King's Business - 1957-09

BOOK REVIEWS continued


B R A I L L E BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, TRACTS Evangelistic — Devotional FREE to the Blind (as the Lord provides) "That those who see not may see" Write: CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP FOR THE BLIND INTERNATIONAL, INC. H ARR Y R IMM ER ’ S ROOKS all obtainable at Berne Witness Co. Berne, Indiana SEND FOR BOOK LIST 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif. TAPE RECORDER FREE Write for information how to get a nationally known tape recorder free. Also circular about Tel-n-See, the mar­ velous new invention for showing color films with sound on tape, costing less than 1/10 of movies. C. O. BAPTISTA FILMS WHEATON, ILL.

London. These sermons see the Lord discoursing on the questions, “Who are the saved?” and “"What are the marks and evidences of a work of grace in the soul?” Spurgeon’s preach­ ing is always helpful, even to those who cannot always follow him. 153 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. They M e t at Calvary By W. E. Songster Lively devotional thoughts and ex­ pository studies of the personalities associated with the cross—the teach­ ers who hated Him, the priests who bought Him, the crowd who cried, “Crucify Him,” and others—make up the contents of this volume. Sangster is general secretary of the Home Mis­ sion Department of the Methodist Church in Great Britain and the au­ thor of a dozen books. He brings to bear the personal relationship of all of us in the crucifixion. I l l pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, Nashville, Term.; $2.00. immortality By Loraine Boettner Known as a writer of care on theo­ logical subjects, the author here takes up the matter of life after death. The material is divided into three parts: physical death, immortality and the intermediate state. 159 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. Achleviny the impossible — u-ith God By Lorene Moothart The name of Dr. R. A. Forrest is almost synonymous with the Toccoa Falls Institute at Toccoa Falls, Ga. His life story, written by the director of the speech department at the insti­ tute, is at the same time the history of that school begun in 1911. This work is a definite addition to the literature of the evangelical Christian school movement of our century. 224 pages; cloth; Toccoa Falls Institute, Toccoa Falls, Ga.; no price indicated. This is a work on sex in the history of Christianity from a research point of view. It probably will be neither interesting nor useful to parents, young people or the average adult. The author’s solutions are not always acceptable to the evangelical Chris­ tian of today but much valuable material can be found in these pages. 329 pages; cloth; Oxford University j Press, New York, N.Y.; $4.00. END. | Sex In Christianity and Psychoanalysis By William Graham Cole

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