Mission 2025 Gravity Competition Manual


The Q&A System When first reviewing the competition manual, it is natural to have questions about situations which may not be immediately clear. Navigating the competition manual and seeking out answers to these questions is an important part of learning the rules. In many cases, the answer may just be in a different place than you first thought. If there is no rule explicitly prohibiting something, then that usually means it is legal! However, if a Team is still unable to find an answer to their question after closely reviewing the relevant rules, then every Team has the opportunity to ask for official rules interpretations in the Aerial Drone Competition Question & Answer (Q&A) System. All responses in this Q&A system should be treated as official rulings from the Aerial Drone Competition Game Design Committee, and they represent the correct and official interpretation of the Aerial Drone Competition rules. The Q&A system is the only source besides the competition manual for official rulings and clarifications.

The Aerial Drone Competition Q&A System: recf.org/adc-official-q-and-a

In brief: 1. Read and search the manual before posting. 2. Read and search existing Q&As before posting. 3. Quote the applicable rule from the latest version of the manual in your question. 4. Make a separate post for each question. 5. Use specific and appropriate question titles. 6. Questions will (mostly) be answered in the order they were received. 7. This system is the only source for official rules clarifications.

If there are any conflicts between the competition manual and other supplemental materials, the most current version of the competition manual takes precedence.

Similarly, it can never be assumed that definitions, rules, or other materials from previous seasons apply to the current season. Q&A responses from previous seasons are not considered official rulings for the current season. Any relevant clarifications that are needed should always be re-asked in the current season’s Q&A.


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