King's Business - 1957-09


Doctrinal pointers by Gerald B. Stanton, Th.D.

the Holy Spirit Spirit of our God” (1 Cor. 6:11), “ the Spirit of your Father” (Matt. 10:20), and “ the Spirit of the living God” (2 Cor. 3:3). 1 Peter 4:14 records an interesting descriptive name when it says that “ . . . the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you. . . .” In this passage the glory of the Spirit is equal to that of the Father in its radi­ ance. In Romans 8:9 the Spirit is re­ lated to both the Father and the Son, and absence of the Spirit testifies to absence of salvation (cf. 1 Pet. 1:11). Yet other verses link the Spirit with Christ either as the “ Spirit of his Son” (Gal. 4:6) or the “Spirit of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:19). Some titles of the Holy Spirit record His relationship with His people. Believers are “ sealed with that holy Spirit of promise” (Eph. 1:13; cf. 4:30), the promised Spirit having come upon each believer as the seal or guarantee of his salvation. In John 14:16, 17 He is the “Spirit of truth,” the one who reveals and defends the truth and who instructs His own in the knowledge of “ the deep things of God” (1 Cor. 2:10). As the “ Spirit of truth” He is our great teacher and as such He opposes Satan who is the “ spirit of error” (1 John 4:6). Ephe­ sians 1:17 and Isaiah 11:2 are thought by many to contain names or titles of the Holy Spirit but whether or not this can be proven, assuredly wisdom and understanding, c o un s e l and might, knowledge and the fear of the Lord are all endowments granted by the Spirit of Jehovah to those of His people who walk with Him. Among the most familiar titles of the Spirit is the name “ Comforter,” meaning “ one who aids or assists” or “ one called alongside to help” (John 14:16). It was the Spirit who took the place of the Saviour in the midst of the disciples following the ascension of Christ into heaven. As deity, pos­ sessing the same attributes as the Son of God and with the same power to strengthen and help, the Spirit came as “ another Comforter,” that is, an­ other like unto Christ Himself. Although this present listing is not exhaustive, it is nevertheless sufficient to clarify the primary names and titles of the Holy Spirit. It will assist the earnest student of the Word of God to understand r e l a t i o n s h i p s which exist within the trinity and will clarify many of the important ministries performed by the Spirit in behalf of those who belong to the family of God. END.

T h e N a m e s o f B iblical names f r e q u e n t l y have meanings of great significance. Im­ portant spiritual truths may be re­ vealed in the giving of a name or in the changing of a name. The name A d o n i j a h means “Jehovah is my Lord.” Nathan means “ gift” and Nathaniel means “ gift of God.” Jacob, the “ Supplanter,” becomes Israel, a “Prince with God.” Even the name Jesus, given to Mary the mother of our Lord, was accompanied by the angelic explanation, “ . . . for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). The third person of the trinity is, in Scripture, alluded to by a wide variety of names. Since each is im­ portant, b l e s s i n g and instruction await those who further their knowl­ edge of the Spirit by an earnest appre­ ciation of these names. Certain names of the Spirit relate directly to His spotless character. Most frequently used in Scripture is the name “Holy Spirit,” speaking of His righteousness and His hatred of ini­ quity. Luke 11:13 is worthy of note, the contrast being between men who are evil and the Spirit who is holy. Similarly, He is called the “ spirit of holiness” (Rom. 1:4), the one who produces holiness in all who share a living relationship with Him. In Isaiah 4:4 He is called the “ spirit of burning,” and in the same context, the “ spirit of judgment.” These names record His moral char­ acter and suggest the purification and judgment which becomes necessary in view of His holiness. Another of His divine attributes is seen in the name, the “ eternal Spirit,” Hebrews 9:14 declaring in part the relation­ ship of the second and third persons of the trinity in respect to the work of Christ on Calvary, Other names of the Spirit declare His relationship to the provision and the application of salvation. In Ro­ mans 8:2 He is seen as the “Spirit of life.” Men are bom again through the instrumentality of the Holy Spirit, receiving at regeneration both the gift of life and position in the family of God (John 3:5, 6). He is also referred to, in Hebrews 10:29, as the “ Spirit of grace.” It is the Spirit which con­ fers the grace of God to the human heart, and to resist the Spirit is to cut off all hope of salvation (see also Zech. 12:10). Several names of the Spirit appar­ ently relate Him to God the Father. These would no doubt include “the


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The King's Business/September 1957


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