OCT 2022
VOL. 11, ISSUE 1, PAGE 7
Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Nashville, Tennessee) Emory Critical Care Center (Atlanta, Georgia) Duke University Hospital (Durham, North Carolina) Shock Trauma/University of Maryland Medical Center (Baltimore, Marylands) The Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, Marylands) The Magnet hospitals observed included:
The observational tour exceeded our expectations of what we were hoping to learn and see. The ICU NPs are well utilized within the US healthcare system, with benefits to the patient, staff and organization clearly demonstrated. The fellowship programs we saw were well structured and created an environment of support for those training to be an ICU NP. The tour has given us inspiration for how to move forward with developing the first ICU NP Fellowship Program in Australia as well as created many opportunities for collaboration with our US counterparts. We are extremely grateful for the support of our managers and colleagues, the NorthCare Foundation, and the North Foundation in facilitating this tour. We would like to give special mention to Graham and Meri Easton who provided most of the funding for this project. If you’d like to see what we got up to on tour, we created an Instagram account you can check out via the QR code or @AUSSIE_ICU_NPs_ON_TOUR
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