King's Business - 1957-09

R i c h a r d C. H a l v e r s o n

Taking Prayer Seriously

H phe average b u s i n e s s m a n ’ s approach to Christianity is a practical one. He thinks in terms of tangibles — not in terms of ab­ stractions. Which is excellent . . . but it has its drawbacks because the “ h a r d h e a d e d ” businessman (so called) often dismisses spiritual values as being utterly impractical and useless. Take prayer, for example. A man is apt to think of it as ethe­ real — a mystical exercise of ques­ tionable value for people who have nothing better to do. Certainly not for busy men in a hard, cold, cal­ culating business world. Which is unfortunate! Because rightly understood prayer is the most practical, relevant thing in life! In the Bible it is central — integral. It is to the spirit what dis­ tribution is to economics. Through prayer the resources of God are put to use. Without prayer these resources are available but unap­ propriated! Prayer is a businessman’s great­ est asset! The prayerless man is missing the boat. He’s failing to come up to his best — failing to realize his top efficiency. The man who takes prayer seriously enjoys rich personal assets. Humility. Not shallow, thin pre­ tense . . . but deep, basic, legitimate dependence on God. Absence of

this is secularism — independence from God. The secular man writes God off. No man is really great or good who is not humble before God. Without this, man is a bore — cocky, u n b e a r a b l e , overbearing!

Prayer settles a man into position — in honest dependence on God — in recognition of God’s place in the universe. Humility is strength under control! Prayer gives a man strength. Endurance. Strength for emergen­ cies, pressures, tensions. Prayer turns difficulty into opportunity . . . testing into tensile strength. It exploits trouble uses it to build into a man resilience. Prayer turns tragedy into triumph! Prayer means power — in the sense of impact! The praying man has punch, drive, efficiency, strik­ ing force . . . a flash point. He is solid, sharp, keen. Man on his knees is man at his outside best. God’s wisdom comes through prayer. It means clearheaded, in­ cisive decisions instead of confusion and foggy thinking. Prayer keeps a man from m a j o r i n g i n the minors — keeps him from concern for secondary matters and neglect of primary issues. Prayer gives a man proper perspective! Whoever you are — whatever you do — take prayer seriously. You’ll be a better man — more effective in your work . . . provid­ ing you put God first. Prayer is not in order that men may use God. It is that God may use men! Jesus Christ said that men ought always to pray . . . and not give up. END.

Because You Prayed

Almost too ill to pray myself, Such weakness held my frame,

Content to raise my burning eyes, And whisper His dear Name — When such sweet peace suffused my soul, God’s presence filled the room; And suddenly I knew and felt Somebody prayed for me! And strength and joy swept over me—- Ah, friend, if you could know The tranquil peace and calm I knew Because you prayed for me! — Florence Gering Your Prayer Requests Each morning at eight the editorial staff of T h e K in g ’ s B usiness magazine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heartcry of thousands. Should you have a request w e would count it a privilege to take it to the throne of grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, T h e K in g ’ s B usiness , 55 8 So. H ope St., Los Angeles 17. Phone: MAdison 5 -1641.


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