King's Business - 1957-09


Pen Pals

EILERS continued

Eduardo M. Ciriaco, 15 Manalili St., Opon, Cebu, Philippines; 19; letter writing, sing­ ing, biking, roller skating, camping. Glenda Cochran, 2033 N. Seventh, Grand Junction, Colo.; 16; music, art, botany, microscopic work. Would like a Christian pen pal my own age from another country. Cathy Downs, 535 Rose Dr., Whittier, Calif.; 10; stamp collecting, music, sing­ ing, sewing, cooking. Diane Flynn, General Delivery, Carmel Val­ ley, Calif.; 11 Vz; horses, swimming, school, reading, skating, singing, clarinet. Diane Hill, P.O. Box 34, Big Creek, Calif.; 12; athletics, art craft, Bible study. Carol Holloway, P.O. 51, Donnellson, Iowa; 16; horseback riding, swimming, ice skat­ ing, reading, bowling. Kenko Iji, Hanji-Ku, Kunigami-son, Oki­ nawa, Ryukyus Is. Would like to corre­ spond with an American man 18-20 years of age. R. H. Smith, Jr., F.A ., USS Bennington (CVA-20) E -l, FPO, San Francisco, Calif.; 19; roller skating. Would like to corre­ spond with young people 16-18 years of age especially on the West Coast. Luanne Wright, 324 First St., Manhattan Beach, Calif.; 17; swimming, singing. Any boys and girls interested in join­ ing our pen pal club write Pen Pal Editor, The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Include age and interests. — ED. Know Your Bible Club The following boys and girls have read the Gospel of John and have afeked one of their friends to read it also. They are now eligible to be members of the Know Your Bible Club and have been sent the club pin and song. This month’s new members are Jane Di Arenzo, Beverly Hollin- ger, Lynda Kennedy, Judy Lambert, Miriam Leahy, Elizabeth Meng, Gail Murray, Susan Myhre, Sandra Pat­ rick, Beverly Peay, Barbara Reeder, Jaret Rowe, and Donna Tabor—Clif­ ton Heights, Pa. RALPH CARMICHAEL SCHOOL OF MUSIC Complete 1 year correspondence course

I was glad that I arrived in time to save his life. It was a big job but I finally had him on his cot inside the shack. Miraculously, no bones were bro­ ken and there seemed to be no seri­ ous internal injury. He was just badly bruised. His big desire, after I got him comfortable, was for food. While I was putting the finish­ ing touches to our supper, Zeke spoke up and said, “ Leonard, God has answered your prayer. You know, you said you were going to pray for me when you left the last time.” “ Zeke,” I said, “ that’s great.” “ Yes, I’ve found that having Christ as my Saviour is far better than gold!” “ That really makes me happy, Zeke, but I’m sure sorry you had to find it out in such a hard way.” “ Well, there’s no one to blame for that hut myself. Anyway, how it happened isn’t nearly as impor­ tant as that it did happen.” I remained for a couple of days to make sure he would he all right. During that time we talked things over quite seriously and he de­ cided he was through trying to turn all the mountains upside down looking for gold. As soon as he got things straightened out, he was go­ ing to leave for Oregon to try to locate his folks. When I said good-bye, his part­ ing words were, “When you left the last time, you told me that you’d pray for me. This time Vm asking you to pray because from now on I’m going to really need it so I can keep the promise I made in the tunnel, to seek first the king­ dom of God and His righteous­ ness.” I leaned over in m y saddle, grabbed Zeke’s hand and held it tight. “ I’ll sure do it,” I said. Well, that’s it for now, boys and girls. But before Deerfoot and I take off I’d like to make a deal with you. W e all agree that Zeke did the right thing when he decided to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Now let’s all agree to do the same. And let’s pray for one another so that God will help us keep our promise. END-

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★ The special arrange­ ments alone are worth 5 times the price of the course. ★ Instrumentalists!! Dis­ cover at last the secrets and tricks used by top pro­ fessionals.

★ Christian musicians, choir directors and accom­ panists — enhance your ministry. For FREE detailed brochure mail this coupon to RALPH CARMICHAEL 427 W. 5th St., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Indicate which course: □ Piano or organ □ Violin □ Trumpet □ Arranging Send me free brochure. Name-------------------------------------------«---------— Address......................................................- — - —■- City__________________________ State------------------— Carmichael Music Correspondence Course (K-S) Ralph Carmichael


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