API Fall 2024

how long they are spending on various pages. This information can help you decide which pages to optimize for SEO.

happy,” says Mike Lannen, founder of Burlington-based Eternity Marketing in Vermont. “Search engines are getting better at emulating human preferences, so by prioritizing user experience and satisfaction, you’re also optimizing for the algorithms and AI.”



grate some of those words into your website copy to improve your search ranking. So, for example, if you want to be the top result for a search of “aerial parks in [X location],” you would include your location and nearby major popu - lation centers in your list of keywords when you write your website content. Ron Pierce, owner of Alabama’s Butter and Egg Adventures and an operator with more than 20 years of success - ful SEO experience, suggests using additional plugins such as Rank Math, a free, Word Press-compatible SEO an - alyzer, to gain insight into what is—and isn’t—working to bring people to your website. These tools can tell you about the keywords for which a page on your website is ranking in a Google search, for example. Google Analytics is another data-rich tool that shows how people found your website, where they are clicking, and

If keyword data is meant to tell us (op - erators and website owners) what users are searching for, then search engines aim to pair those users with the content most relevant to their query. That makes content king. This was true when SEO was first developed in the mid- 1990s, and it’s even more true today. The difference is that search engines have gotten much better at differentiat - ing relevant content from weak content. As humans have discovered ways to “game” the system by over-stuffing webpages with keywords or irrelevant links, the algorithms have learned to catch these trends. This technological advancement is actually a good thing for the user experience. “Ironically, the tables have turned: we’re now focusing on enhancing the human experience to make the bots

So, how do you create effective content?

Customer-driven content. Couture suggests adopting the perspective of po- tential customers when writing website copy. For example, he says, when par - ents wake up in the morning, they aren’t necessarily going to search, “What is the best aerial park in XX destination?” In - stead, they are going to look for “Things to do with kids…” in said location. Think about how to answer realistic consumer questions to better set up your website writing for SEO. This might mean positioning your park as a “thing to do with kids” or including that phrase in your tour description. Or you could create a separate page with “things to do in the area.” These are examples of consumer-driven rather than prod-

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