, when they should have continued to mourn for their sins, (b ) The Chris­ tian is called to serve, never to rest, (c ) The conscientious reading of the Word leads to repentance and rejoicing. A nswers 1 (c) ; 2 (b) ; 3 (a) ; 4 (a) ; 5 (c) ; 6 (a ) ; 7 (b ) ; 8 (b) ; 9 (c) ; 10 (b) ; 11 (c). ________ A Holiday with Jesus M ark 6 :30-33 ; J ohn 6 :5-13 Memory Verse: “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Lesson 1. “Talking to God.” 1Prayer is not only asking God for things, it is also thanking Him for what He has already given us. Lesson 2. “Jesus’ Happy Family.” Jesus

ship depended, as it always depends, upon a return to Him. (c ) The circumstances surrounding the case excused Martha for being anxious and overwrought. Lesson 3. Gen. 18:17-19: Deut. 6:4-9: Mk 10:13-16. (a) God’s covenant with Abraham has never been broken, and the promise that “all nations of the earth shall be blessed in him” will be fulfilled surely and literally, (b) Children of today are to be left to choose their own sources o f information and draw their own conclusions, not to be arbitrarily taught any_ system of rules or ethics, (c ) The disciples were right in trying to silence the children because they could not understand Jesus’ message and their enthusiasm wearied Him. Lesson 4. Josh. 24:14, IS; Eph. 6:1-9. (a) There is never a time when children are not to obey their parents “in the Lord.” (b) The children o f Israel could have “served the Lord in sincerity and truth” without an open break with the gods o f the Egyptians, if they had been tactful about jt. (c ) The rules governing domestic and industrial life, given in Ephesians 6, are impractical in our day. Lesson 5. Rom. 13:1-7; Gal. 6:7-10. (a) The statement of Galatians 6:8 is true, but it is difficult to prove it. (b) If Christians are serving God, and God is above the government, there are times when the requirements of the law, such as payment of taxes, etc., may be ignored. (c) Government is a God-given institution and is to be respected as such. Lesson 6. Psa. 72:9-17; Eph. 2 :13-19. (a) Peace in the individual heart, “by the blood o f Christ,” is the only ground for universal peace, (b ) Psalm 72 is historical,

helped to make His family happy by being H i ms e l f a happy member of it. Lesson 3. “ Timo­ thy’s Home.” Timo­ thy and his mother and his grandmother were known for their faithfulness. Lesson 4. “Pleasing

God in My Home.” Paul, in his letter to the early Christians, told them ways o f liv- ^ V l S l d

h r is im a s

SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER The Missionary Re­ view of the World . $2.50 The King's Business . $1.50 [Add 25c outside U. 3.] Both for $ 3 .0 0 SAVE $1.00


The Missionary Review of the World 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City

The K i ng ' s Business 536 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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