Apollon Group - SUPERGRES General Catalogue 2021

PURITY OF MARBLE Rivest imento in pasta bianca Whi te body wal l t i les | Revêtements en pâte blanche | Weißscherbiger wandf l iesen

EN 14411 Allegato L Piastrelle di ceramica pressate a secco (E > 10%) Gruppo BIII

Supericie lucida Glossy surface inish Surface brillante Glänzende Oberläche

Colori - Colors - Couleurs - Farben






Serie PURITY OF MARBLE in gres porcel lanato a pag. 246 - For the ser ies PURITY OF MARBLE in porcelain stoneware see page 246 Sér ie PURITY OF MARBLE en grès cérame à la page 246 - Für die Ser ie PURITY OF MARBLE aus Feinsteinzeug siehe Sei te 246

Format i - Sizes - Formats - Formate

30,5x91,5 RT 8,5 mm

Rivestimento Purity royal beige 30,5x91,5 RT - 12”x36”

Purity royal beige struttur a fluid 30,5x91,5 RT - 12”x36” Purity royal beige camp.ramage 30.5X91.5RT - 12”x36” Pavimento Purity calacatta lux 75x75 RT - 30”x30”



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