
SEA FOAM $2 instant cash with any order of 5 cases or more. SF16, SS14, TT16 & DC14 $5.49 MP20 $7.29 STABILUS LIFT SUPPORTS 20% discount on any orders of 20 pieces or more. STANDARD MOTOR PRODUCTS Special pricing below STA35 $125.99 TPM9018R $369.99 99804 $349.99 99803 $299.99 VVT420K $399.99 TPM6201SK $131.99 TPM6202VK $236.99 SUPER CLEAN - APW LINE 10% discount on any order placed. SUR&R

Extra 20% on any order placed at the show & recieve a $25 gift card for any order of $250 or more. Gift cards paid on discounted prices and will be mailed 30 days after the show. TOTAL Buy 6 cases of oil and recieve a Total Oil rack for free (1 rack per customer). VALVOLINE OILS / ZEREX COOLANT Buy any 10 cases of Valvoline and recieve $20 instant cash. WARREN DISTRIBUTION Buy 5 cases/5 pails and recieve an entry to win one of two $250 Best Buy gift cards. WD-40 - APW LINE Any order placed at the show will recieve a 10% discount. ZEROSTART 10% off on any order placed at the show.



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