King's Business - 1957-09

s e r i c i t o d a y fo r * y o u r *

If you have a letter to be delivered to a distant place, you go to the post office, buy a stamp and stick it on the envelope. The stamp goes with the let­ ter to the address given on the en­ velope. If the one to whom the letter is addressed has moved, the stamp sees that the letter is carried on to the new address. Last summer while I was on my vacation some of these letters were forwarded from place to place until they reached me. Did you ever stop to realize that stamps are like Christians? Obedient Christians are like stamps in that they carry God’s message wherever He may send them. When I look at a faithful stamp, I am reminded of the little maid who was carried away captive from her native land by Naaman, captain of the Syrian army. He was a great man but he was a leper. The little maid worked for Naaman’s wife and one day she said, “ . . . Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover him of his leprosy” (2 Kings 5:3). She was only a little girl but she deliv­ ered God’s message and because of it Naaman, the leper, was healed. Here is a stamp that I cannot trust to deliver a letter because it will not stick to the envelope. It soon gets tired of its job and falls off. I am sorry that there are some Christians like this stamp. They soon tire of car­ rying God’s message to those in need.

folds to give the “W” weight. Near the bottom of the cardboard, fasten the “W” by sticking a pin through the center point and through the cardboard. This will allow it to swing when the cardboard is turned.) LESSON: The little word “now” which you see here is in reality not small

N 0



W N — it has been and can be a very im­ portant word. An example of how im­ portant it can be is found in 2 Kings 7. The city of Samaria had been sur­ rounded by the Syrians, causing a famine. Outside the city were four lepers. They too were hungry. They decided that something must be done or they would starve. We read, “They said one to another, Why sit we here until we die? If we say, We will enter into the city . . . we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syri­ ans: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die” (2 Kings 7:3, 4). They decided that they must do something “now” to keep from starv­ ing to death. This little card has the word “now” on it to remind us that the lepers decided to do something immediately. We are told of a wonderful discov­ ery which they made. The Lord had caused the Syrians to hear noises which they mistook for the approach of other nations to help God’s people, so they ran away and left their tents in which there was food. The lepers found the food. They ate and began to hide what they had found. Then they remembered the starving peo­ ple in the city. And they said to one another, “ . . . We do not well: this day is a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace” (2 Kings 7:9). They went and told the people of the city and the famine was ended. We shall turn this cardboard over and see what happens. Instead of the word “now” we have the word “won.” (The “W” swings.) Because the lepers acted “now” a victory was “won” for the people of Samaria and the hungry people had food. END.

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God is looking for boys, girls, men and women who like these faithful stamps will carry His message to those in need wherever they may be found. September 29, 1957 A W o rd f o r W in n e r s OBJECT: Cut the letters “N,” “ 0 ” and “W” from white paper. (They should be three inches high. Paste the “N” near the top of a piece of cardboard and the “O” near the middle. Make the “W ” from folded paper with the fold at the bottom. Paste the two sides together. Cut a small nail in two and put a piece in each of the


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The King's Business/September 1957


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