Policy team update On your behalf
The CIPP’s policy and research teamprovides an update on developments
T he policy and research team has been even busier than usual over the past few months, keeping members up to date with the latest developments in government measures, particularly those associated with the coronavirus outbreak. It has been crucial for both the team and for payroll professionals to remember that despite the pandemic business-as- usual items still needed to be dealt with and addressed. Payrolls still had (and have) to be processed, and the correct treatment of elements of pay observed to ensure that the UK was (and is) paid both on time and accurately. This month’s activities have included those focusing on coronavirus, but a substantial amount of work has also been carried out that falls completely outside of this sphere, sitting more within the category of normal topics that payroll professionals are accustomed to. Draft new starter checklist The CIPP regularly attends meetings of the Collection of Student Loans Consultation Group. We were recently asked by this group to share a draft new starter checklist to our members, in order to collect feedback on it. The draft form incorporates
the option of a Scottish student loan plan type 4, which is being introduced from April 2021. Guidance associated with utilising new starter checklists will be updated by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in due course to support employers when adding new employees to payroll systems. It is HMRC’s intention to provide the latest version of the new starter checklist to software developers in the autumn of 2020, before publishing on Gov.UK in February or March 2021, ready for use in April 2021. The CIPP published a couple of News Online articles to invite readers to provide their opinions on the draft new starter checklist. The majority of comments were positive but there was a common theme in respondents pointing out that the question that asks if an employee has a prior direct debit in place for their student loan could potentially cause confusion for anyone completing the form. The ‘Please note’ text would be better positioned at the top of the second page before question nine as this would prompt individuals completing the form to read it first. So, if not relevant/appropriate, they could head straight to the declaration and not be in the position of completing
what they think is relevant to them but then realising on reading the notes at the bottom of the page that they did not need to complete this information in the first place. (See image.) All comments and feedback received were passed on to the group, so thank you to anyone who sent their comments to the policy team.
Expat tax and NICs forum The CIPP sits on the Expat tax and NICs forum, which held a meeting on 11 June 2020 that was attended on our behalf by CIPP member Carol Mason. The
...option of a Scottish student loan plan type 4, which is being introduced from April 2021.
| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | September 2020 | Issue 63 10
*please see summary at for details.
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