King's Business - 1932-11

November 1932

T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s


worked out—enthusiasm venting itself in words. No sooner is some good feeling or noble resolve awakened than we rush to some one to tell it. Rev. F. W. Robertson remarks that steam sometimes wastes itself on the whistle which ought to have been directed to the piston, so that there is much blowing but no moving ; and we have heard of a Mississippi steamboat, so weak in the boiler, •that, whenever it blew the whistle, it stopped ! A philosopher said to a Persian prince who asked him what he lacked pf perfection : “The art of silence.” Silently now I wait for Thee, Ready, my God, Thy will to see ; Open mine eyes, illumine me, Spirit Divine. — S ele c te d . DECEMBER 2 L ig h t t h a t S e a r c h e s “ Walk as children o f light” (Eph. 5 :8). Many things look best in the dark, be­ cause light shows deformities, perhaps enormities, and destroys all illusion of ap­ parent beauty. Sincere conduct not only bears light, but cannot be seen truly with­ out it, like the Mammoth Cave, or some crystal grotto, which in the darkness shows no beauties, but when the torch is lighted is radiant with many colors, and flings back varied lusters; even so, characters whose real beauty and splendor only ap­ pear when the light is brightest burn like diamonds when they are illuminated, light only showing new glories. It is a great thing to have an habitual conduct that thus bears and invites investigation, as was the case with Paul. Let us try to imagine how our conduct will appear in the light of the judgment seat of Christ. DECEMBER 3 T h e P o w e r o f E x a m p l e “Be thou an example o f the believers” (1 Tim. 4:12). Do nothing that seems inconsistent with love and loyalty to God. This may cut off many self-indulgences, but “if meat make my brother to offend,” Paul says, “I will eat no meat while the world standeth.” We must never forget the power o f example. Character may be settled with God, who alone knows character, but example must be shaped with reference to men. The world is justified in expecting a difference between sinners and saints; we are, there­ fore, to put off the old man, and put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Peter sub­ limely says, “What manner of persons ought we to be, in all holy conduct and godliness?” Not in vain has God said, “To him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God.” DECEMBER 4 T h e C r o w n in g B e a u t y o f C o n d u c t “Be pitiful, be courteous” (1 Pet. 3:8). Many otherwise beautiful lives are not beautifully mannered—we have to learn to look behind external faultiness, and sometimes brusqueness, to perceive the real attractiveness of the personality. As Fred­ erick Myers has said: “ Intellect and imag­ ination may exist side by side with much moral meanness.” While superiority of heart is in itself a universal virtue, we are constrained to admit that piety and hero­ ism may exist side by side with much ex­ ternal repulsiveness. When we do find this crowning beauty of conduct, it reminds us o f that supreme part of the high priest’s

once they leave those gates it is forever, whether to execute some good work, or wander hither and thither as messengers of evil. NOVEMBER 28 P r iv il e g e s o f C h il d r e n o f t h e K in g “So shall the king greatly désire thy beauty” (Psa. 61:11). We are betrothed to the King of kings. We have been taken out of poverty, misery, wretchedness, and rags. Our temporary abode is the church of the living God, with proper associations of worship and work and adoring praise and prayer. The Holy Spirit is our invisible attendant and guide in His absence. And we have in our hands the Book of instructions about the kingdom and the King. Prayer is our telephonic communication with the King on the throne; we can avail ourselves of it as often and as long as we please ; and the more we use it, the more we shall learn to know the voice of the King, and to be very sure that He hears our faintest sigh. NOVEMBER 29 S e c r e ts o f H o l in e s s “Jesus Christ. . . made unto us . . . sanc­ tification” (1 Cor. 1:30). The motives that prompt to sanctification are threefold: (1) I am purchased by His precious blood; (2) I am possessed by Him who purchased me; and (3) I am indwelt by Him in the person o f the Holy Ghost. These are the three motives—He bought me, and I should regard my Ransomer; He possesses me, and I should regard my Owner; He indwells me, and I should re­ gard my Inhabitant. Now, as- to the stages of sanctification, I conceive them to be plainly taught in Exodus 29, as three: separation, presentation, and consecration; separation and presentation being my own acts, consecration (in its highest sense) be­ ing God’s act. . . . We have neither knowl­ edge nor wisdom; but must sit down before God’s Word and ask, as a little child, that He will teach us the secrets of holiness. NOVEMBER 30 G u a r d in g O n e ’ s W ords “Let the words o f my mouth . . . be ac­ ceptable in thy sight, O Lord” (Psa. 19: i f There was a great man who held a high position, whose loyal biographer is com­ pelled to admit that he was ensnared by one vice. It is useless to deny that he oc­ casionally indulged, to an unbecoming de­ gree, his passion for a good story. He was a man of high aims and pure integrity, but his life had been spent amid unre­ fined surroundings; his practice as a law­ yer had made such subjects unduly famil­ iar. As it was the habit among all profes­ sional associates to tell such stories, and as susceptibility to humor often does, it tempted him to excess. How many other good men are guilty of a similar fault! How easy is the descent from habitual levity and indulgence o f humor to impro­ priety and impurity! Doctor Thomas H. Skinner used to say to his student young men: “If you would have your tongues used by the Spirit of God in preaching the gospel, keep them clean!” DECEMBER 1 T h e A r t o f S il e n c e “Be silent . . . before the Lord” (Zech. 2:13). Sometimes spiritual convictions and im­ pressions are talked o f instead of being

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