King's Business - 1957-09

book reviews

The Rise of the Cults By Walter R. Martin

The author is becoming known as an authority on the modem cults. This volume seeks to present brief but up-to-date surveys of the teachings and practices of the Jehovah’s Wit­ nesses, Theosophy, Mormonism, Chris­ tian Science, Unity and Father Di- vinism. 120 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. iVot Alone By Eunice V. Pike For 20 years a translator of the Mazatec language under the Wycliffe Bible Translators in Central America, the author tells in a charming man­ ner the day-to-day problems which face her kind. She has written reading primers for the Indians who use the Mazatec, and for a number of years she has been sharing in the transla­ tion of the New Testament into that language. Here is a different sort of missionary book. 127 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.25. Apart W ith Him By Harry R. Smith A vice-president of the Bank of America tells the story of Mount Hermon Bible Conference from its inception in 1906 to the present day. Valuable biographical sketches of the early leaders of the movement, such as Hugh Gilchrist, Henry Sanbome and Thornton A. Mills, together with pictures of these men of God, preserve records which might otherwise soon perish. Historical tables of the presi­ dents and trustees are included in the appendixes. 137 pages; cloth; Western Book and Tract Co., Oakland, Calif.; $3.00. Arnold’ s Commentary 1 9 5 7 Another good commentary on the International Sunday School Lessons Uniform Series for 1957 is at hand. Here are ample explanatory notes, a clear, comprehensive discussion of each lesson, illustrations and side­ lights, special articles on each lesson, teaching plans for all departments, questions, extended editorials and a Bible dictionary. 286 pages; cloth; Light and Life Press, Winona Lake, Ind.; $2.25. Heavenly Sunshine Compiled by Mrs. Chas. E. Fuller Listeners to the Old Fashioned Re­ vival Hour have heard Sunday by Sunday many letters written to Dr. Charles E. Fuller. Several dozen of these letters are published here — a real commentary upon the effective­ ness of the program through the years. 156 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $2.00.

Ail recommended books may be obtained by mail from the Biola Book Room, Moil Order Dept., 560 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D. Prof, of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

M ore Pow er to the Preacher By David M. Dawson Jr. An active pastor gives practical advice to pastors along many lines. The chapters on the minister’s ethics and devotional life are especially good. The book was a prizewinner in Zon- dervan’s Christian Textbook Contest. 153 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $ 2 . 00 . You Have a Talent . . . D o n ’ t Burg It By Faith Coxe Bailey Young people who are considering their future will find information on many types of trades and professions, both in secular and Christian service. Suggestions as to aptitude tests, aca­ demic and practical preparation and possibilities within the professions will be helpful. 128 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago, 111.; $2.50; paper, $1.00.

Climbing the Heights By Al Bryant

Many spiritual leaders, of our own and former generations, have contrib­ uted the daily devotions here set up for an entire year. Each begins with a Scripture passage and most close with a poem or hymn. 382 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. Life and Love A Christian View of Sex By Clyde M. Narramore A consultant in research and guid­ ance in the office of the Los Angeles County Superintendent of Schools wrote this book out of years of coun­ seling young people. His Christian background and faith insure the wholesomeness of the discussions of the many aspects of sex problems for Christians. 186 pages; cloth; Zonder­ van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50.

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