King's Business - 1957-09

They burned their wagons to reach California When the Jayhawkers’ wagon train reached Death Valley in December, 1849, they found the mountains ahead too rugged to cross. So there in that hot desert valley between the

Funeral and the Panamint mountains they burned their wagons and trudged on afoot. B efore them was the promise of a golden land that seemed almost too good to be true. Today Christian higher education in California comes pretty near to falling into this same too-good-to-be-true category. Since 1908 the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has been building toward what is now the finest school of its kind in the nation. To continue this progress a brand-new, 3 million dollar campus is now being built on 50 acres of land that was once an orange grove —just outside the downtown congested area. Biola is made up of a four-year Bible college offering a B .A . degree, a two-year Bible Institu te, a one-year post-graduate School of M issionary Medicine, a three-year-post-graduate theological seminary (T a lbot).

Bible Christian Education Education English

Art French

History Music

German Greek Library Science Missions



Philosophy Psychology (with emphasis on guidance and counselling)

Science Spanish

You are invited to write for free literature. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California BIOLA GRADUATES INCLUDE SUCH SPIRITUAL LEADERS AS: P ercy Crawford, D ick and Don Hillis, Irwin Moon, Charles E. Fuller

THE KINGS BUSINESS A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President •

THEIR FATHER A LEPER! "Every day three little children, poor and in rags, run to the gate of the leper home in Athens, Greece, and plead with the gatekeeper to call their father so that they may talk with him,” writes a missionary of the American Mission to Greeks. "The shadow on their faces is soon replaced by radiant smiles as they see their dear father walk hastily toward the gate. 'Daddy, when will you come back home?’ is the first question they ask. The poor father, Jeremiah Stamboulides, tries to hide his feelings as he assures his little ones that he will soon return. But this dream probably never will be realized. "This man is a faithful believer, bearing patiently the bitter trials that are his lot. 'I would surely have committed suicide, if I had not come to a knowledge of the Lord,’ he said. 'Only His marvelous grace helps me to bear suffering wi thou t c om ­ plaint.’ ’ His wife and three little ones sometimes lack even their daily bread. Think of what this mother feels as she sits down with her chil­ dren to their meager meals, know­ ing that "Daddy” is a leper and the future holds nothing better for them. Her tears and prayers flow together as she looks for help to the only Source left her. Won’t you open your heart of compassion toward these dear children by undertaking the support of one of them at $15 a month? To such families 22 lbs. of U.S. surplus food can be provided with only $1 and a clothing package can be sent for only $6. "To visit the fatherless in their affliction” is a direct command of the Word of God. Here is your opportunity to obey it by sending a gift to the American Mission to Greeks Inc., Rev. Spiros Zodhiates, General Sec­ retary, Dept. K, P.O. Box 423, New York 36, N.Y. (In Canada: 90 Duplex Ave., Toronto, Ont.) FILM ON GREECE AVAILABLE MAN OF MACEDONIA, a pro­ fessionally produced documentary, 30 minute, 16 mm., color, sound film may be secured from the offices of the American Mission to Greeks for showing at your church or group. It will make Greece live before you. It is the only color evangelical film on Paul’s ancient missionary land. Write for a booking today. Sent out on a freewill offering basis.

Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board

SEPTEMBER In the year of our Saviour

Vol. 48, No. 9

Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven

Established 1910

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

ARTICLES TAKING PRAYER SERIOUSLY — Richard C. Halverson ..................... 10 BECAUSE YOU PRAYED — Poem — Florence Gering .......................... 10 FOR MEN ONLY — Spin Fishing ................................................................ 11 SETTING UP YOUR COUNSELING PROGRAM — Robert J. St. Clair 12 MARTHA SNELL NICHOLSON — Norman B. Rohrer ........................... 14 BILLY GRAHAM — NEW YORK REPORT .............................................. 17 THE GOSPEL BY RADIO — Photo Story .................... .......................... 28 FEATURES UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................... 4 READER REACTION ......................................................................................... 6 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ...........................-................................... 8 PEOPLE — A monthly column of names in the news .......................... 9 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 16 WORDS FROM THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ............................. 18 OUT OF THE LAB: The Bible & Science — Donald S. Robertson .... 19 SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES: ROMANS & 1 CORINTHIANS — Chester J. Padgett .......................................................... . 20 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS ROUND-UP — Gold Strike at Medicine Bow — Leonard Eilers ...... 22 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton .......................... 27 BOOK REVIEWS— Donald G. Davis ......................................................... 34 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX .................................................................. 40 TALKING IT OVER — A psychologist answers — Clyde Narramore 41 CHR ISTIAN EDUCATION OBJECT LESSONS— Elmer L. Wilder ...................................................... 37 COVER The two men on this month's cover have played rather large roles in gospel radio on the West Coast. On the left is Chancellor Louis T. Talbot of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. On the right is Biola Radio Director Al Sanders. Talbot has preached over radio continuously since 1932. Humanly speaking he singlehandedly saved Biola from bankruptcy during the depression when he took to the airways. For the story of Biola radio today see pages 28-33. Photos : Lloyd Hamill

