Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — June 28 - July 11, 2013 — 3B
O WNERS , D EVELOPERS & M ANAGERS Representing all parties in 12 unit multifamily trade Capital Commercial Real Estate Group inks $765k deal
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LIFTON HEIGHTS, PA — Capital Com- mercial Real Estate Group represented all parties C
in the sale of 265 West Bal- timore Ave. i n C l i f t o n Heights. The f u l l y o c cu - pied 12 Unit Multifamily Investment P r o p e r t y t r a d e d f o r $765,000. C a p i t a l Commercial Real Estate Group asso- ciate broker D o n o v a n Mackey and a s s o c i a t e
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Donovan Mackey
265 West Baltimore Ave.
Brady Carroll
Brady Carroll represented the seller, secured the buyer, a Delaware County based inves- tor, and negotiated the deal. ■ Vendors/FCF Foundation Collaborate SOMERSET, NJ — “Real Estate Managers for Fami- lies in Crisis Foundation recently made an Award of $10,000. to a local family,” an- nounced FCF president Rita Vogt , “and although theAward is substantial, the family is in need of much more assistance. Their plight has to do with their house, which borders on the inhabitable. This single-parent family of four has been living without a functioning heater for the past six years and making do with a few space heaters. The family’s needwas brought to the attention of FCF and after the family’s application was evaluated, FCF granted the Award. However, upon an inspection of the property, it was determined that more than the heating systemwas needed. Ascope of work was formulated with an impressive list of re- pairs/replacements necessary to secure the property. Aproject team was formed and word went out to Friends of IREM and local vendors requesting they contribute some time, equipment and materials so the $10,000 FCF Award could be stretched to cover more than the new heating system. Participating vendors inclue: ACADIA Windows & Doors , American Furniture Rental and P. Cooper Roofing . ■
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