ALUSIC - Accessories for aluminium profiles

SCREWS Viteria

The fasteners section incorporates a huge range of button-head and cap screws, square and roll-in nuts, washers and caps, as well as everything else necessary to assemble structures and join together aluminium profiles and bars in an effective and efficient manner. La sezione viteria racchiude in sè un vasto assortimen - to di viti bombate e cilindriche, dadi quadri e a culla, rondelle e tappi, oltre a tutto il necessario per poter assemblare strutture e congiungere tra loro profili e barre in alluminio in maniera efficiente ed efficace.

scopri tutta la viteria sui cataloghi ac / bh / im discover all the screws on the catalogues ac / bh / im


-Cap, button-head and hammer-head screws, in stainless and galvanised steel -Square, spring, rectangular, flanged and roll-in nuts

-Anti-rotation devices and washers -Closing caps for screws and holes

-Viti cilindriche, bombate e a martello, in acciaio zincato e inox -Dadi quadri, a molla, rettangolari, flangiati e a culla -Rondelle e dispositivi antirotazione -Tappi di chiusura per viti e fori CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE


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