Mission 2025 Gravity Competition Manual

Section 3


General Competition and Tournament Rules General Competition Rules

<G1> Treat everyone with respect. All Students and Adults associated with a Team are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and positive manner while participating in the Aerial Drone Competition. If Team members are disrespectful or uncivil to staff, volunteers, or fellow Teams at an event, the Team may be disqualified from their current or upcoming Match. Judges will also consider Team conduct and ethics when determining awards.In all aspects of the Aerial Drone Competition, the Students make the decisions and “do the work” with Adult mentorship. The REC Foundation community prides itself on being a positive learning environment where no one is bullied, harassed, or berated. Teams should avoid placing unnecessary stress upon Students and event volunteers; instead, challenging situations are viewed as teachable moments to model positive behaviors and good sportsmanship. This rule exists alongside the REC Foundation Code of Conduct. Violation of the Code of Conduct can be considered a Violation and can result in Disqualification from a current Match, an upcoming Match, an entire event, or (in extreme cases) an entire competition season. The Code of Conduct can be found at https://www.roboticseducation.org/codeofconduct.

When dealing with difficult and stressful situations, it is…

Okay for Teams to be gracious and supportive when your Alliance Partner makes a mistake.

Not okay for Teams to harass, tease, or be disrespectful to your Alliance Partner when a Match does not go your way.

When a Team does not understand a Match ruling or score, it is…

Okay for Flight Team Members to consult with a Head Referee to discuss a ruling in a calm and respectful manner. Not okay for Flight Team Members to continue arguing with the Head Referee after a decision has been finalized, or for Adults to approach a Head Referee with ruling/ scoring concerns.

When Teams are getting ready for an upcoming Match, it is…

Okay for Teams in an Alliance to develop a game strategy to cooperatively compete. Not okay for one Team in an Alliance to ask another Team to sit in a corner during the Match or to intentionally play beneath their abilities.


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