King's Business - 1957-09

Under the Parsonage Roof by Althea S. Miller BUT GOD M ommie, p l ea s e un b u t t o n my blouse.” “Uh huh,” Mommie answered just to quiet the insistent voice. “Now let’s see. Zechariah was associated with Haggai in stimulating the people just returned from captivity to . . .” “ M omm i e , please take off my blouse. You said I’m to take a bath.” Mother’s attention was brought back forcibly from Zechariah and his work to Ardyth and Mother’s work. “Ardyth baby, what do you want? Every time I become engrossed in these Sunday school lessons I’m try­ ing to write on the minor prophets some youngster interrupts me.” “Please take off my blouse so I can get into the tub.” “Honey, is Mommie the only one who can unfasten your blouse? Isn’t there one other soul in this house who can help?” Big brown eyes looked pleadingly at Mother and the precious five year old replied, “Nobody but God could help me and I couldn’t get near Him.” A delighted, albeit startled mother caught up the little girl in her arms and gave her a bear hug. Unfastening the blouse Mother said to her little daughter, “God is always near us, darling. But things like taking off blouses are jobs He has us do. God never does anything for His children which they can do for themselves. Mommie is glad you came to her for help which she could give you. And the Lord wants you to ask of Him and go to Him whenever there are matters which only He can do for you. He wants us to go to Him with the same confidence and insistence that you came to me with. Give me a hug, sweetie, and go jump in the tub.” With vividness borne of recent sorrow Mother’s heart knew the real­ ity of “nobody but God could help . . . .” The great difference between her problem and Ardyth’s was that God was, and still is, very available when the waves of sorrow would en­ gulf her spirit. Nobody, not even the closest friend or precious husband, could understand the shattered heart of the mother who stood helplessly by the bed of her dying son, dying a thousand deaths herself as she wit­ nessed his sufferings. But God! How this poor mother’s heart praises Him for that comfort, “ . . . for the same Lord over all is rich unto all who call upon him” (Rom. 10:12).


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