PhysiotherapyCenterLTD | Relieve Your Dizziness and Vertigo



Dizziness is a general term used to descr ibe a sense of unsteadiness that may be due to a lack of sleep, poor nutrition, overexer tion, or a physical ai lment (i .e. , a head cold or the flu). Dizziness can also occur from something as simple as standing up too quickly after an extended period of rest. SOME ACCOMPANYING SYMPTOMS TO DIZZINESS MAY INCLUDE:

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Inabi l ity to focus or remain aler t.

Double vision.

Nausea or vomiting. Arm or leg weakness.

Difficulty seeing or speaking.

• • • •

Loss of balance


Lightheadedness or heavy-headedness

Abnormal eye movements.

Momentari ly impaired vision

Feel ing unsteady or faint

Dizziness and ver tigo can both hinder your balance, l imiting your abi l ity to perform even the simplest of tasks. Lucki ly, no matter the cause, physiotherapy for dizziness and ver tigo can help. At Physiotherapy Center LTD. , our therapist has some of the most advanced techniques for diagnosing and treating dizziness and ver tigo, including vestibular rehabi l itation and videonystagmography. If you believe you may be experiencing vertigo, contact us today. We’ l l provide rel ief for al l of your symptoms. CALL TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Physiotherapy is essent ial to ident ify the correct exercises to rel ieve dizziness and ver tigo to improve balance. Contact Physiotherapy Center LTD. today to get star ted! Sources: • https://www.ncbi pmc/ar ticles/PMC3206229/ • https://pubmed.ncbi

Ver tigo is the result of an issue in your inner ear, also known as the “vestibular system.” Your vestibular system helps you maintain your balance and center of gravity by sending messages to your brain regarding your movement. When the vestibular system is impaired, the messages to your brain are altered, and your movement becomes affected. You may feel as if the world is spinning around you, you can’t focus your vision for prolonged periods, or you can’t stand/move appropriately without feel ing l ike you’ l l topple over. SOME COMMON CAUSES OF VERTIGO INCLUDE: • Benign Paroxysmal Positional Ver tigo (BPPV). This is the most common cause of ver tigo. It occurs when the tiny calcium crystals located in your ears break apar t and move around to different par ts of the ear that they are not supposed to be in. • Meniere’s disease. This occurs when fluid bui lds up in your ear(s). This typical ly includes ringing sounds in the inner ear and sudden waves of ver tigo that may last for hours. You may also experience momentary hearing losses. • Vestibular neuritis. This is an inner-ear infection that can cause ver tigo. • Migraines. Migraines can impact your vestibular system, and may be coupled with sensitivities to l ight or sound, or may also impair your vision. • Stroke. A stroke affects movement in your whole body. If you recently suffered a stroke, you may experience waves of ver tigo which may l inger for extended periods of time. Call Today: (345) 943-8700

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