S. H. SUTHERLAND: editor LUCY BARAJIKIAN: copy editor JANE M. CLARK: circulation manager

LLOYD HAMILL: managing editor MILTON R. SUE: advertising manager J. RUSSELL ALLDER: business manager

NORMAN B. ROHRER: editorial-odvertising coordinator editorial assistants: Mary Page, Earnestine Ritter, Gladys Smith editorial board

Donald G. Davis, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Margaret Jacobsen, Chester J. Padgett, Donala S. Robertson, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $1.50. six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscriptions 50 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Pleose send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business." ADVERTISING ■— For information address the Advertising Monager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. The King's Business/September 1957


Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller BUT GOD M ommie, p l ea s e un b u t t o n my blouse.” “Uh huh,” Mommie answered just to quiet the insistent voice. “Now let’s see. Zechariah was associated with Haggai in stimulating the people just returned from captivity to . . .” “ M omm i e , please take off my blouse. You said I’m to take a bath.” Mother’s attention was brought back forcibly from Zechariah and his work to Ardyth and Mother’s work. “Ardyth baby, what do you want? Every time I become engrossed in these Sunday school lessons I’m try­ ing to write on the minor prophets some youngster interrupts me.” “Please take off my blouse so I can get into the tub.” “Honey, is Mommie the only one who can unfasten your blouse? Isn’t there one other soul in this house who can help?” Big brown eyes looked pleadingly at Mother and the precious five year old replied, “Nobody but God could help me and I couldn’t get near Him.” A delighted, albeit startled mother caught up the little girl in her arms and gave her a bear hug. Unfastening the blouse Mother said to her little daughter, “God is always near us, darling. But things like taking off blouses are jobs He has us do. God never does anything for His children which they can do for themselves. Mommie is glad you came to her for help which she could give you. And the Lord wants you to ask of Him and go to Him whenever there are matters which only He can do for you. He wants us to go to Him with the same confidence and insistence that you came to me with. Give me a hug, sweetie, and go jump in the tub.” With vividness borne of recent sorrow Mother’s heart knew the real­ ity of “nobody but God could help . . . .” The great difference between her problem and Ardyth’s was that God was, and still is, very available when the waves of sorrow would en­ gulf her spirit. Nobody, not even the closest friend or precious husband, could understand the shattered heart of the mother who stood helplessly by the bed of her dying son, dying a thousand deaths herself as she wit­ nessed his sufferings. But God! How this poor mother’s heart praises Him for that comfort, “ . . . for the same Lord over all is rich unto all who call upon him” (Rom. 10:12).


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A lready several thousand extra copies o f the special August Christianity issue have been ordered and mailed out. This special issue is lim ited but w e can still guarantee delivery i f y ou r order is postmarked w ith in a week. From the attractive green cover right through to the last page this special issue has been designed to help y ou witness to the reality o f salvation through Jesus Christ. The on ly reason most o f us don ’ t witness more o ften is that we just don ’ t know h ow to g o about it. W h y n o t order a bundle o f these special copies and have them on hand to give ou t when y ou buy gas o r go to the beauty shop or to the department store? It’s so easy after y o u ’ve made you r purchase to say something like this: "H e r e ’s a Christian magazine I’ve enjoyed reading. Per­ haps y o u ’ll en joy it too when y ou find a little time.” Tha t’s all. A n d said w ith a genuine smile the magazine w ill seldom, i f ever, be turned down . W e ’ve tried this simple m ethod fo r several years and we have never foun d a person w h o didn ’ t gladly receive a copy . W e suggest y ou order a bundle fo r local use (recall there’s no date on the cover or at the bo ttom o f the pages so it is good as a book let fo r years to com e ) and then order individual copies to be mailed ou t by us to y ou r friends and loved ones in more distant places. Use the cou p on below and plain paper fo r addi­ tional copies. Just 25c each or 5 fo r $1 postpaid. (T h a t figures ou t at $10 fo r a bundle o f 50 or $5 fo r a bundle o f 25.)


Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland President

Dr. Louis T. Talbot Chancellor

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. fui I BIOLA JUBILEE BIBLE LANDS MISSIONARY TOUR March 1958 (In cooperation with Wheaton College Bible Lands Cruises) 4 A n examination o f the actual scenes o f Biblical events 4 A study o f archaeological dis­ coveries wh ich illuminate the Bible 4 A first-hand c o n t a c t w ith missionaries at w ork

Christian ity Issue — O rd er Blank 25 c each ; 5 fo r $ 1


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FOR FULL INFORMATION WRITE Dr. Oran H. Smith 558 South Hope Street

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Los Angeles 17, California


just a simple experience where some­ one trusted God in time of need and proved His faithfulness. To me they are more helpful than a theological

Special August Issue Sirs: I had the privilege of buying a copy of the special edition of T he K ing ’ s B usiness yesterday in a bookstore. Please let me congratulate you on such an edition. John’s Gospel—so plain and such large type! How I shall enjoy using it many, many times. I hope to mem­ orize the entire Gospel by reading it often. I have always loved it and now at 80 years of age I shall cherish it more. I am buying an extra copy for my little handicapped grandson who is 11 and just learning to walk. The attractive cover is appealing and the absence of dating also means much. Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Annie D. Rogers Already sev era l thousand extra copies of this special Christianity is­ sue have been ordered. Copies are still available at 25c each or five for just $1 postpaid. This issue makes an excellent booklet to give to those who may be interested in becoming Chris­ tians. Your order will be given prompt attention (see order blank on page 5 ) .— ED. Gospel Disc Jockey Sirs: Please accept my sincerest thanks for the fine article that appeared in the June issue telling about my gos­ pel and sacred disc jockey program. Perhaps you may be interested to know that since the article I have launched another similar program on station KPOL, Monday through Sat­ urday at 8 P.M. Los Angeles, Calif. Carl Blumay Revised Decision Sirs: I had decided to cancel my sub­ scription with my last issue but while rereading my past copies of four years I find I just can’t do without the magazine. Sorry I didn’t renew sooner. Eugene, Ore. Mrs. E. L. Kerr Leonard Eilers' Stories Sirs: When I opened my last copy of T he K ing ’ s B usiness the first thing I looked for was Leonard Eilers’ arti­ cle and was disappointed not to find it. I read them myself and they are a great stimulus to my faith. Then I read them to my three grandchil­ dren. They are what we all need;

discourse. Austin, Tex.

Mrs. W. L. Vaughan


Sirs: Have long felt you are sold out to the sensationalists but have reserved any comment until now. I have just finished reading Phil Kerr’s article on showmanship (May K.B.). It seems rather ironic how you place George Muller’s article in the same copy of your magazine. I have my doubts that Mr. Muller would write an article to be printed alongside such trash. It seems to me the K.B. is trying to middle the road with articles of Tozer’s and Muller’s appearing in conjunction with such unscriptural teaching as Mr. Kerr’s. Whittier, Calif. John Currington Sirs: With appreciation I’ve just finished reading Phil Kerr’s article—it is time­ ly and helpful. We all find it easier to be critical than gracious. Because I share Brother Kerr’s conviction it is difficult to raise an issue . . . without being guilty of inconsistency. Much criticism directed toward those who use showmanship as a tool of evan­ gelism is unfair. This should not, however, be confused with the many recent warnings being sounded by those having a serious concern for the growing theatrics to be observed in the average church service. The reason for church-service sen­ sationalism is the insatiable thirst of the people. Whence this thirst? Is it not to be found in the environment in which they had their spiritual birth? Yes, praise God, many may have been introduced to Jesus Christ with an accompanying blare of a jazz trum­ pet. Many may have been baptized into a fellowship of people “ hopped up,” as it were, with a superficial happiness. But are these new Chris­ tians not to become converted? Is such an atmosphere to remain as their normal Christian env ironment? Should we never expect such converts to settle down, becoming content with the “peace that Jesus gives” ? Let’s not leave our converts in the shambles from which they should have been lifted! Inglewood, Grenville A. Daun, Asst. Pastor Calif. Fairview Heights Baptist Church

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J o t

says DICK HERTEL* Class of 1959

by Phil Kerr

“ At Westmont the Lord has shown me ways to use dedicated talents. The challenge of the campus and inspiration of fellow students give my life new motivation.” R. H.

