King's Business - 1932-11


K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

T h e

November 1932

(S rum h sfrom THE K IN G ’S TABLE . . . By T he E ditor

leadership just because he may be able to bring in the money to meet our obligations, the Institute is gone, and there is no question about it. But if we trust Him who says, “ The silver is mine, and the gold is mine,” there is nothing whatever to cause alarm over our present financial con­ dition. If God has use for the Bible Institute, He can find a million dollars in these days of depression when a dozen financial agents cannot find a million cents! The greatest argument for our continued existence is the need God has for such a Bible school as the Bible

The Opening of the Institute

T he B ible I nstitute began the school year on the morning of October 3, 1932 with as large a student body as ever assembled on a similar occasion. Twenty-five faculty members were on the platform. Most of them will give their services for one dollar a year. Dr. Charles E. Hurl- burt was at his best in his address, which we hope to pub­ lish in T he K ing ’ s B usiness soon. Following this, came the opening address by the President, whose resignation

Institute of Los Angeles. The de­ mand of the church is for a Bible teaching leadership. It demands a trained ministry, a ministry that knows the Word and how tp use it, a ministry with a holy purpose and the vision of a world lost in the darkness of sin. The church calls for men and women with a convic­ tion that the gospel of the grace of God is the power of God unto sal­ vation to every one who believes and that it meets the need of a lost world. It calls for men and women with a message of hope for a com­ ing Deliverer who will rule the world in peace and righteousness. The church needs men and women so yielded to God that He can use them— anywhere; it may be in China, Japan, India, Russia, Cen­ tral or South America, Africa, or the isles of the sea. Every conti­ nent today is a “ dark continent,” and every continent is a challenge to our Bible Institute. He can use you as His sacri­ ficial ministers in our own western country. How I should like to take forty or fifty of' you young men into the neglected fields of this coast, going back as far as Denver, or Albuquerque, or away across Montana! Here are your own peo­ ple, who speak your own language, and yet they never hear a gospel sermon, or a Bible lesson as you are taught here to teach it. There are thousands o f men and women with­ out God and hope at our very doors. We need a Bible Institute on the Pacific Coast with a definite program of Bible teaching and everything accompanying it that prepares a servant of God for being a workman unashamed. Trained leaders for the present hour —that is the immediate need. So far as our orthodoxy is con-

will be in effect October 16, and whose position in the Institute thereafter sha ll be “ P re s id en t Emeritus and Editor of T he K ing ’ s B usiness .” Because of ur­ gent requests from members of the Board, teachers and students, the address is published instead of “ Crumbs” in this issue o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness . The Address No one in this presence can be happier than I as I look into the faces of the splendid young men and women who compose this great student body, and the teachers who compose our faculty, for I am not ignorant of what it has cost to pro­ duce this scene. Under God, it is the fulfillment of a great dream. It is the answer to the prayers of tens of thousands of God’s people scat­ tered throughout the world. The need of a safe, sane, pro­ gressive Bible Institute here is not questioned. The last great stand of organized, orthodox Christianity will be on the Pacific Coast, and the Bible Institute will be its head­ quarters, if its leaders are yielded wholly to the will of God. She faces today the greatest opportunity of her history. Her doctrinal position is not criticized. God has graciously answered prayer for money to carry on this school. The gifts during the month of September that has just closed are almost equal to the gifts in Sep­ tember of last year, while the budget for the month is almost $10,000.00 less, on account of heavy cuts in salaries and wages. There is noth­ ing for the friends o f this Institute to fear, if we put our trust in the living God, and lean not on an arm o f flesh'.’ I f we trust in any man as our leader, who is elected to

President White Resigns T T r a meeting of. the Board o f Directors f 'll on September 16, 1932, Dr. William P. White presented his resignation as President of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, the resigna­ tion to take effect October 16, 1932. The Board unanimously elected him President Emeritus. He will also remain Editor o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness . Dr. White took charge of the Institute cus its President three and a half years ago, and dur­ ing this whole time, the Institute has been recog­ nized by its host of friends as having an unques­ tioned testimony on the fundamentals of the faith. Dr. White came to the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles after a long period in pastorates and faithful service on the staff o f conference teach­ ers of the Moody Bible Institute. Through this ministry, God fitted him for the particular ser­ vice he rendered here. The position to which he was called was fraught with many perplexing problems and heavy burdens, but he bore them with patience and fortitude, declaring almost daily that “ the Institute shall not die but live and declare the works o f the Lord." He has reorganized the Institute since last commencement, having added fourteen new members to the faculty who will give their ser­ vices free. As T he K ing ’ s B usiness goes to press, there are 375 registered students, with more applications coming in. The school is in a splendid condition. Dr. White has done his work well. Dr. White has had no vacation since coming to Los Angeles. In view o f this and preparatory to an extensive program of Bible conference work throughout the United States and Canada, he is being given a three-months’ vacation. The executive duties will be performed by a cabinet consisting o f Dr. Charles E. Fuller, chairman, Pastor Calvary Church, Placentia, Calif.; Dr. Stewart P. MacLennan, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Hollywood, Calif.; Dr. Walter E. Edmonds, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Glendale, Calif.; and Rev. Louis T. Talbot, Pastor Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, Calif. We, as a Board, ask the united, effectual, fer­ vent prayers of God’s people in these last days for the continued success o f our efforts in train­ ing young men and women for definite work in the body o f Christ. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS


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