Mission 2025 Gravity Competition Manual


<TM13> Only One Drone per Landing Field Element. If two (2) Drones are on the same Small Cube, Large Cube or Landing Pad only one (1) Drone is scored.

Note: If there are two Drones on the Landing Pad and one is in the bullseye, then only the Drone in the bullseye will be scored.

<TM14> Qualification will occur according to the official Match schedule. Qualification Matches follow the Match schedule that is provided to Teams the day of the competition. This schedule will indicate Alliance partners, qualifying Match times, assigned Team/Drone colors, and which field the Match will be played on. The Match schedule is subject to change at the Event Partner’s discretion. <TM15> Be at your match on time. If no member of a Team is present in the Pilot Station at the start of a Match, that Team is considered a “no show” and will receive 0 (zero) points. The other Team in the Alliance will still play and receive points for the match. <TM16> Each Team will be scheduled for at least 4 Qualification Matches. 1.When in a tournament, the tournament must have a minimum of 4 (four) qualifying Matches per Team at local qualifying events and a minimum of 8 (eight) qualifying Matches for a championship event. a. We recommend 6 - 8 Matches for local qualifying tournaments. b. We recommend 10 Matches for a championship event. 2.When in a league, there must be at least 3(three) ranking sessions with at least 1 (one) week between sessions. Each session must have a minimum of 2 (two) qualification Matches per Team. <TM17> Teams are ranked by their average qualification Match scores. 1.W hen in a tournament, every Team will be ranked based on the same number of qualification Matches. 2. W hen in a league, every Team will be ranked based on the number of Matches played. a. Teams that participate in less than 60% of the total Matches available will be ranked below Teams that participate in at least 60% of the total Matches available (e.g., if the league offers 3 (three) ranking sessions with 4 (four) qualification Matches per Team, Teams that participate in 8 or more Matches will be ranked higher than Teams who participate in 7 (seven) or fewer Matches). b. Being a no-show to a Match that a Team is scheduled in still constitutes participation for these calculations. 3. The Team’s lowest Qualification Match score will be excluded from the rankings if the Teamwork Mission has at least 6 Qualifying Matches. a. Excluded scores do not affect participation for leagues.


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