Rock of Ages Words by A. M. Toplady Music by Thomas Hastings

|n the October 1775 issue of Toplady’s Gospel Magazine the author wrote an anonymous article entitled “Life a Journey,” which concluded with these four lines, the original germ of his future hymn: “ Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee! Foul, I to the fountain fly, Wash me, Saviour, or I die! ” In '•he following March he pub- lisned a curious article which enu­ merated the sins of;an average mortal being, comparing them to the national debt of England. He estimated that if a man committed a sin every sec­ ond, by the time he was 50 years old he would have committed “ 1576 mil­ lions and 800 thousands” ; even if he died at the age of 10 he would still have been responsible for 315,036,000 sins. He argued that it was humanly impossible to pay such a debt and that the debt must be paid by “ Christ who hath redeemed us from the curse of the law.” At the conclusion of this remarkable discussion, Top- lady appended a “ Living and Dying Prayer for the Holiest Believer in the World” which contained for the first time the hymn-poem which is now “Rock of Ages.” Augustus Montague Toplady was born November 4, 1740. He was con­ verted at the age of 16 in a Wesleyan Methodist meeting which was “held in a bam” near Dublin, Ireland, where he was attending college. He later “ took orders” in the Church of England and still later became affil­ iated with the Calvinists. He was a prolific Writer, a fearless preacher, “had the courage of a lion, but with a frame as brittle as glass.” Although he opposed the Wesleys doctrinally, it is interesting to note that he pub­ lished Wesley’s “Jesus, Lover Of My Soul” even before the Methodists ac­ cepted it. He died of consumption, brought about by overwork, at the early age of 38 in London, August 11, 1778. Several tunes have been provided, the best known having been com­ posed by Th oma s Has t ings , first appearing in Hastings-Mason’s Spir­ itual Songs For Social Worship in 1830. It was originally in the key of D, much higher than it is now sung.

When it comes to choosing a college, a student usually prefers one that has inspiring physical surroundings and appearance plus high educational standards. At Westmont you get all this and more. Life on Westmont’s beautiful campus is given that depth . . . that 3rd dimension by the radiant Christian testimonies of her students. Westmont graduates are admitted to the University of California and other leading Universities of the world. «|C Dick is a member of the college male quartet, which traveled exten sively throughout the United States this past summer. He is active in many student activities on the campus and an out­ standing musician. He very ably directed the musical background for the Sopho­ more banquet program last school year.

For a Catalog write to the registrar:

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As a student of prophecy, I find much satisfac­ tion in the expositions herein contained and gladly recommend the book to all who would like to have a better understanding of Revelation." — Keith L. Brooks 280 Pages — Price $2.75 Order from your bookstore or the publisher

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A monthly column of names in the news

Hong Kong). Ministering along with Dr. Bob Pierce at these Pastors’ Con­ ferences will be Dr. Paul S. Rees, pastor of the First Covenant Church in Min­ neapolis and Rev. Richard Halverson, associate director of the International Christian Leadership organization. For the fifth year the conference will give pastors a chance for rest, Bible study, discussion of common prob­ lems, counsel from experienced Chris­ tian leaders, prayer and personal heart-searching.

cipal cities on the island of Java: Djakarta, the capital; Soerabaja; Solo; and Bandoeng, a holiday resort city sometimes known as the Paris of Java. And though the strong influence of the Mohammedan religion could be seen from the mosques and minarets studding the cities, yet an unprece­ dented response was seen both in at­ tendance and in recorded decisions for Christ, with 252 decisions made on the opening night of the crusade. Along with Formosan pastors who were former headhunters and Viet­ namese motorcycle missionaries, some 4,000 other Asian pastors will again be meeting throughout the Orient this month for special conferences con­ ducted by World Vision. The itiner­ ary sounds like Cook’s Tour of the Orient (scheduled are Formosa, Java, the Philippines, Japan, Korea and

Chiseling away at the monumental task of translating the Holy Scrip­ tures, 'the American Bible Society an­ nounced that it has added 17 lan­ guages within the space of one year, bringing the total to 1,109 languages and dialects into which at least one book of the Bible has been translated. Though the addition of the 17 lan­ guages was unusually high, there was one other disquieting statistic. There still exist some 1,000 languages and dialects which have no written form and in which not even a single book of the Bible is available. Within one of the most densely pop­ ulated areas of the world (1,033.8 per­ sons per square mile), David Morken and Navigators’ Orient Director Roy Robertson recently held evangelistic meetings at the invitation of national church committees, in the four prin­

In Africa, Prime Minister Nkrumah, leader and champion of the newly in­ dependent state of Ghana, had a ready reply for reporters who asked him if missionaries would be allowed to re­ main. Said the Prime Minister: “Ab­ solutely. We are what we are today because of them. Why should we want them to go away now?” a new publication for couples' classes and the home 7 HOME BUILDER

