API Fall 2024



sure your efforts result in meaningful, positive changes.

your communications. Be open about it, i.e., “You spoke, we listened.” With this approach, I’ve seen a park go from a steady stream of complaints about the bathroom cleanliness to a bunch of compliments about how clean the bathrooms were. Be honest about the root of a change. Transparency is key to building trust. When guests see that their feedback has led to real, tangible changes, they feel more connected to your brand, which can foster loyalty and repeat business. Monitor impact. Implementing changes based on guest feedback also requires ongoing monitoring. This is where the feedback loop comes full circle. After making changes, continue to seek feed - back to gauge how well the changes are working. Are wait times decreasing? Do guests notice and appreciate the improvements? If the desired out - comes are not being achieved, consider adjusting your strategy. Continuous monitoring and adaptation will help en -

Your staff members play a huge role in driving the value of feedback and sug - gestions, both as conduits for delivering things they hear from guests and as providers of feedback themselves. The staff conduit. To effectively deliver feedback they hear from guests to man - agement, staff must first be encouraged to seek feedback and listen to it. Train your staff to be active listeners and en - gage with guests. Active listening goes beyond merely hearing what customers say—it involves showing attentiveness and responding in the moment, or “listening to understand,” which, really, is key to interpersonal communication in general. Plus, it can help identify easily over - looked yet impactful scenarios. For example, at a self-guided course where I worked, I had a guest share with me that they felt timid about asking to pass slow-moving participants. This led to us incorporating signage saying, “It’s OK to ask to pass,” which ultimately creat -


Guests can also be a source of good ideas for unique experiences and helpful enhancements that you can add to your operation. They have a unique perspective and may see opportunities that you as the operator haven’t con - sidered, including ideas for new events, activities, or even specialized training sessions for beginners. By listening to these suggestions and implementing them, you can offer expe - riences that are tailored to your guests’ interests and preferences, adding a lev - el of personalization that can improve guest loyalty. Fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, driven by guest feedback, will drive long-term suc - cess. Show guests that you are always striving to improve and innovate, and that their suggestions matter.

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