King's Business - 1957-09


of thought and to note any special teachings that come to you from your survey of the book. The Believer’s Position in Grace 1. What is the problem, confront­ ing Paul in the first four chapters of 1 Corinthians? (1:11.) 2. How does Paul indirectly seek to remedy this situation by his state­ ment in verse 2? 3. In what things had God greatly blessed the Corinthian church? (w . 4-7.) 4. Did Paul believe in the security of the saint? (v. 8.) 5. What was the basis of Paul’s faith in the security of the believer? (v. 9.) The Unspiritual State at Corinth 1. What is Paul’s earnest request for the believers in Corinth? (1:10.) Is this kind of oneness needed today? 2. What seemed to be the nature of the difficulty at Corinth? (v. 12.) 3. How does Paul show the incon­ sistency of this situation? (v. 13.) 4. How does Paul partly indicate the source of the Corinthians’ diffi­ culty in the phrase “not with wisdom of words” ? (v. 17.) 5. Why was the cross an offense to many in Corinth and in the Greek world? (v. 18.) Why is it an offense to many today? 6. What had the vaunted wisdom of men accomplished as far as dis­ covering the true and living God? (w . 19-21.) 7. To those who are called of God and whose eyes are opened to the meaning of the cross what is their a t t i t ud e t owa r d the Lord Jesus Christ? (v. 24.) 8. What great truth in verses 26- 31 is intended to humble the Corin­ thians and bring them in repentance to the foot of the cross? Denial of Human Wisdom 1. Note the four things which be­ long to every one of God’s elect (1: 30). Elaborate on these things. 2. Describe Paul’s method and at­ titude in preaching to the Corinthi­ ans (2:1-4). Why does he remind these believers of this fact? 3. Why did Paul preach the sim­ ple gospel and avoid the niceties of Greek philosophy? (v. 5.) 4. Is the wisdom of God less than the wisdom of the world? (vv. 7, 8.) In other words, the believer does not need to feel inferior to the worldling. God has given him a secret that the world knows nothing of! (To be continued next month.)

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The King's Business/September 1957


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