For all young marrieds. . . .for all young parents.. . .for everyone interested in building a Christian h om e ....h e re is a BRAND-NEW quarterly magazine chock-full of information and inspiration—a magazine designed to encourage Christian living in the home and to promote the work of young married couples'

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A LOOK into the October issue gives the pattern of things to come. Section I—Your Children Watch, Budget and Like It, Learning to Play. Section II—Picture feature of the Kum Double Class (Columbus, Ohio), We Are Babes, A Labor of Love, devotional programs, quantity, recipes, etc...........Order yours today! Use the coupon------- >• ■ THERE'S SPACE, too, on the coupon to request samples of Standard True-to-the-Bible literature for all age groups in your Bible school. Choice of Graded or Uniform lessons. Colorful—attractive- complete—easy to teach!

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The King's Business/September 1957

R i c h a r d C. H a l v e r s o n

Taking Prayer Seriously

H phe average b u s i n e s s m a n ’ s approach to Christianity is a practical one. He thinks in terms of tangibles — not in terms of ab­ stractions. Which is excellent . . . but it has its drawbacks because the “ h a r d h e a d e d ” businessman (so called) often dismisses spiritual values as being utterly impractical and useless. Take prayer, for example. A man is apt to think of it as ethe­ real — a mystical exercise of ques­ tionable value for people who have nothing better to do. Certainly not for busy men in a hard, cold, cal­ culating business world. Which is unfortunate! Because rightly understood prayer is the most practical, relevant thing in life! In the Bible it is central — integral. It is to the spirit what dis­ tribution is to economics. Through prayer the resources of God are put to use. Without prayer these resources are available but unap­ propriated! Prayer is a businessman’s great­ est asset! The prayerless man is missing the boat. He’s failing to come up to his best — failing to realize his top efficiency. The man who takes prayer seriously enjoys rich personal assets. Humility. Not shallow, thin pre­ tense . . . but deep, basic, legitimate dependence on God. Absence of

this is secularism — independence from God. The secular man writes God off. No man is really great or good who is not humble before God. Without this, man is a bore — cocky, u n b e a r a b l e , overbearing!

Prayer settles a man into position — in honest dependence on God — in recognition of God’s place in the universe. Humility is strength under control! Prayer gives a man strength. Endurance. Strength for emergen­ cies, pressures, tensions. Prayer turns difficulty into opportunity . . . testing into tensile strength. It exploits trouble uses it to build into a man resilience. Prayer turns tragedy into triumph! Prayer means power — in the sense of impact! The praying man has punch, drive, efficiency, strik­ ing force . . . a flash point. He is solid, sharp, keen. Man on his knees is man at his outside best. God’s wisdom comes through prayer. It means clearheaded, in­ cisive decisions instead of confusion and foggy thinking. Prayer keeps a man from m a j o r i n g i n the minors — keeps him from concern for secondary matters and neglect of primary issues. Prayer gives a man proper perspective! Whoever you are — whatever you do — take prayer seriously. You’ll be a better man — more effective in your work . . . provid­ ing you put God first. Prayer is not in order that men may use God. It is that God may use men! Jesus Christ said that men ought always to pray . . . and not give up. END.

Because You Prayed

Almost too ill to pray myself, Such weakness held my frame,

Content to raise my burning eyes, And whisper His dear Name — When such sweet peace suffused my soul, God’s presence filled the room; And suddenly I knew and felt Somebody prayed for me! And strength and joy swept over me—- Ah, friend, if you could know The tranquil peace and calm I knew Because you prayed for me! — Florence Gering Your Prayer Requests Each morning at eight the editorial staff of T h e K in g ’ s B usiness magazine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heartcry of thousands. Should you have a request w e would count it a privilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, T h e K in g ’ s B usiness , 55 8 So. H ope St., Los Angeles 17. Phone: MAdison 5 -1641.



