Adult Basketball Leagues Sports Monster
If you are looking for fun hoops action, you found it! Unlike most leagues, Sports Monster
Scioto River Kayaking Trips Sunrise Kayaking Ages: 4 & up
welcomes individual players. Games are played at the DCRC. New teams looking for a quality league experience are always welcome! Sign up at Ages: 18 & up
Enjoy the beautiful waterways right here in our community! The City of Dublin, in partnership with Sunrise Kayaking, provides kayak trips on the Scioto River between Amberleigh Park and Downtown Dublin. Riding options include 1-2 paddlers or 2
paddlers and a small child. Choose from 1 or 2 hour trip lengths. The cost is typically $15-$25 per person per hour. Visit sunrisekayaking. com for more information and updates.
Adult Volleyball Leagues Sports Monster
Join us for a fun season of indoor volleyball played at the DCRC. Registration is available for individuals or full teams. Meet new people and have fun every week! Recreational, Intermediate and Competitive leagues are available. Sign up at
sport/Volleyball Ages: 18 & up
Self-Defense with the Dublin Police Dublin Police Department
Join Dublin Police for a three-hour self- defense course that includes classroom style presentations and hands-on exercises to practice basic defense techniques. Wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. All participants receive a personal alarm device at the end of the program. Register early as space is limited. Ages: 16 & up Class Date Day Time
Golf & Go Safari Golf Club
444100.01 Sep 13 444100.02 Nov 10
Tu Th
6-9pm 6-9pm
$15 $15
$25 $25
Location: Dublin Justice Center, 6565 Commerce Pkwy
Join us at the Safari Golf Club for a fun evening of learning and play. We start
each week with 30 minutes of golf instruction and support, followed by access to the course until sunset. Open to both new and skilled players. Participants are required to bring their own clubs. Additional golf equipment and carts provided by the Safari Golf Club. Ages: 18 & up Class Date Day Time Fees CR SDR/NR 446200.01 Sep 6-Oct 11 Tu 6-6:30pm $175 $192 Location: Safari Golf Club, 4850 Powell Rd.
Virtual Dementia Experience In partnership with the Dublin Retirement Village and through use of modern virtual reality Oculus Quest headsets,
caregivers, family members and others interested can take a step into the shoes of a person living with Alzheimer’s
and enable one to gain a better understanding of the effects of dementia and how to care for those living with the disease. Please contact Stacie Neilan, Adult Program Coordinator,, to receive more information.
Healthy Fall 2022
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