King's Business - 1957-09


E xtra cop ies o f special A u gu st issue



A lready several thousand extra copies o f the special August Christianity issue have been ordered and mailed out. This special issue is lim ited but w e can still guarantee delivery i f y ou r order is postmarked w ith in a week. From the attractive green cover right through to the last page this special issue has been designed to help y ou witness to the reality o f salvation through Jesus Christ. The on ly reason most o f us don ’ t witness more o ften is that we just don ’ t know h ow to g o about it. W h y n o t order a bundle o f these special copies and have them on hand to give ou t when y ou buy gas o r go to the beauty shop or to the department store? It’s so easy after y o u ’ve made you r purchase to say something like this: "H e r e ’s a Christian magazine I’ve enjoyed reading. Per­ haps y o u ’ll en joy it too when y ou find a little time.” Tha t’s all. A n d said w ith a genuine smile the magazine w ill seldom, i f ever, be turned down . W e ’ve tried this simple m ethod fo r several years and we have never foun d a person w h o didn ’ t gladly receive a copy . W e suggest y ou order a bundle fo r local use (recall there’s no date on the cover or at the bo ttom o f the pages so it is good as a book let fo r years to com e ) and then order individual copies to be mailed ou t by us to y ou r friends and loved ones in more distant places. Use the cou p on below and plain paper fo r addi­ tional copies. Just 25c each or 5 fo r $1 postpaid. (T h a t figures ou t at $10 fo r a bundle o f 50 or $5 fo r a bundle o f 25.)


Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland President

Dr. Louis T. Talbot Chancellor

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. fui I BIOLA JUBILEE BIBLE LANDS MISSIONARY TOUR March 1958 (In cooperation with Wheaton College Bible Lands Cruises) 4 A n examination o f the actual scenes o f Biblical events 4 A study o f archaeological dis­ coveries wh ich illuminate the Bible 4 A first-hand c o n t a c t w ith missionaries at w ork

Christian ity Issue — O rd er Blank 25 c each ; 5 fo r $ 1


Please Print

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Tour directors

Name— Address City____

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Name- Address--------- — -------------- City____________________________________

Dr. Oran H. Smith. Director of Missions, Bible Institute of Los Angeles Inc.

Dr. Joseph P. Free, Professor of Archaeology, Wheaton College

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Name____________ ------------------------------------ Address___ — -------------------------------- —------------------------------- City__________________________________ , .

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FOR FULL INFORMATION WRITE Dr. Oran H. Smith 558 South Hope Street

Name------ — ----------------------— — ---------------------------------------------------------- Address— .— ------------------------ —-—— --------------- -------------------------------------------- City______ _______________________ Zone_ State___________________________ The King's Business 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. The King's Business/September 1957

Los Angeles 17, California


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