A for-men-only feature dealing with basic Christianity/by Lloyd Hamill


were big and green and hard. And they were being cut and dropped from about 100 feet up a big yellow pine. When cones that size come hurtling down you have a tendency to scramble out of your sleeping bag in a hurry. At the lake my wife caught the first trout and by sunset we had landed 20 (she 11). They ranged in size up to a fat 12 / 2 inches. A trout that size, taken on a light spinning outfit, is a thrilling experience to bring in. It had been a long day and we were tired and somehow very happy. Twenty gleaming trout are a reward in themselves. Now that we’re having so much fun fishing we sometimes ask ourselves why we didn’t start sooner. Well, we can come up with a creelful of excuses but when we want to be brutally honest with ourselves we know the true answer: We didn’t do it sooner because we didn’t want to. Actually all of life is like this. If we really want to do something badly enough we can usually do it. It’s a matter of really wanting to. If you want to become an expert with a revolver you’ll buy the right equipment and then practice until you’re an expert. Nothing can keep you from becoming an expert shot if you really want to become one. This same basic principle is also true of man’s relationship to God. The Bible says, "If anyone wills to do His will he shall understand the teaching . . . .” First you have to be willing. That’s all. If you have no desire for a thing then there is no use in pursuing it. If you want to learn spin fishing you’ll buy a book and study it carefully. You’ll talk to successful spin fishermen. Then you’ll put into practice what you’ve learned. By the same reasoning if you have a desire to be absolutely certain of having a right relationship with God you’ll do everything in your power to get firsthand information on the Christian faith. You won’t just talk about it . . . you’ll do it. You’ll read the Gospel of John. And reread it. You’ll underline important portions of it. You may talk to a minister or a Christian friend. But mostly you’ll study the record firsthand. And once you’re willing to become right with God through simple faith in Jesus Christ you’ll discover the amazing truth of these words from the Bible: "But as many as re­ ceived him, [Jesus Christ] to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name."

My wife and I have just taken up spin fishing. I was raised in Idaho and did a fair amount of trout fishing as a youngster. But my bamboo rod and automatic reel have been stored for years. Since the war I’ve talked a lot about getting back to the streams and lakes. I even bought a five horse-power out­ board motor in 1951. But somehow the routine of city life here in Southern California always delayed my decision to do a little fishing. Then a few months ago we bought a book on spin fishing by Vlad Evanoff. Today that book is dirty and dog-eared from much study. We’ve read and reread it. We both decided if we were going into something new we’d better get some background knowledge before we tried it out. We found out that spin fishing got its start in England in 1905 when a chap by the name of Alfred Holden Illingworth produced a workable spinning reel. Soon the reel was in use all over Europe. Anglers found that casting with this new reel was almost fool-proof easy. In fact it was so easy and so effective that for a while it was banned in England. But in America the spinning reel didn’t get a good start until 1946. Today about 8 out of 10 fishermen use it. The advantages of the spinning reel are many. When you cast the reel remains stationary; the line just loops off. This means you can cast longer and more accurately with little practice. And because the spool doesn’t revolve there is no chance of getting a backlash. We wanted to fish for trout so we bought two very light hollow glass rods and 4 /2 02. reels. Our line is a transparent- thin, nylon monofilament in a 4-lb. test weight. After we bought the outfits we spent a good many hours in a nearby park practicing. We found that even a very light weight was fairly easy to cast 60 or 70 feet. Then we placed a 15- inch pan about 30 feet away and practiced casting into it. It didn’t take long before we were dropping our line into it fairly regularly. We were beginning to understand and enjoy our new sport. Then we headed for Big Bear Lake at the 7,000-foot level in the San Bernardino Mountains. We camped out under the tall pines. There was a full moon that was brilliantly beautiful. We were awakened the next morning by a tree squirrel who was dutifully harvesting pine cones. The cones

(Those desiring additional help or spiritual counsel may write to Mr. Hamill in care of The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17. A free copy of the Gospel of John [with simplified explanations ] will also be sent upon request.) The King's Business/September 1957 11

Here’s a check list o f what it takes to be a good counselor. How do you rate?

Setting Up Your Counselint

person he is helping. He does this by listening carefully. Occasionally he will rephrase what has been said to indicate he is attempting to grasp the feelings involved. He does not say, “ I understand per­ fectly.” Instead he says, “ Yes, I believe I can see that.” Or he can say, “ Yes, I see why that would be a very trying ordeal.” To “ under­ stand” does not mean to figure out a quick solution to someone’s diffi­ culty. It means to stand under the difficulty and share it. Only some­ one who loves with the reflected love of Christ can understand. What happens in counseling is complicated. If a soul is not ruth­ lessly condemned by his helper he will “ stand aside” from his prob­ lem and look at it objectively and courageously. He also experiences a kinship with the helper’s ego and seems to derive ego strength from the soul who figuratively stands in the problem with him. The feeling that here are two persons working this out together provides added h e l p f o r t h e n e e d y s o u l and strengthens him in his search for the best answer and the best help from God. Very frequently those who are most anxious to help others in counseling are least qualified. The insecure seek to bolster neurotic pride by preaching sermons at peo­ ple at the drop of a hat. They ac­ tually have little concern for souls and wish to use others as occasions for demonstrating superior spirit­ uality and pharisaic prestige. In counseling it is not our job to show

