Mid Atlantic R eal E state J ournal M id Y ear R eview
Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal — Mid Year Review — June 28 - July 11, 2013 — A
W illiam A mann , P.E., DCEP, LEED AP, M&E E ngineers , I nc .
A lan F ruitman 1031 tax . com
J onathan H ornik N avesink R iver C apital
C orey L onberger R ittenhouse R ealty A dvisors
T homas M c C onnell M arcus & M illichap
J ohn J. O berer GZA G eo E nvironmental
M ichael S haw GZA G eo E nvironmental
D avid O rbach R egal B ank
K en U ranowitz , G ebroe -H ammer A ssociates
K en W ellar R ittenhouse R ealty A dvisors
Inside: Commercial Lending David Orbach, Regal Bank.............................................11A Due Diligence Michael Shaw, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc...............15A Financing NorthMarq Capital...........................................................6A Deerwood Real Estate Capital..........................................7A Investment Sales Cushman & Wakefield of New Jersey, Inc. LEED William Amann, P.E., DCEP, LEED AP, M&E Engineers, Inc. 12A
Licensed Site Remediation Professionals John J. Oberer, LSRP, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc......7A MultiFamily Investments Ken Uranowitz, Gebroe-Hammer Associates..................8A NJ Multifamily Thomas McConnell, CCIM, Marcus & Millichap........10A Philadelphia-Multifamiliy Ken Wellar & Corey Lonberger, Rittenhouse Realty Advisors. ..13A Triple Net Properties Alan Fruitman, 1031tax.com........................................14A
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