CUBO - Executive Director


Corporate structure CUBO is a special interest organisation of the umbrella company Professional HE Services (PHES) Ltd. CUBO has five dedicated staff who are supported by PHES central staff in the areas of HR, IT, finance, membership Management The CUBO Executive Committee, comprised of expert senior professionals from HE commercial and campus services and the business world, set the strategic direction of the association and advise and support the CUBO team. Each Executive member also leads a specific work area or portfolio: sector profile, finance, learning & development, housing codes & standards, conferences, sustainability, engagement, research, EDI and partnerships. The Chair, Chair-Elect and Executive Director form the senior management team and meet fortnightly. The CUBO staff team comprises: • Executive Director FT • National Code and Projects Manager PT • Events and Engagement Manager FT • Communications Officer FT • Support Officer PT • Support Officer PT administration and governance. PHES incorporates a further six HE special interest organisations, representing university professionals working in estates, finance, HR, strategic planning, auditing and legal services respectively.

CUBO connects, supports and develops its members through a range of activities aligned to its strategy, including conferences, training, mentoring, interest groups, webinars, discussion forums and research.

CUBO maintains a network of sponsoring corporate partners,

whose services support the delivery of university commercial services, from conference and accommodation booking software to furniture, laundry services, smart lockers, catering and marketing consultancy. The Code In 2022, CUBO was appointed permanent administrator of the UUK/GuildHE Accommodation Code of Practice (Code) for university owned and managed student residences. One of three codes of practice for the higher education sector, the Code has over 140 institutional members and is the code of choice for most universities. Under the direction of the Code’s Governing Board and Compliance, Advisory and Scrutiny Board, CUBO is responsible for managing Code membership, compliance, finance, events and communications, as well as supporting the development and implementation of its strategy.

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