1) First session: a study of rep­ resentative laymen in the Bible (such as Stephen) and their con­ tribution to the kingdom; a meeting of prayer and consecration. 2) Second session: a discussion of personality and its basic needs. 3) Third session: the same. 4) Techniques of counseling. At this point and for the next two sessions a trained Christian psy­ chiatrist, psychologist, counselor or Christian pastor should be called in who has had experience in the field. 5) Final session: Scriptures to use in various situations. These laymen should be repre­ sentative of the membership. There should be men and women, some senior folk and one or two persons between 18 and 23. In essence, what is the technique of good Christian counseling? As members of the priesthood of be­ lievers we must follow the example of our great high priest, the Lord Jesus. In Hebrews 2:18 we read: “ For because He Himself has suf­ fered and been tempted, He is able to help those who are tempted.” In Hebrews 4:15 we find: “ For we have not a high priest who is un­ able to sympathize with our weak­ nesses. . . .” He suffered, and in Greek the word “ sympathize” con­ tains the word “ suffer” and means “ to suffer with.” Jesus enters into our experiences and shares them with us. He shares the burden and provides all-sufficient strength. The Christian friend must also enter into the experience of the

V o u r church should have at least 10 “ministers” for every 100 members. W e’re not talking about ordained pastors. W e mean lay ministers. See why: If there are 200 members in your church, there are from 5 to 10 shut-ins. Five to 10 more are ill, one or two desperately. Twenty or 30 have mental, sexual, social or economic problems that are fairly acute. Thirty or more have prob­ lems which they would like to dis­ cuss. Let us say the pastor makes six calls a day for six days. Can he do the job by himself? Every spiritual leader, including our Lord Himself, has had to train laymen for the work of the min­ istry. In some churches there is a board, such as the board of dea­ cons, for this purpose. In most cases an enlarged committee must be set up and consecrated to their work. The minister himself must do the choosing and cannot call for volunteers. People cannot be cho­ sen who: 1) talk on and on in a compul­ sive fashion, 2) are spiritually im­ mature or indifferent to the claims of Christ for full consecration, 3) are pharisaic and evince a desire to excel in performance by con­ stantly pointing out the sins of others, 4) lose their tempers vio­ lently over the slightest provoca­ tion, 5) are sensitive and easily hurt by thoughtless remarks. The next step in the formation of this Pastoral Committee should be its training. Here is a suggested curriculum:



Robert J. St. Clair

peated failure. God can speak in each case through His Word. W ill you know just where to turn? M u c h o f t h i s w o r k will, of course, be routine calling. Its re­ sults will be invaluable to the pas­ tor and will transform the spirit of the church. The experience will do wonders for the counselors. Every member should have an opportunity to leave this work at any time if he feels he cannot carry on. After every three years each member should retire for one year to review his work. A sense of ar­ rogant self-importance disqualifies a Christian from this form of serv­ ice. Above all, it should be clear that in assisting the pastor this committee of Christ’s servants can­ not work at cross-purposes with him without bringing shame upon the church. This committee should look to the pastor for leadership. Now think through these sugges­ tions. How can you be a good Christian friend even though you are not officially consecrated as a counselor or a deacon? How do you like visitors from the church to act when they visit your home? What time of the day do you like to be visited? What do you like visitors to do when you are ill? Under what conditions do you like the family to receive a visit from a church representative? Has a visit from some Christian brought you closer to Christ the Lord? Can you think why? Is there anything you can do to bring a committee of counselors into being in your church? END.

the pastor would do well to read The Neurotic Personality of Our Time by Homey, So You W ant To Help People by Wittenberg, Pas­ toral W ork and. Personal Counsel­ ing by Dicks, and the magazine Pastoral Psychology. The pastor will wish to meet with his committee in a manner that best suits the local church sit­ uation. Serious and urgent prob­ lems demanding pastoral or psy­ chiatric care should be brought to the attention of the minister imme­ diately. Criticisms should be shared with the minister in private. If a counselor gossips about anyone he has visited he should be removed from the committee immediately. Gossip in a church is utter sin under any circumstances. Visitors should be trained in the use of prayer and Scripture read­ ing. Prayers should be simple, clear and to the point. Sermons should not be disguised as prayers. In praying we are not groping for pretty phrases. W e are asking God for faith, hope and guidance. W e are expressing our confidence in Him. The choosing of just the right Scripture for the occasion is an in­ spired art. Some souls will be de­ feated, some will be bereaved, some will fear old age, some will worry over insecurity, some will fear they have lost their salvation and eter­ nal inheritance, some will be anx­ ious over ill health, some will be upset over wayward children and some will be disappointed over a lost opportunity or crushed by re­

