API Fall 2024

Referenced standards: References to other standards need to be verified during revisions to ensure they’re still relevant. Referenced standards need to be accessible to be reviewed for applicability, and this can be a hurdle depending on an individual’s access to various standards, so you may need to phone a friend who does have access. International differences: When reviewing standards used internation- ally, note that some items may not be applicable to all countries due to differ - ences in jurisdictional practices. This is especially true when citing specific gov - ernmental agencies, jurisdiction-based authorities, or types of insurance. Some sections may need to be revised to be more general in nature so that all partici - pating countries can utilize the standard.

overarching ANSI Essential Require - ments. Style guides for writing stan - dards may not be published online but can be requested from the standards developer directly.

Grammar, typos, misspellings, and figure errors: While minor, comment - ing on these types of observations can improve the quality of the standard. Not everyone sees these, so if you iden - tify copy editing errors, don’t be afraid to point them out. Standards numbering: Standards use a lot of alphanumeric references (ex. A.1.2.1) to help readers identify specific standards and their place in the overall standard. An error in this numbering/ identification system can render sections of a standard difficult to use—or entirely useless and irrelevant. As with typos, identifying these minor corrections can help create a clean, accurate standard. Naming specific products or using proprietary intellectual property: Generally, standard accrediting bodies frown upon the inclusion of specific items with copyrights, trademarks, or patents. Sometimes, though, standards authors may not be aware they have referenced something proprietary or used a brand name instead of a generic term. Whenever you see specific prod - uct names or the use of others’ intellec - tual property, double check to see if 1) that is allowed, and 2) there is a good reason for such specificity. Illustrations and tables: Standards often include illustrations and tables to assist readers in understanding concepts. These illustrations need to be in the right place, properly refer - enced, clear to the reader, and have the appropriate approvals for use if owned by others. When reviewing a draft standard, you may identify an area where an illustra - tion is not provided but would be help - ful. If you have the technical skills, you can create and submit items for use. Or, if you know of an existing illustration or table and gained permission from the owner to use it, you can suggest that it be used. STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT: HOW TO EFFECTIVELY PARTICIPATE


Submitting formal written comments on any draft standard is an integral part of the development process. They may be the core feedback mechanism for an organization’s process, they may be required when casting a particular type of vote, or they may just serve as a channel where industry folks can provide helpful information. Use of the organization’s published comment form (typically made available along with the draft language) is sug -

When writing a comment, state clearly and rationally why you are making a specific suggestion...

For example, not all countries call their work safety authority the Occupation - al Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), so using more generic termi - nology like “worker safety regulations applicable to your jurisdiction” or simply adding “if applicable” can make a more inclusive and usable standard. Following policies, processes, and procedures: Organizations that devel - op standards (accredited or not) should have written policies and procedures as well as style guides that direct their standards development process. It’s important that you understand the process you’re participating in, and how to address any missteps on the organi- zation’s part. Not following procedures can impact public comment periods and may void an entire comment period or ballot altogether, requiring a re-submit - tal in line with policies. Official ANSI Standards Developing Or - ganizations (SDOs), in addition to their own policies, need to adhere to ANSI’s

gested. Always double check with the organization before using an alternative form to submit comments. There are four comment categories, if you will. Considering the type of com - ment you are writing can help you be clear in your intent: • General (G): These comments normally address larger areas of the document being reviewed. They include paragraphs or sections that may not be in an appropriate part of the standard, are confusing, have poor structure, or are unclear. Pointing out one specific sentence or issue to be edited may not be possible. General comments overlap technical comments in many cases because the content of the section is technical in nature, in which case you may have two or more separate comments on the same content. • Technical (T): These address the technical accuracy of the document. If you have specialized knowledge in a specific area, you may find

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