Get Ready, Get Set...GARDEN!
By: Orange County Library
The Orange County Public Library carries a variety of gardening books at our three (3) locations to assist you in planning, planting, and maintaining your garden. Whether you specialize in flowers, vegetables, herbs, or prefer a bit of everything, we can help. We also have regional books and books designed to solve problems like shade, predators, dryness, and more.
Companion Planting for Beginners
by Brian Lowell
Placing certain plants near each other can reduce problems from insects and help plants thrive. This book has photos and illustrations along with advice from a master gardener to help newbies plant things in the best spot. Gardening for Everyone by Julia Watkins
Gardening for Everyone helps to create, maintain, and harvest from your garden (or windowsill or porch). This book teaches how to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs as well as make recipes like herbal lemonade ice pops. In this book, gardeners have the opportunity to make their own crafts as well.
Mid - Atlantic Gardener ’ s Handbook: All You Need to know to Plan, Plant, and Maintain a Mid - Atlantic Garden
by Katie Elzer - Peters
A reliable source specific to our region has been updated in 2022. It covers planning, planting, and maintaining your garden.
No - Dig Gardening
by Bella Linde
This book covers using raised beds, layered gardening, container plants, and other no - till techniques. Also, it includes helpful information on composting and mulching for improved soil and overall gardening tips.
Page 19 | March, 2023
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