others how easy it is to solve their problems. It is a very easy thing for a needy soul to sense that his helper needs aid more desperately than he does. Supportive therapy consists of consolation, advice and appeals to a joyful perspective but it should be generally avoided by lay Chris­ tian counselors. If a soul avers that he merely feels a bit discouraged, one is tempted to resort to support­ ive therapy to provide an emotional “ lift.” The danger is that feelings of discouragement may hide a deeper problem which will not be brought to the fore. A counselor can share the joy of the Christian life without attempting to act like a cross be­ tween D. L. Moody and a religious buffoon. Simply be pleasant. Smile. Be natural. Go as a friend. Respect the person you are visiting. Listen carefully. You are not a psycholo­ gist but a friend. Be conscious of the presence of Him who does the healing, the strengthening, the guiding. You are solely an instru­ ment of the Holy Spirit. A visitor should never probe. He should not ask q u e s t i o n s . The length of time he visits depends on his good judgment and should not be less than 10 minutes and rarely more than 50 minutes. Pastors who do the training of their committee will usually feel inadequate. Unfortunately, there are few good evangelical books in the field. What the pastor reads he will have to evaluate carefully as he goes along. W ith this in mind,


The King's Business/September 1957

by Norman B. Rohrer

Martha Snell Nicholson

A poet & her tears

A few years ago one of America’s great Christian poets, Martha Snell Nicholson, wrote this about tears: Some day, up there, perhaps a hundred years Or more from now, when we are through with tears, W hen we are used to glory, and our eyes Have feasted on His beauty, and surprise A fter surprise has thrilled our souls, and grace Has opened like a flower and His face Has grown familiar, and we rejoice In all the riches which are ours through Him — Then, peering over heaven's golden rim, And looking down through space at this brown ball, To, we shall find that scarcely we recall Our tears— but only how it felt that day To have His dear hand wipe them all away! This summer tears for Martha Snell Nicholson— and there had been many— ended. She was with the Saviour “ To have His dear hand wipe them all away.” In spite of suffering from an almost unbelievable list of diseases (tuberculosis, asthma, gall bladder in­ fection, arthritis, ankylosed spine, angina, sinus trou­ ble, anemia, ulcers, amoeba, Parkinson’s Disease, cancer) she wrote and published seven books of poems, an autobiography and many tracts. From childhood Martha was plagued by poor health. Although she was a fat baby, she was im­ properly nourished and early developed rickets. She was easily moved to tears and often hid her face in her mother’s apron. Since there was not always oc­ casion for this, her mother made her a pillow with a blue calico cover and explained that it was for crying purposes. For little Martha it was a satisfactory sub­ stitute and became her “ cry pillow.” Martha knew very early in life that there was something the matter with her. It was not only her poor health— she was used to that. But she harbored a conviction that whereas her parents and sisters and acquaintances “ kept their hearts safely put away in­ side their little cages of ribs,” she wore hers outside on

a ribbon around her neck, exposed and entirely vul­ nerable. Sometimes it split wide open with pain. Periods of nausea and dizziness descended upon her and she was forced to withdraw from school for a term after her first year. The second grade was easier, however, and a measure of health sustained her for the years of elementary education. Martha’s Fifth Reader, in a long preface, gave all the simple rules of poetic diction. She studied them carefully, then decided conclusively that she wanted to be a poet. Her first effort has no title. It went like this:

The storm was raging wildly On the dark and dreary sea, And the moon looked down in pity To see such m isery A woman and a little child Afloat in an open boat, And the water cold it o'er them dashed. Not long could the old craft float. But when the storm had abated, And the wind was lulling down, Through the early mist of the morning They could see the nearby town.

“ Then my inspiration failed me,” said Mrs. Nich­ olson. “ Perhaps the water cold it o’er them dashes to this very day.” A few years after finishing high school she was able to enter the College of Puget Sound in Washing­ ton. She crammed her schedule full and seemed never to learn enough to satiate her ravenously hungry mind. She read Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Renan, Nietzsche and other philosophers. “ It took much patience on the part of God,” said Martha, “ to show me that what I wanted was not a record of man’s guesses and theories but the voice of authority, the Word of God.” Howard Wren Nicholson was at that time working


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