King's Business - 1932-11


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

November 1932

Hymn—“He Is So Precious to Me.” Prayer. Scripture. Violin Solo. Leader’s Talk. Three Two-minute Talks by Previously Appointed Speakers: How may we manifest the spirit of love? What are useful Christmas gifts ? To whom should we show Christmas goodwill ? Hymn—“ Silent Night.” Close with John 3 :16 in concert. Meditation on the Lesson Paul, the apostle, was preeminently the apostle of fellowship. He delighted to share his privileges and blessings with others. He longed to impart spiritual gifts. On the other hand, he was most appreciative of all favors and gratuities he received from his fellow Christians. He was deeply grateful to the kind-hearted friends in the church at Philippi, and he did not fail to express his gratitude. “I am full, having received of Epaphro- ditus the things which were sent from you, an odour of a sweet smell, a sacrifice ac­ ceptable, wellpleasing to God.” The apostle’s consciousness not only contains the element o f gratitude, but it recognizes the relationship of the gift to the Lord. In verse 14, he says they “had done ■vyell.” In verse 17, he assures them that they will be blessed personally by their giv­ ing, and, finally, he tells them, in verse 18, that their gifts really are a “sacrifice to God.” What a marvelous incentive this is to real Christian Christmas giving! The well- known nineteenth verse, tried and proved by thousands, describes Paul’s method of repaying his friends. He did not have money, but he had the Owner of all the silver and gold; he did not own land, but his Father owned the “earth and the ful­ ness thereof” ; so he transferred his obli­ gations and love-debts to the heavenly bank and blessed his benefactors through the “heavenly places.” What our weary world needs most is a host o f people who can catch the Christmas spirit and keep it alive through all the year. Perhaps before this coming Christmas has passed, with its carols, its chimes, its mirth and song, many of the great Endeavor army may have joined the number who “keep eternal Christmas in the heart.” Discussion Material I. K e e p in g C h r is t m a s W i t h i n Then let every heart keep Christmas within, Christ’s pity for sorrow, Christ’s hatred for sin, Christ’s care for the weakest, Christ’s courage for right. Everywhere, everywhere, Christmas to­ night. — B r o o k s . II. C h r is t m a s J o y “ The Christ-child comes with soft, glad feet, To touch earth’s paths and make them sweet. And he who follows where they go, Tastes a deep joy no others know.” In Bethlehem, which means “the house of bread,” the Babe was born, who was the Bread of life sent down from heaven to

Illustrations I. “ T h o u S h a l t L o ve T h y N e ig h b o r a s T h y s e l f ” A man bought a farm. Soon after, he met his nearest neighbor. “Have you bought this place?” asked the neighbor. “Yes.” “Well, you’ve bought a lawsuit.” “How’s that ?” “Well, Sir, I claim your fence down there is on my side of the line, and I am going to take the matter to court and prove it.” But the newcomer said, “Oh, no, don’t do that. If the fence is on your side of the line, we will just take it up and move it.” “Do you mean that?” “ Of course I do,” was the answer. “Then,” said the man, “by George, that fence stays just where it is.” Christian brotherly love had made a friend.— T h e S u n d a y S c h o o l T i m e s . II. O n e P r a c t ic a l E x a m p l e Recently, an organized Sunday-school class of adult women invited a large class of Jewish women to the home of one of their members for lunch. Some were al­ ready believers, but many were not. After a devotional message on the need of a sac­ rifice for sin, thus leading up to the Lamb o f God, the only Saviour of the world, a lovely lunch was served on tables in the garden. The Jewish women were touched deep­ ly to be seated at these tables and to have the Gentiles wait upon them. The spirit of love was so manifest, that when the Hebrew missionary made the appeal after lunch for all who would accept Christ, sev­ enteen women stepped forward and took Jesus Christ for their Messiah. It was a great day in Zion. They sang “ Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” and “Blest Be the Tie that Binds.” Christian love showing itself in actual ser­ vice had helped them to find their Saviour. Discussion Material I. A P ic t u r e o f H im s e l f Jesus, in drawing the picture of a true neighbor, drew a portrait of Himself, our Kinsman, Brother, Redeemer, and Neigh­ bor—and the features are easy to recog­ nize : 1. Despised (John 8:48). 2. Came where he was (1 Tim. 1 :15). 3. Had compassion (Matt. 15:32). 4. Bound up his wounds (Isa. 3 :5; 61: 5. Poured in oil, the Holy Spirit; and wine, joy (Acts 2:33). 6. Took care of him (1 Pet. 5 :7). 7. Paid for him (Phil. 4:19). 8. Promised to come again and repay (Rev. 22:12). — G o o d m a n . II. J u s t “Just before God by faith, Just before men by works, Just by the works of faith, Just by the faith that works.” DECEMBER 18, 1932 THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT P h il ip p ia n s 4:14-19 Suggestions (or the Meeting Hymn—“Joy to the World.”

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Fishers of Men! T o exalt Christ with instri> ment, song and testimony is the purpose o f the Wheaton College Gospel Quintet shown above, as it is also the purpose of the many other Christian student organizations at Wheaton. The quintet has traveled thou* sands o f miles; conducted hundreds of services, in churches, missions, radio studios, factories, jails, reformatories, and on the street; and has been the means o f untold blessing to thousands, as well as to the saving of hundreds o f souls. Wheaton College possesses hundreds of other students equally devoted to Christ. In ijact, due em phasis is placed— n ot only upon m ental and physical training— but upon the highest spiritual developm ent, as well. T he result is a truly balanced growth o f the man and all his powers. Wheaton College has always stood sanely for the right things. A n A nnuity Con* ] tract with W heaton College means an assured annual incom e for life. It does n ot fluctuate in value. O ur annuitants have never lo st a dollar invested with us in an A nnuity C ontract, and the C ollege has never failed to m eet an A nnuity paym ent prom ptly when due.

Forcomplete data write— Office of the Vice Presi­ dent, Box KBI1-32 Wheaton College, Wheaton, III. innnnnnnnn

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