G E T T I N G T O D I R E C T O R : A B I R D ’ S - E Y E V I E W
There is no one way to help someone achieve Director status at Melaleuca. We’ll repeat : there is no one way . Everyone has their own journey. Everyone has their own story. But… Are there common traits among newly enrolled customers who do find a way to advance to Director? Are there activities that produce greater results for those mentoring potential Directors? Gaining a higher vantage point helps reveal the answers. It’s true that to understand the forest, sometimes you have to look beyond the trees. Get up in the air. Take the bird’s-eye view. From high above the individual trees, the nature of the forest begins to take shape. In the same way, looking at Directors as a group – as a combined collection of experience – begins to paint a picture that transcends any single Director or any single business. To gain these insights, Leadership in Action surveyed hundreds of Melaleuca Marketing Executives who had earned Director status and beyond. We wanted to better understand their collective experience. Were there trends or patterns that might prove insightful for those striving to build their business by developing Directors?
Directors Come fromAll Backgrounds While some demographic characteristics are dominant across all Melaleuca Preferred Customers and Marketing Executives (married women), the Director “forest” is made up of a extensive array of different “trees.” Those who achieve Director come from a diversity of educational backgrounds (from high school to post-graduate degrees). Annual household income is also diverse and aligned with national averages. While the top career background of survey respondents was health- care related, there is near equal representation across other backgrounds. A little more than half of respondents had worked in a multilevel marketing business in the past, while the remainder had not. In short, there is room in the Director forest for all kinds. Prejudging someone’s ability to achieve this first important milestone can be impossible and ultimately may turn an enroler’s attention away from someone with great potential. As one respondent stated, “Never prejudge anyone. You never know what they are
be intimidating for a newly enrolled builder. Watching and listening to how their enroler presents the information, answers questions, handles concerns, and invites enrolments will set the tone and provide the language the new builder will use for years to come. Discover a Clear and Strong Why It’s no secret that any goal worth achieving requires work. Work requires determination. And true determination requires a reason. A rationale for the labor. An answer to the question “Why am I doing this?” All Melaleuca Marketing Executives need to clearly understand their why for building a Melaleuca business. Those striving to reach Director are not exceptions. While those whys are wide and varied and often seemingly modest, they are no less important. Debt reduction. Additional income. A wedding. A vacation. A chance to spend more time with family. They all matter. And often it is up to the enroler to dig deep and discover what is inside each builder to help them reach for Director. Of all factors that might help a builder achieve Director status, survey respondents listed a “clear and strong why ” above all others.
Here’s what we learned: SpeedMatters
Considering that Melaleuca’s top leaders have been encouraging newly enrolled Melaleuca Preferred Customers to get off to a quick start for decades, this should come as no surprise. Still, the importance of achieving Director status quickly cannot be overemphasized.
achieved Director between 60 and 90 days earned 1.6 times as
success. Survey respondents overwhelmingly credited their enrolers with helping them with approaches, appointments, and presentations. Those striving to achieve Director status also rely heavily on their enrolers for coaching, encouragement, and regular accountability. What was the most common
90 60–90 60
much as those who took longer. Don’t Skip Strategy Sessions There’s a reason that holding Strategy Sessions is number four of the Seven Critical Business-Building Activities. Nearly two- thirds of survey respondents said the Strategy Session their enroler held with them was helpful. A further 30% said it was key to their advancement. Only 5% reported it had very little impact – and that was because they felt their enroler had rushed the session. 30%
Of those surveyed, 73% reached Director in their first 90 days . After that, the likelihood of someone achieving that most critical of early milestones reduces dramatically.
answer to the question “What did your enroler do to help you advance to Director?” She believed in me .
The reasons for making the leap to Director early are many: It creates a lasting, duplicable story. It cements the relationship between builder and enroler. It leverages initial energy and desire. Perhaps not least importantly, speed to advancement predicts future financial success. Going back to December 2017, we looked at all Marketing Executives who have advanced to Director and have continued to build their businesses for at least a year after. On average, those who achieved Director in their first 60 days went on to earn 3.4 times as much as those who took more than 90 days! Those who
Assist withMelaleuca Overviews Having an enroler who assists with a new builder’s first few Overviews also appears to be predictive of future advancements.
A Positive Enroler-Builder Relationship Is Essential
Seventy-two percent of respondents said their enroler helped with their first few Overviews. New Directors indicate that this is an important step in developing their own skills and confidence. Giving an Overview can
In the vast majority of cases, those who advance to Director are not working alone. Enrolers play a vital role in introducing a new builder to activities that promote
capable of or the limits of their potential.” DC
Results vary. For typical results, please consult the Annual Income Statistic.
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