King's Business - 1957-09

“When I was first asked to take a Sunday School class I stammered out every excuse in the books—but honestly the fear that plagued me the most was my own lack of teaching ‘ know-how. ’ “ I had visions of hectic Saturday night preparations, hours of frantic ‘do-it-myself ’ research—but my first glance through my All-Bible Graded quarterly silenced a multitude of doubts. Everything was there . . . the right educational approach . . . lessons slanted toward interests, problems and thinking of the needs of my pupils . . . background and research material to spare . . . suggestions for variation and tied-in activities . . . and through it all a sound and sure tone of God’s powerful living Word. “To say Scripture Press lessons have taught me Bible truths along with my class is putting it mildly. They’ve changed me into an enthusiastic Sunday School teacher—and made teaching an exciting and satisfying adventure in Christian service.”

"Scripture Press lessons took away all my excuses for not teaching in Sunday School.. they help the teacher”

INEZ PATTERSON (MRS. H. LEROY) Park Ridge, Illinois H ousew ife

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SCRIPTURE PRESS 1825 College Avenue * Wheaton, Illinois

Dept. KBA-97




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